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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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The gaping hole in the parking lot on the map is where the Stadium and Star Pavilion are; including them in would be A) irrelevant because they're not actually a part of the park and B) bad because the sheer size of the structures would obstruct the view of other attractions on the map, such as Fahrenheit.


That being said, the parking lot and subsequently the park are scaled correctly. While the map isn't up to "our standards" of realism and usability, it does provide an extremely accurate representation of the layout of the pathways in the park, which is what it's supposed to do. A nice thing to note (for R.D. I'm sure) are the notices of steep inclines.


I suppose that if you turn the park on the map about 35 degrees clockwise, you could put information over top of the parking lot, but it would be crammed in there and hard to read. I like what they have now. They don't need to spend the money on something so immaterial when they already have a perfectly good map that they've used for years that they can just add to and subtract from.

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And the excitement level for this coaster jumps even higher! Awesome to see Skyrush testing! I can't wait to see a video of it in action......of course, that'll probably be when the complaints start.


Is it August yet and time for my trip out to Hershey??

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A wild Sooperdooperlooper train appeared!


Can't wait to ride that, as well. The cars look like sleeker versions of the originals.

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I can't wait to see a video of it in action......of course, that'll probably be when the complaints start.

Exactly what I was thinking haha

Can't wait to go in June. Can't wait to ride SDL and Sidewinder and see how their new trains are.

(wasn't there when Sidewinder got the newer trains)

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^That's what I was thinking. It's already hauling over that first hill and running really quick through the rest - now we get to see how it runs with that kick over the lift. I know that there is a difference (I don't notice it anymore, years later) between how El Toro ran without the slow-down at the top of the lift and how it runs now, and it looks like this might be the same story - insane either way, but even more insane with that extra bit of speed tacked on. Can't wait!

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