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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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There are photos (and a few videos) on Facebook from yesterday showing that just about every coaster except Skyrush and SDL were testing.

Well SDL not testing doesn't surprise me because I thought I saw somwhere in this thread that it got new trains. I'm not sure so correct me if I'm wrong.

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There are photos (and a few videos) on Facebook from yesterday showing that just about every coaster except Skyrush and SDL were testing.

Well SDL not testing doesn't surprise me because I thought I saw somwhere in this thread that it got new trains. I'm not sure so correct me if I'm wrong.


Yup. It's getting a new paint job and new trains from Gerstlauer (but keeping the lapbars; Anton would be pleased.)

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^Gerstlauer was founded by a former employee of Schwarzkopf. Before Schwarzkopf's bankruptcy, they supplied electric and pneumatic equipment to Schwarzkopf. Afterwards, they took up the company's old facilities. Now they regularly refurbish Schwarzkopf's remaining coasters.

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I'm really disappointed that SkyRush only has a one word name. I find that I enjoy coasters with multi-word names much more (Superman: Ride of Steel, Intimidator i305, El Toro, The Voyage, Boulder Dash, Space Mountain, Taxi Jam, Dragon Wagon, Wacky worm, etc.). Just look at how much better "Intimidator i305" was than "Intimidator". What was Hershey thinking?



What about Nitro? One of the best I have been on, for sure.

Or Maverick, Kumba, Montu, Sheikra, Manta, Tatsu, etc. Lots of greats with one name. I am sure the list goes on for both scenarios.

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I'm really disappointed that SkyRush only has a one word name. I find that I enjoy coasters with multi-word names much more (Superman: Ride of Steel, Intimidator i305, El Toro, The Voyage, Boulder Dash, Space Mountain, Taxi Jam, Dragon Wagon, Wacky worm, etc.). Just look at how much better "Intimidator i305" was than "Intimidator". What was Hershey thinking?



What about Nitro? One of the best I have been on, for sure.

Or Maverick, Kumba, Montu, Sheikra, Manta, Tatsu, etc. Lots of greats with one name. I am sure the list goes on for both scenarios.


Not sure if you are joking or if you missed his sarcasm haha

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Hersheypark has completely renovated their official website:



They also added some new details as well such as Fast Track Pass, which sounds like it's to be a system similar to Kennywood's. On those busy days, this might come in handy.



Hersheypark Fast Track

If you just can't wait to get on our roller coasters, purchase our new Fast Track Pass for $50 inside Hersheypark at Hospitality Services to skip the lines on nine of our coasters! Get your Fast Track Pass as soon as you get to Hersheypark, quantities are limited daily and sold on a first-come, first-served basis.


Also new to the site is a food and drink location database similar to the rides database:


They also added the food and drink locations for The Hollow as well.

Edited by larrygator
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Great! Yet another park coming under the spell of the Fast Pass System.


I, for one, do not care for them and I think we ought to have a law banning Fast Passes. However, at $50 a pop and only in limited quanities, I'm hoping that they won't be selling many of them, thus I won't have to wait nearly forever to get a roller coaster. My feelings on waiting in the queing lines is this: "If you can't stand waiting in line to ride a ride, then you have no business being inside an amusement park, period."


" Speaking of waiting, I'm still waiting for you. Don't make me wait forever!"

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^^Nice, I remember people complaining that Hersheypark would really benefit from that system but didn't offer it. I've forgotten, did we already know this was coming for some reason? Or did it come out of nowhere?


I can't say Kennywood's system is my favorite, but any reasonable option helps. It was way too easy for me to miss my scheduled timeframe while experiencing other attractions. Yes, that was a completely conscious and informed choice on my part, but it was still annoying that I had to plan that way or miss out.

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I, for one, do not care for them and I think we ought to have a law banning Fast Passes. However, at $50 a pop and only in limited quanities, I'm hoping that they won't be selling many of them, thus I won't have to wait nearly forever to get a roller coaster. My feelings on waiting in the queing lines is this: "If you can't stand waiting in line to ride a ride, then you have no business being inside an amusement park, period.":evil:


I can see both sides of the argument. I used to think the way you did when I was in college, had huge amounts of free time to visit parks, and mostly visited parks within a day's drive.


However, now that I have a job with limited vacation time and have started visiting farther away parks, I have seen how having a skip-the-line system makes the park much more accessible for those coming from out of town. Day visitors who live nearby can forgo the pass, since any rides they don't get on can wait a few months or until the following year. However, when you're coming from out of town and have just spent $600 on airfare for two people, $150 on a hotel, $150 on a rental car, and $100 on park admission, spending an extra $100 to make sure that you actually get on every ride is definitely worth it. Especially when you consider that it may be years before you return to that park, if ever. When I visited Magic Mountain last summer and got the Flash Pass, most of the people I talked to in the FP lines were international visitors or Americans on once-in-a-lifetime trips to California. You really think that those people have no business in an amusement park?


These days there is no way I would plan a trip to a far away park unless I was going to an event with ERT, some sort of skip-the-line system was offered, or I knew that I wouldn't have any trouble experiencing everything I wanted to in the time I had allotted. Despite generally being a huge cheapskate, I will definitely spring for the Fast Track Pass when I fly down for the Skyrush opening.

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Well said, ahecht.


With that said, I've only had to purchase one a few times over the years, and it was well worth it. Most times just getting to the parks early and staying ahead of the crowds was enough. ...Especially at the Six Flags parks.

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Yay! I'd still like to see QBots, but this is a positive step. This park gets way too crowded to not offer a service like this. My only option to visit Hersheypark this year may fall on a weekend, and I'll happily buy these, just to know I can avoid as many long waits as possible.



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I, for one, do not care for them and I think we ought to have a law banning Fast Passes. However, at $50 a pop and only in limited quanities, I'm hoping that they won't be selling many of them, thus I won't have to wait nearly forever to get a roller coaster. My feelings on waiting in the queing lines is this: "If you can't stand waiting in line to ride a ride, then you have no business being inside an amusement park, period.":evil:


I can see both sides of the argument. I used to think the way you did when I was in college, had huge amounts of free time to visit parks, and mostly visited parks within a day's drive.


However, now that I have a job with limited vacation time and have started visiting farther away parks, I have seen how having a skip-the-line system makes the park much more accessible for those coming from out of town. Day visitors who live nearby can forgo the pass, since any rides they don't get on can wait a few months or until the following year. However, when you're coming from out of town and have just spent $600 on airfare for two people, $150 on a hotel, $150 on a rental car, and $100 on park admission, spending an extra $100 to make sure that you actually get on every ride is definitely worth it. Especially when you consider that it may be years before you return to that park, if ever. When I visited Magic Mountain last summer and got the Flash Pass, most of the people I talked to in the FP lines were international visitors or Americans on once-in-a-lifetime trips to California. You really think that those people have no business in an amusement park?


These days there is no way I would plan a trip to a far away park unless I was going to an event with ERT, some sort of skip-the-line system was offered, or I knew that I wouldn't have any trouble experiencing everything I wanted to in the time I had allotted. Despite generally being a huge cheapskate, I will definitely spring for the Fast Track Pass when I fly down for the Skyrush opening.


I am 100% in agreement with this statement.

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For $50 on top of general admission, I'd hope that it's more than once per coaster.


I'm going to go ahead and guess that Skyrush, Trailblazer, and Fahrenheit will be excluded. Skyrush is the newest attraction so it would be out. Trailblazer is the only "family" coaster (unless you count SDL because of its 42" height restriction), so it's out. Then Fahrenheit would be the last one out because of its low-ish capacity.


Then, they would probably add Skyrush to the pass next season.


EDIT: Another thing, if they make the front row only available to pass holders, I will be seriously torqued.

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^^I would thing that they would add Fahrenheit because of the low capacity. The lines on that can get pretty ridiculous, and would be a pretty attractive choice for the pass. I don't think something like Wild Mouse or Roller Soaker would get preference over Fahrenheit.

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