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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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  Wild 1 said:
Went to the park again today and noticed that the middle two rows on on most coasters were blocked off and being used for fast track users.

Honestly this isn't a bad idea because it stops people from taking your spot if you are waiting since you can't wait for those spots now. Ride ops were pretty good at letting people in the regular line into those rows if no fast track users were waiting. It seems like a really good compromise.


Also it seems that that Lightning is always winning on Lightning Racer, I didn't see Thunder win once the past 2 days I've been at the park. Skyrush was also testing today and it looks great.


Hasn't Lightning historically always won?

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  alpengeistfan1 said:
  Wild 1 said:
Went to the park again today and noticed that the middle two rows on on most coasters were blocked off and being used for fast track users.

Honestly this isn't a bad idea because it stops people from taking your spot if you are waiting since you can't wait for those spots now. Ride ops were pretty good at letting people in the regular line into those rows if no fast track users were waiting. It seems like a really good compromise.


Also it seems that that Lightning is always winning on Lightning Racer, I didn't see Thunder win once the past 2 days I've been at the park. Skyrush was also testing today and it looks great.


Hasn't Lightning historically always won?


Not as much as people seem to claim it does. Thunder has good days too.

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Holy freaking...


I'm sure it will make the ride awesome and produce more airtime blah blah blah and make the turns more intense blah blah blah, but going up the lift that fast would be incredibly startling for me. Plus, I can't sit back and enjoy the scenery! At least on Fahrenheit I can turn my head to the side and see the world sideways for a decent length of time!

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Intimidator 305's lifthill is a thrill of its own (a great way to start the ride) and I'm glad Skyrush's looks just as good!


Anyways, the ride is flying through its awesome layout... which I absolutely love. This is easily my most anticipated coaster to ride out of any ride in the world. Hopefully, I'll ride it either this season or next.

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^26 ft/sec is roughly 17.2 mph, or one of the fastest lifts that I know of, if not the fastest. Especially with those velocities, you would need a crazy powerful motor to run it at over 100% power, so I'm placing my bet on that being the real speed.


Well, it's 4:00 AM here in New York State. There goes my ability to sleep for the next few days.

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New video is amazing. It flies through the entire course and doesn't lose speed like it did before. The zero G transition and last airtime hill looks much better in particular.The ride is about 35 seconds as opposed to 40 seconds now but the much better pacing will make up for it. There is going to be ejector on all 3 airtime hills judging from the video.

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The more I see this coaster, the more I am in love with it. Does anyone have an idea of the price tag for it ? Because it seems both EXTREME as well as compact and I'm now daydreaming of a copy of it (ok, slightly modified since it was built according to the park's configuration) at parks closer to home ! I am sure a park like Walibi Belgium could fit this in easily if they had the cash. This is THE thing to acquire to put them on the map. If only this could become a "cloneable" ridese we get one in europe...

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  Dragon Khan said:
The more I see this coaster, the more I am in love with it. Does anyone have an idea of the price tag for it ? Because it seems both EXTREME as well as compact and I'm now daydreaming of a copy of it (ok, slightly modified since it was built according to the park's configuration) at parks closer to home ! I am sure a park like Walibi Belgium could fit this in easily if they had the cash. This is THE thing to acquire to put them on the map. If only this could become a "cloneable" ridese we get one in europe...


The final price tag was estimated at about 25 million. We had a whole argument somewhere back in this thread and it was decided that filling in the creek for construction was a huge chunk of that. No one (except Hershey and Intamin) knows how much just the "ride" cost.

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^Thx for the info. I assume it's a USD price, so that's approximately €19 M. I guess building a similar layout with fewer terrain constraints would also lower the price tag. Well, it's still rather pricey for my home park. I guess I'll have to dream on Too bad as this coaster really seems to be a perfect combination of air, twistiness and capacity... I'm a bit bored I have to drive 3,5 hours to ride Dutch Goliath or almost 5 hours to ride EGF, the coasters that look the closest in experience to this one.

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  Skycoastin Steve said:
Ride looks awesome, but is the music necessary?


I was ready to lock in my vote for Patty Smyth & Scandal (from the 80's smash: 'The Warrior') teaming up with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra until I saw...'Nightwish'?

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Does anyone have any idea of what the park is going to do on Skyrush's opening day? I was planning on going down for it's opening day, but have no idea if the 26th is the day that the ride opens to the public or if it's just a media day...anyone know anything else on the subject?

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