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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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May cannot come NEARLY fast enough for my liking here... as every single picture update of the beautiful curves of HP's new baby gets better and better... now these shots make it that much sexier to see such a hot, warped mess SkyRush will be....


(And how thankful I am that I did the RIT campaign, too....)

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The thigh crushing death...


What thigh-crushing death are you referring to? Granted, the only Intamin lapbar-only ride I've been on in recent memory is El Toro, but I really don't mind them. Even though I managed to get stapled in about 90% of the time, I totally forget about that once the rush of the ride starts (hell, once the cable lift starts!). Or maybe I just have thigh muscles of steel

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I think he's talking about the lap bar part of the OTSR's which can definitely crush you if you don't push against it the whole ride. This is a huge problem for me on Maverick. The lap bar always wants to slam down at the bottom of the first drop and during the launch.


I wish Intamin would soften that lap padding or maybe shape the restraint to fit better to riders' thighs.

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I'm convinced that no matter what the restraint is, people will bitch. If it's lap bars, they'll bitch about getting stapled, if it's OTSR's they'll bitch because they aren't lap bars.


IMO, I think more people should just be happy that this ride is being built in the first place, and you don't have to travel to Europe or China to ride it.

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I don't know what the fuss is about. My thighs are always perfectly fine.


I wondered what kind of twisted transition would happen between those two oppositely-rolled supports, and now I know. Looking better every day.


EDIT: Getting as close to the ground as possible with the reach envelope - nice!

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I'm convinced that no matter what the restraint is, people will bitch. If it's lap bars, they'll bitch about getting stapled, if it's OTSR's they'll bitch because they aren't lap bars.


I feel confident in saying that no one will be complaining about these trains or restraints once they see them, and especially after they ride them.

Edited by Magnum PA
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I'm convinced that no matter what the restraint is, people will bitch. If it's lap bars, they'll bitch about getting stapled, if it's OTSR's they'll bitch because they aren't lap bars.


I feel confident in saying that no one will be complaining about these trains or restraints once they see them, and especially after they ride them.


Sorry, but someone will always find something to complain about, because enthusiasts like to hear themselves talk.

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I don't know what the fuss is about. My thighs are always perfectly fine.


I'm with you. I don't understand what the big deal is at all - I don't even have problems with the OTSRs.


I feel confident in saying that no one will be complaining about these trains or restraints once they see them, and especially after they ride them.


You have way too much faith in the enthusiast population.

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This ride, especially with lapbars and floorless seats, is going to be nuts. Geforce of the states?


Yes! Let's hope so!


That pic of the top of the lift hill is amazing. Where are the supports?! Incredible engineering.

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After seeing drawings, I thought the layout looked kinda boring, but looking at the proportions of the ride itself makes it look really exciting! That first hill should be a doozie!

A lot of people who were bashing this when looking at the plans are now saying how much they can't wait to ride. Sure the marketing department did a horrible job with the video, but I had faith! Let's just say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

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