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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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We are looking for someone to attend the Carowinds announcement for TPR on August 27th at 11am. If you are able to attend, please contact robbalvey@themeparkreview.com Please note & include in your email:


- Your Full Name

- Your Age

- Your email address and phone number

- Links to your social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) that show examples of photos you've taken at parks

- Links to any trip reports you've done on TPR

- You must be over 18 years old and provide your own transportation to the event.

- You must be willing to take photos and maybe video to post a trip report to the TPR Forums.

- You must maintain a mature attitude at all times. Don't go asking the park for special stuff. Don't go complaining about stuff. Just be cool, have fun, and appreciate that you're getting to do a cool invite-only event.


We will select someone based on the emails we receive.

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^You mean Thunderatorhawk 232 right?


I read this aloud as "Thunder Hater Hawk 232" which made me think it was sad there isn't already a coaster w/ that name.

Edited by boldikus
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Sandusky's weather and target audience is quite different from the Carolinas. At Carowinds where the weather is mostly always sunny and in the 90's during the peak season, it's almost too miserable to be in the dry side of the park all day... at Cedar Point that's no problem. Carowinds has a sh!tty water park now and almost every day of the summer it is slammed while most of the rides on the dry side are near walk-ons expect Saturdays.

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WBTV in Charlotte.


Oh god...


"While we were in the area waiting for Fury325 to stack so we could report on how riders were precariously stranded 20 feet in the air on the brake run we witnessed another coaster literally falling apart in front of our very eyes (Pans over to Intimidator)."

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Wow! That came down really fast! Has anyone heard anything about a portion of the track, or part of one of the trains being donated to the Roller Coaster museum?

I'm going to assume that since Cedar Fair owns quite a few other wooden coasters running similar trains, they will probably send them to other parks.

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Wow, that was fast. I wouldn't mind them selling small pieces of track to coaster enthusiasts, with a little info plaque or something. We shall see.


This better be some waterpark expansion. I want to see some of these new slides going in in Asian and Middle Eastern Parks lately. Not sure if they're Pro Slide, but they look awesome.

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