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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Skyrush gains energy from the lift and all the drops. It loses energy on all inclines, turns, straight-aways, and of course, brakes. So, the train is mostly losing energy throughout the entire ride.


Yes, just like any other coaster... so what?

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Are people referring to the really slow turn back into the brakes before the station? I was under the impression that there's an ending brake run, then that slow turn into the final brakes. If that's what everyone is talking about, then it's SUPPOSED to be going that slow on that corner. Otherwise, it looks fine to me.

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Are people referring to the really slow turn back into the brakes before the station? I was under the impression that there's an ending brake run, then that slow turn into the final brakes. If that's what everyone is talking about, then it's SUPPOSED to be going that slow on that corner. Otherwise, it looks fine to me.



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No, it looks like to me that people perceived the slowdown throughout the rest of the course. Well, compared to Keystone Thrill's May 7th video (the first good video we got of Skyrush) I decided to do a timing test. The time it took for the front of the train to travel between the two supports for the second hill in the Keystone Thrills video was 1.5 seconds. The time it took to go over the second hill in the most recent one was...







1.5 seconds.


Since the speed over the second hill is the same, and there are no trims or launches throughout the ride, then that means that the speed over the other hills are the same.


I think the main issue the enthusiasts here started getting worried was because of the fact of the slow acceleration of the lift hill, which frankly makes sense from an engineering standpoint and even an enthusiast's standpoint; lifts don't need to be fast accelerating, as long as the velocity is sufficient. Lifts themselves aren't of any thrill at all unless they are vertical lifts (first one for me was Fahrenheit; a LOT more fun than I expected.)


But if everyone is worrying about the turn over Comet's station, then I simply don't understand: It's obvious that the final turn would have been lower to the ground hadn't Comet been there. It's not meant to be thrilling at that point, it's only supposed to deliver the riders to the station.

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Just got back from the park with the rest of the Penn Band, so I'll give a quasi-TR, because I'm pretty tired. I also took some okay pictures, and unless someone really wants to see them I don't have the energy to post them right now.


Anyway, what I'm sure you're all wondering about: Skyrush! I literally gasped when I first saw it from a few miles away. The word that comes to mind every time I saw it was "monolith." Unless you're right in The Hollow or Rhineland, all you can see is that huge yellow arch; but you can see it throughout like half the park. It's so mysterious and lightheartedly ominous (nothing that brilliant of a yellow can be fully ominous) and I love it so much. I also saw it testing a little bit, and it's so fun to watch in person. It flies over the first two hills, and I couldn't really see the rest of the layout from where I was sitting (Rhineland Nathan's Hot Dogs), but it looked fast and thrilling the whole time. It seemed almost surreal watching this thing running in person when I've been watching it from a screen for so long. Around 2 pm there was a train stopped on the lift hill; I assumed that they were testing it stopped on various points on the lift, and then they sloooowly inched it over the crest of the lift.

Also, I could see SDL's orange train(s? I only saw one) from Great Bear's lift hill; looked pretty swell.

As for the rest of the park: Sidewinder's new restraints are really comfortable, they make the ride experience ten times better, and I wish every single boomerang in the world would get them. Also, I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but they were trying this thing I've never seen before where they would close off a line to a car or row on every coaster, and once the train was filled up, sometimes they would call out for single riders and sometimes they'd just leave the car/row empty. I don't know if they're trying a new system throughout the coasters or what, but it was really inefficient and, well, sh*tty.

Finally, it was some sort of music day for middle schools and high schools, because the park was just inundated with some of the worst-behaved kids ever. It made me feel really old being disgusted by their behavior. Makes me look forward to being actually old and curmudgeonly

Anyway, I've rambled enough, time to pass out. If you have any questions, ask me!

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No, it looks like to me that people perceived the slowdown throughout the rest of the course. Well, compared to Keystone Thrill's May 7th video (the first good video we got of Skyrush) I decided to do a timing test. The time it took for the front of the train to travel between the two supports for the second hill in the Keystone Thrills video was 1.5 seconds. The time it took to go over the second hill in the most recent one was...







1.5 seconds.


Since the speed over the second hill is the same, and there are no trims or launches throughout the ride, then that means that the speed over the other hills are the same.



Not necessarily. In the test videos since they have sped up the lift the ride finishes approximately 5 seconds sooner than the first testing videos and you can tell visually it goes faster over every element after the first hill.

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Guys, the new video is of the second train. Probably of one of it's first test runs, considering that in every other video it's been the other train running. You can tell because the nose of the train is missing. It's moving slower because it's running on new wheels.


If you want to know what it's gonna run like, here you go.



It won't run any slower than that. Stop judging a ride off it breaking in. For real.

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Are people really complaining about the pacing? The pacing is absolutely insane even in that last video. Can't wait to ride this and I-305 in the same day also, might be the best day of my life haha.


I totally agree. This looks great! I can't wait until I'm there next month. I know easily it will be in my top 10 steel.

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Guys, the new video is of the second train. Probably of one of it's first test runs, considering that in every other video it's been the other train running. You can tell because the nose of the train is missing. It's moving slower because it's running on new wheels.


It won't run any slower than that. Stop judging a ride off it breaking in. For real.


I love all of these "experts" that come out at the slightest hint of negativity.


So, this is definitely the second train, huh? Good chance it could be... But is there any chance they took the nose off the first train for decals? Do you really know when this video was taken? My point is , you're 100% speculating, just like everybody else here. For real.


Are people really complaining about the pacing? The pacing is absolutely insane even in that last video.


No, to answer your question. If you look back, nobody is "complaining". Somebody just made a comment that the train doesn't move as quickly through the end of the ride as they thought it would. That would not be a complaint, just an observation. A few people, including, myself agreed. No one said it was slow. We just said it's not as fast as we thought it would be - fully recognizing that it's still early in the game and we've only seen video.


Bottom line is, this is grainy digital video. It may look faster in real life, it may look slower. We all agree it will likely be a very fast/fun ride in person.



Skyrush gains energy from the lift and all the drops. It loses energy on all inclines, turns, straight-aways, and of course, brakes. So, the train is mostly losing energy throughout the entire ride.


Yes, just like any other coaster... so what?


It's always a good way to build a strong foundation for an argument by taking one line - of a more complete thought - out of context. Good job.

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Not pretending to be an expert, just stating the very clearly obvious. You really can't argue this, honestly - watch the video I posted from the original full-speed tests. It's going faster at the end than the video Hershey posted yesterday. Now, you can try to come up with as many answers as to why everyone seems to see a slower train yesterday than a week ago, but I can give you the only one that makes sense: it's the second train. And that is backed up by the fact that the train is missing its nose. No expert analysis needed.


Granted I hardly even see what anyone is talking about and part of it is also just the different angles of the new video.

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Any faster and you're looking at exponentially increasing maintenance costs.


No, maintenance costs are probably as high already, much more the possibility of blackouts are what stopped them from making it more insane. I actually don't think it would be comfortable having it run any faster.

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Guys, the new video is of the second train. Probably of one of it's first test runs, considering that in every other video it's been the other train running. You can tell because the nose of the train is missing. It's moving slower because it's running on new wheels.


It won't run any slower than that. Stop judging a ride off it breaking in. For real.


I love all of these "experts" that come out at the slightest hint of negativity.


So, this is definitely the second train, huh? Good chance it could be... But is there any chance they took the nose off the first train for decals? Do you really know when this video was taken? My point is , you're 100% speculating, just like everybody else here. For real.


Are people really complaining about the pacing? The pacing is absolutely insane even in that last video.


No, to answer your question. If you look back, nobody is "complaining". Somebody just made a comment that the train doesn't move as quickly through the end of the ride as they thought it would. That would not be a complaint, just an observation. A few people, including, myself agreed. No one said it was slow. We just said it's not as fast as we thought it would be - fully recognizing that it's still early in the game and we've only seen video.


Bottom line is, this is grainy digital video. It may look faster in real life, it may look slower. We all agree it will likely be a very fast/fun ride in person.



Skyrush gains energy from the lift and all the drops. It loses energy on all inclines, turns, straight-aways, and of course, brakes. So, the train is mostly losing energy throughout the entire ride.


Yes, just like any other coaster... so what?


It's always a good way to build a strong foundation for an argument by taking one line - of a more complete thought - out of context. Good job.


And you NEVER have done that... ever? Good job! Because if you had then you would be considered a hypocrite. And just so you wouldn't be bothered again I had to quote your entire post, wasting page space, just to address your last comment at the bootom, so you should be very pleased now because nothing was left out.

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Train wreck once again! Keep up the personal attacks, guys, you're doing great!


So, if anyone's interested, I am totally locked in for a trip down to Hersheypark on the 26th for the opening to wait it out. If anyone else is there you can play Spot the Ginger! Isn't that great?!?

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Storm Runner, but they're both great rides! If Storm Runner was just a bit longer, I would definitely consider it for my top 3 (Small coaster count though: Florida Disney Parks, SFGAdv, SFNE (when i was afraid of heights so no Superman -__-) and Hersheypark). The vertical lift is awesome, but I have only ridden at night, so I have no idea whether the sun changes that fact...

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Here is a nifty find. Hersheypark used to have a train ride called the Miniature Train that ran from the area near present-day Founder's Circle, past the current park entrance, across the bridge and up the hill on the path along Park Blvd (where many of the Skyrush photos were taken). The train was removed in 1972 when the park was remodeled. I personally thought it was scrapped since parts were had to come by, but it turns out that in 2007, work was started on restoring the train and it now has the main engine and one passenger car restored!

Here's a link to the page about it:





Here are some from Ron Mann from the HP History Group on Facebook:




EDIT: By the way, I have another Skyrush video coming soon as well as some close-up shots of the trains from the midway under it's brake-run.

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