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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^They sure did! I rode it a bunch when I was a kid! You rode in what was basically a twin bicycle seat with handles and a floor. It was a little on the rough side. The car would rock side to side going through the turns. Not very comfortable for the crotch!

I'm guessing the park took it out because of its awful capacity and quirky ride system. The line moved painfully slow. The Surf Dog ride now sits in its place.


After a quick research trip on Youtube, I found this clip. Skip to 25 seconds in, and you'll see the coaster.

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^I assumed that the Scooby-Doo Roller Ghoster suspended kiddie coaster was a "kids only" kiddie coaster if. From looks of it in the video, it didn't look like any adults were riding it.

I think the video showed it cycling empty cars actually. The way the seating was arranged, one kid could ride up front, and an adult (or larger/older kid) could ride in the back.

Edited by SFOGdude25
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I assumed that the Scooby-Doo Roller Ghoster suspended kiddie coaster was a "kids only" kiddie coaster if. from the video it didn't look like any adults were riding it.

No, adults could ride it too. I got stuck riding it by myself the year it opened because of the odd number in the group I was with. I felt like a total dork lol the line was two hours long too.

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How busy is King's Island usually on Sundays? I'm planning a trip for HoliWood Nights and want to hit King's Island and Cedar Point as well and I'm trying to plan out dates. I'm thinking of going May 31. I could go the Wednesday or Thursday before instead, but it would mean some backtracking so I'd rather not do that unless Sunday would be painfully busy. I've been to King's Island once, but it was in 2002 or something. Any tips?

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Thanks! I'm surprised FoF is still that popular. What about Banshee? Is there a time of day that's better?


Banshee continues to baffle me. On opening day last year, the line was over 8 hours long, but otherwise I've never waited more than 30 minutes for it. Usually it's a walk-on, 15 minutes at most. The thing's a capacity monster.

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Banshee continues to baffle me. On opening day last year, the line was over 8 hours long, but otherwise I've never waited more than 30 minutes for it. Usually it's a walk-on, 15 minutes at most. The thing's a capacity monster.


The line was never at any point 8 hours. 4 at the most, but that was due to some down time.

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Thanks! I'm surprised FoF is still that popular. What about Banshee? Is there a time of day that's better?


Banshee continues to baffle me. On opening day last year, the line was over 8 hours long, but otherwise I've never waited more than 30 minutes for it. Usually it's a walk-on, 15 minutes at most. The thing's a capacity monster.

I don't think there was ever a time when over 12,000 people were queuing for Banshee. Just a hunch.

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Does Dropzone still play Right Now by Van Halen when you start to go up? JW casue i know Cedar Fair got rid of everything Paramount but idk if they kept that. I barely ride Dropzone so idk bout it



That music on Drop was not added until the 2011 season when one of the ride managers added music to several rides including Delirium and Invertigo. During the Paramount years the Que house played the soundtrack from the film Drop Zone. I am unsure if Drop still plays Right Now since I left employment there in 2012.

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