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The Official "TPR Europe Trip 2008" Thread!

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Okay, so I've been a member here for a little while now, and have just never realized in all of the TPR trip reports that I have something in common with Elissa. I think it is only right to let you all know that ELISSA IS NOT THE ONLY ONE!

I, too, have my noodles, spaghetti, whatever, with absolutely nothing on them... Well, maybe a little bit of salt if I'm in the mood.

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Great looking park, fun looking trip. My wife and I should come on one of your trips one day. Lets see what you got planned for 2009.


P.S. My wife cant have tomatoe products, from teh u.s. anyways. Neither potatoes, or any nightshade. So dont feel bad, she would not have the sauce either.

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  OldJJman said:
  Jew said:
I just wanted to say that I hate you all for getting the Walibi Belgium kiddie credit. Especially Elissa.


FYI - We got that credit in 2002!


I didn't realize you could remember back that far with alzheimers...

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  FLIPDUDE said:

I've never been on a Gerstlauer, how's Typhoon? It looks great.

Well, the coaster kinda sucks. (I've heard the other coasters of this type are way better). But that's the opinion of most people here in Belgium too. They had the choice between this and a Vekoma Flying.


Also it isn't a decent replacement for the great coaster, who stood once there: http://www.rcdb.com/m/nl/ig916.htm

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  coasterartist said:
Great looking park, fun looking trip. My wife and I should come on one of your trips one day. Lets see what you got planned for 2009.


P.S. My wife cant have tomatoe products, from teh u.s. anyways. Neither potatoes, or any nightshade. So dont feel bad, she would not have the sauce either.

I could be wrong but isnt nightshade poison anyways but yes this is an awesome trip report, I love reading so that I can get caught up on all my useless theme park knowledge.

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  borisdag said:
Where's the video?

I have been up until 3 or 4 am every day doing trip stuff and photos. Please be happy with the TRs as they are now. If I did video also I seriously would not have time to sleep.

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  robbalvey said:
  borisdag said:
Where's the video?

I have been up until 3 or 4 am every day doing trip stuff and photos. Please be happy with the TRs as they are now. If I did video also I seriously would not have time to sleep.


I tried looking for the video of the poem from last years Euro trip to link to, so borisdag could view it. I think it would be appropriate under the circumstances. I couldn't find it. Does any mod know if it has been removed?


Hope you all are having a great time.

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  robbalvey said:
  borisdag said:
Where's the video?

I have been up until 3 or 4 am every day doing trip stuff and photos. Please be happy with the TRs as they are now. If I did video also I seriously would not have time to sleep.


No problem with me Rob. I love all the photos. You guys sure know how to have fun!!! I wish more people around my area were like you guys. Anyway...I love the update and can't wait for more. Take your time Rob your a busy man.

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  Guy T. Koepp said:
  robbalvey said:
  borisdag said:
Where's the video?

I have been up until 3 or 4 am every day doing trip stuff and photos. Please be happy with the TRs as they are now. If I did video also I seriously would not have time to sleep.


I tried looking for the video of the poem from last years Euro trip to link to, so borisdag could view it. I think it would be appropriate under the circumstances. I couldn't find it. Does any mod know if it has been removed?


Hope you all are having a great time.



Its on this page but I don't know how to upload it from the site....


So to all the whiners who may have missed this video, check it out....its from Morgan and its named "the poem"


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borisdag wrote:

Where's the video?


I have been up until 3 or 4 am every day doing trip stuff and photos. Please be happy with the TRs as they are now. If I did video also I seriously would not have time to sleep.

We're very lucky this year. Both Robb and Big Mike are updating vs just Robb. To get anything at all is a treat to be appreciated, not a requirement to be expected.

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That poem was amazing.


I haven't ever followed an update thread from the start like I did with this one (Europe TR has popped my cherry!) but I had read through some comments so the poem still spoke to me!


Keep up the good work Robb but make sure you have fun first then update later, unless you run out of time then just have fun and don't update!

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^^^^^^^^ Want Europe videos? Grab a Coaster Expedition DVD


Hi Robb -- glad you're all having a good time. Please let me know via PM about whether those other two trips have vacancies and the final costs for them - the people in the China forum are a little concerned about getting that information for their visas too...


Stay safe!

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  sfne2005 said:
  Guy T. Koepp said:
  robbalvey said:
  borisdag said:
Where's the video?

I have been up until 3 or 4 am every day doing trip stuff and photos. Please be happy with the TRs as they are now. If I did video also I seriously would not have time to sleep.


I tried looking for the video of the poem from last years Euro trip to link to, so borisdag could view it. I think it would be appropriate under the circumstances. I couldn't find it. Does any mod know if it has been removed?


Hope you all are having a great time.



Its on this page but I don't know how to upload it from the site....


So to all the whiners who may have missed this video, check it out....its from Morgan and its named "the poem"



Hey everyone. I was starting to think about my poem again, too. Thanks for posting the link! You can also find it at youtube, if anyone wants a different version


Looks like everyone is having a good time again, and I'm so sorry that I couldn't come out to play. Maybe next year.


And here's a shout out to all the Panthers! I loved seeing ya'll FEATURED in so many pics. Have fun and represent for all.

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