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Adventuredome Discussion Thread

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It's nice seeing a park making the effort to add all the smaller details like painting the floor and the rides footers. It's something most won't notice but you don't notice it because it's right and to me that is a good thing.


It seems that the Adventuredome really take pride in the rides and attractions they have in there.

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  Jew said:
^Well, besides the Steakhouse---they're the only other reason to visit Circus Circus.


I really need to give that steakhouse a try. Everyone has told me how it's a hidden gem and absolutely incredible. I'm not sure if I should believe the hype and go or if I'm just a pawn in a huge practical joke and setting myself up for severe disappointment.

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  KBrylczyk said:
  Jew said:
^Well, besides the Steakhouse---they're the only other reason to visit Circus Circus.


I really need to give that steakhouse a try. Everyone has told me how it's a hidden gem and absolutely incredible. I'm not sure if I should believe the hype and go or if I'm just a pawn in a huge practical joke and setting myself up for severe disappointment.


believe the Hype -- it's amazing.


was the highlight of our stay (and the property book you get for staying on site, includes a coupon for a free bottle of wine with dinner)

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I like how creative Adventuredome is in naming its rides, i.e. after the ride model/model line.

Circus Carousel: Chance Morgan Carousel

Inverter: Chance Morgan Inverter

Chaos: Chance Morgan Chaos

Frog Hopper: S&S Frog Hopper

Disk'O: Zamperla Disk'O

El Loco: S&S El Loco


Perhaps they should have named Canyon Blaster, Custom Looping Coaster or gone all RCT3, Corkscrew Coaster 01

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
^I'm pretty sure they taught Chinese parks about naming rides.


It reminds me of Chimelong's ride names:


Half Pipe Coaster

10 Inversion Coaster

Dive Coaster

Motobike Launch Coaster

Young Star Coaster

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^^ Thanks for the link, for those of us who don't do Facebook.


Looks great, just before that first drop. I know some of

the original layout, but the custom part is going to be cool to see.

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  Voxelmatic said:
Just found this video of El Loco testing. It's not the best quality, but it shows a decent amount of the ride.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnQ0oHB3U_U

Cool! Hopefully it won't be too long now before we have an opening date!

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We have announced our winners for the First Riders Contest for El Loco! Congratulations to the following winners: Karls Kards, Mark L. Olson, Roxann Thornton, Terri Levrich, Brandon Scott Grayson, Caryn Minkowsky, Christopher McKenna and Donovan Johnson! Stay tuned for more chances to win a ride on El Loco! #ElLocoIsComing #NoChickensAllowed


I was one of the people chosen for the first ride! Expect a full PTR!

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