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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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^No no no! I am sorry if it came across that I thought Manta was a waste of space. I was trying to say that the space around Manta was a waste. I see alot more room that could have been used to elongate Manta. I have been on the Superman flyers and it was neat at first but I would never wait in line again for such a short ride with little content as these short, cutout, flying coaster models.

I do agree with you that the line should be great walking through the aquariums, but I just think they went cheap on the actual coaster. What they have now looks great but still seems lacking.

I do understand some of your points.

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^ I think Manta has a chance to hit that Raptor element of fun, maybe.


It's not the size rather the layout and arrangement of those elements that make them great. I would rather have a smaller shorter action packed coaster with sustained speeds then drawn out pocket rocket or trims of death one.


Manta just might have enough action to make it great and not just good. I think this was a smart idea for them, and again like with Kraken opens the door to being exclusive.


Hope to find out soon

One things for sure I am going to be whoring my re rides on this one.

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I think that Manta can hold its own for most people. My favorite ride (besides El Toro of course) is S:UF in SFGA. I wait on an average line of about an hour or so just about every time I go. While I do wish Manta was longer, I am sure it will be very awesome. The flying coaster is definitely a fun type of coaster. Although, it really depends on what you like in a coaster. Me, I like loops and twirls. Not too big into the drops. So this is a perfect coaster to me. I am definitely going to have to figure a way to ride, and re-ride this... over and over! How long is Tatsu compared to S:UF, can anyone compare? Maybe there is a reason they are short, like how they said they can only let them go so fast, or can only do certain elements because of what the body can physically handle. Maybe being in that position, there is a limit of how long you should be that way as well? I just hope that Manta does not take on the traits of SFOG's S:UF and there are no sensor issues. SFGA is usually up and running since I have been going to the park from 05... Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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Tatsu is longer than S:UF by almost 1000 ft. In terms of Manta its actually not much long just off by a couple hundred if that. I agree with Raptor Crew.


Does anyone know if the water effect will be used to get viewers wet like the Dive Machines? Or will it just be for visual appeal like Diamondback. I think it should soak those who want to given the FL climate.

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I agree that although this ride seems a little short, length doesn't always mean you've got a winner. The best example I can think of are Batman clones. 2700ft. and wonderful pacing. Yet other inverts I've been on that are bigger and better still don't pack quite the whollup that Batman does. Manta's gonna be alright. It's no Tatsu, but it'll be alright.

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Does anyone know if the water effect will be used to get viewers wet like the Dive Machines? Or will it just be for visual appeal like Diamondback. I think it should soak those who want to given the FL climate.


It better! Definitely in the summer!

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are we really reviewing a roller-coaster that nobody has ever ridden before? awesome! here's mine:


frankly, i'm expecting absolutely nothing from it — the layout just looks kinda “meh”, and both Kraken and Sheikra were huge dissapointments for me, so much so that, as much as i hate to say it, i've basically given up completely on B&M! it'll still be cool to finally ride a flyer, though…

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This thing looks pretty cool! I'm used to seeing the Tatsu train and layout, so to see the lift out in the middle of nowhere is weird. And the trains seem uber long for a flier. Maybe it's the zero car doing that to me


I look froward to seeing what the "splashdown" feature ends up being like. Ands heck, maybe one day I'll be able to get out there ride it

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^ Great video! Great job editing, thanks! I have followed this ride ever since they started clearing the land for it and to see it go from then to now... I just can't wait to get on it.


I think one of the best thing about this ride is that just about every section of it is near a pathway so there should be great interaction between riders and non-riders who just want to watch.


One of my favorite part of Kraken is right before the underground dive when your right in front of the guests view. Manta should provide plenty of those moments.

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We just drove down International Drive an Manta looks so impressive.

Even While I had to stop for 20 Minutes because there was a crash at the lights, I didn´t have the luck to see Manta doing a test-run.

Can´t wait to ride this coaster when I´ll return in November.

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In all we caught 8 cycles between getting there at 5ish and leaving a little after 7. It's looking pretty fantastic!


That's crazy! Thanks for sharing the video, very exciting to see daytime footage of it testing. Regardless of my overall "meh" attitutde on flying coasters, this is a great addition to the park and will certainly be enjoyed by many.

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The Orlando Sentinel posted a video of Manta testing provided by SeaWorld. I know we all seen the other videos but this one provides us with a clear up close look at Manta going through the pretzel loop as well as the second roll before the MCBR. This is the view we would get standing right next to the pretzel loop.




It looks faster up close and SO smooth...

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I think it looks really great!

Dare I say maybe even a little more interesting than tatsu.

Don't get me wrong I love Tatsu but the lay out in my opinion is really well put together.

And does anyone think its funny how B&M's went from being some of the loudest coasters to some of the quietist? haha

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^Ya, but I think any roller coaster junkie loves that roar. Not saying that the new "quieter" coasters are bad, but I am sure that the neighbors got tired of it after awhile. Hence why the tracks get filled with sand now, but I am not completely sure this coaster has sand in the tracks.


Thanks for the video, it was great seeing it that close! How is the rest of the construction site looking? Is the ocean getting bigger, and the main walk area pored?

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The ocean seems to be completely dug out, and the rock work at the entrance (the "waterfall") is really coming along. I've been out to the park 2-3 times this week (and Aquatica) and have yet to see it test, but did notice one of the trains in the station on Tuesday.


The entire area is going to look amazing once complete.

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