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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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  thrillrider said:
Not sure why this is surprising...


I'm not an expert, but from all accounts I heard that it was just an overheating lim. There was no actual fire, just smoke.


But the rules state that where there's smoke, there's fire. You can't just go breaking the rules like that. Anarchy will ensue.

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  rcjp said:
  DJeXeL said:
Yep, definitely a LIM. I've seen one go up in smoke before. Not pretty.

I don't know about premier's but those things seem to get really hot. I noticed how on possessed at dorney they had dozens of fans pointed at the LIMs and you could really feel the hot air coming out of them.


Cooling LIMs/LSMs is important. California Screamin' has water jets cooling the LIMs @ the launch that provide the majority of the acceleration. The remainder of the LIMs get air cooled either by blower fan or compressed air which by default is cold.

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I must of missed the memo but when I went to ki today the sign out front had FoF listed as closed for the day. It was a rough opening today because D back was down until 11. Surf Dog and Woodstock were down for mechanical at opening. The mechanics were busy this morning.

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I don't know why it would be surprising if it was open either? I mean, it's a motor. I'm sure a smart place like KI has a couple spare motors laying around that they could easily switch out for the bad one? They would be really stupid not too. They have extra parts and wheels for all the coasters don't they? That would be like have to have The Beast closed for a month while waiting on a new brake set to come in, I'm sure they have an abundance of spare parts. Yeah, a motor burnt up and started smoking, so you wait til it cools down, clear the smoke, change the motor and do some test runs. Doesn't seem like rocket science.

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My sister and bro-in-law are in Cincinatti for business and had a free day so on a whim stopped at Kings Island this morning. Bro-in-law has been sending me messages and pics all morning so far. They've already done Banshee and loved it and are off to do Diamondback and Beast and whatever else. Needless to say I'm beyond jealous as I sit at the office juggling phones and shuffling paperwork. :/

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  boldikus said:
My sister and bro-in-law are in Cincinatti for business and had a free day so on a whim stopped at Kings Island this morning. Bro-in-law has been sending me messages and pics all morning so far. They've already done Banshee and loved it and are off to do Diamondback and Beast and whatever else. Needless to say I'm beyond jealous as I sit at the office juggling phones and shuffling paperwork. :/


Ah screw it. Just quit your job! There's this thing called welfare where you don't have to work and you receive all kinds of money. You even get this card that looks like a check card, where you can go to the grocery store and get 2 or 3 carts full of food for free! Meanwhile, if you play your cards right, you can get a free cell phone, probably better than the one I saved months for. And, I almost forgot, you can signup to get your utility bills paid for you as well.


This should provide plenty of money for a ticket, parking, and even flash pass!!!


What are you thinking with the job stuff?!!! lol

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  FaithPlus1 said:
  boldikus said:
My sister and bro-in-law are in Cincinatti for business and had a free day so on a whim stopped at Kings Island this morning. Bro-in-law has been sending me messages and pics all morning so far. They've already done Banshee and loved it and are off to do Diamondback and Beast and whatever else. Needless to say I'm beyond jealous as I sit at the office juggling phones and shuffling paperwork. :/


Ah screw it. Just quit your job! There's this thing called welfare where you don't have to work and you receive all kinds of money. You even get this card that looks like a check card, where you can go to the grocery store and get 2 or 3 carts full of food for free! Meanwhile, if you play your cards right, you can get a free cell phone, probably better than the one I saved months for. And, I almost forgot, you can signup to get your utility bills paid for you as well.


This should provide plenty of money for a ticket, parking, and even flash pass!!!


What are you thinking with the job stuff?!!! lol

This post made my day and supports my argument about how messed up welfare is. But I'm going to dodge a bullet and not start a political debate on this forum and just leave it as it is.

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I just came back from a trip which included visiting Kings Island on a Wednesday ( June 4 ). On that day, Cincinnati was hit with a double whammy of a T-storm. After the T-storm passed at sometime after three, I decided to head over to the park. I had my CEDAR FAIR PLATINUM PASS on me, so regardless of the day I wouldn't lose any $$$. I arrived at the park at 3:30 p.m. and headed to the BANSHEE.


While waiting in line, a rainstorm poured through and the ride was down for an hour. But once the ride was up and running, I got on and rode it. THAT RIDE IS A SCREAM!!! I also got to ride some other coasters with hardly no lines - just walk up and ride. Both BANSHEE and The BEAST I rode twice.


The only complaint I had about this day's visit was that there were some flat rides that were down. I did get to ride Scrambler, but Monster, Windseeker, and Shake, Rattle and Roll were closed. At least the coasters and the Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown were running and what I wanted to ride in the first place ( Windseeker and Shake, Rattle, and Roll I can ride at Kings Dominion, but I have to wait until Cedar Point to ride Monster ).

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  palmerleeberry said:
( Windseeker and Shake, Rattle, and Roll I can ride at Kings Dominion, but I have to wait until Cedar Point to ride Monster ).



In my many years on this site, this may be the first time I've heard someone complain about Monster being down! I know it's not meant seriously, but just caught my attention.

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Coasting for Kids was a Blast!! Had many rides on the Racer in the rain and drizzle. Met a few cool ACERs from Chicago. (Don't hate!) I ate lunch quickly and got 4 rides by myself with no one on the train (First time ever!) The station had a party atmosphere. We sang songs, clapped and had a good ole time! Thanks TPR and KI! It was the most fun i've had riding coasters ever. And KI raised over 20K total!! 7k more than last year. win.

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  coastercoaster5 said:


Has anyone seen this????



99.9% chance he's just trolling to get attention. These types of videos annoy me not only because he looks stupid, but the uninformed are somewhat likely to believe him. Also an obvious SFGam fanboy and very confused B&M hater

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