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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Note: It's Disney California Adventure now. Not Disney's California Adventure.

Wait...does this even make grammatical sense???


Am I the only one that thinks it sounds TERRIBLE?


I mean, how would these sound...


Disney Epcot

Disney The Lion King

Disney Wonderful World of Color

Knott Berry Farm

Paramount Great America

Universal Islands of Adventure


Why would it NOT be "Disney's" ???

there was eaither a mistake ( I don't see how you can screw this one up like that ) or maybe they want it to become Disney: California Adventure.


Knott Berry Farm on the other hand would work because it's NOT a Berry Farm lol...Silent A


This park is just a complete mess. It always has been, and I'm not convinced it ever won't be.

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The commercial did put a "The" in front of Disney California Adventure, which would make slightly more sense, but not much. Inevitably, people will still call it "Disney's" California Adventure, so I suppose it's no big deal.


A name like that would work better at Six Flag anyway.

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I don't think anybody calls it Disney's California Adventure. Everybody I talk to just calls it California Adventure.


Or California Land.


Or The California Park Thing Next To Disneyland.


Or That Other Park At Disneyland.


But never Disney's California Adventure.


I don't think anybody will care about or notice the name change.

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maybe they want you to know its a disney park. Like the park is california adventure...but they want you to know that disney owns it???

Well, from my limited knowledge of the English language that would mean it should be called "Disney's California Adventure."


Possessive 's

When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add 's to a singular noun and an apostrophe ' to a plural noun, for example:


•the boy's ball (one boy)

•the boys' ball (two or more boys)

Notice that the number of balls does not matter. The structure is influenced by the possessor and not the possessed.


--Robb "Notice that the number of balls does not matter." Alvey

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I like the look of the new logo. Reminds me of Silly Symphonies cartoons. It's yet another example of them trying to be more "Disney" than "California".


I don't know what to think of this name change. Perhaps if you say and hear it enough, it begins to sound normal? However, I will say that I won't really need to be bothered by it. Out loud, I call the park California Adventure. In writing, I call it DCA. Even at the park I don't think I would pay too much attention to the exact name, unless for some reason I had to be bombarded with it all day.

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I wish they would just change the name already and be done with it. It has no California theme and with VERY minimal work it could be another Studios park.


The only rides right now that would need any help would be Grizzly (easy to put some animatronic bears and animals and theme it to "True Life Adventures"), Screamin' (Movie music, updated queue), Golden Zephyr (Hello, Rocketeer). Mullholland Madness is already going to be themed to goofy.


The only ride that would have a problem would be Soarin'.


I do like the look of the logo though, the name just is stupid.

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Am I the only one that thinks it sounds TERRIBLE?


No, no you are not.


Just another example of how our society is becoming less literate by the day. Et tu, Disney?

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I agree that changing it from Disney's to Disney does sound a little odd. I'm not sure if it will really matter one way or another though. Despite the fact that my kids have been to both parks of the DLR many times, they still don't really distinguish one park from the other to any great degree. I believe they probably represent your "average" teen parkgoers. They seem to think of all of it, including Downtown Disney and the Disney hotels, as what compromises what they know as "Disneyland". Considering they never visited before DCA existed, I guess I can kind of see their perspective to some degree, while I see both parks as distinctly different. The name change certainly isn't going to have any bearing on whether we visit the parks or not. Although DCA is lacking compared to its famous neighbor, I've always enjoyed it and expect that I always will.

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I agree...the concept for the park is just plain weird. Let's put a park about California in the state of California? Who thought that one up? I have always thought that it was just too specific a theme for a park. Disney needed something broader to base the park off of...more appeal. That and the California theming seems minimal anyway and will be even less when it opens back up.


On a different note...World of Color looks sweet!

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Note: It's Disney California Adventure now. Not Disney's California Adventure.

Wait...does this even make grammatical sense???


Am I the only one that thinks it sounds TERRIBLE?


I mean, how would these sound...


Disney Epcot

Disney The Lion King

Disney Wonderful World of Color

Knott Berry Farm

Paramount Great America

Universal Islands of Adventure


Why would it NOT be "Disney's" ???


This park is just a complete mess. It always has been, and I'm not convinced it ever won't be.


I agree until you think of it this way.


It's not hosted by the Disney Copr. It's Walt's california, especially with the new main entry area coming. It's the Disney California Adventure. That makes sense, but they aren't communicating it well.


Oh well...

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I mean, they recently opened Toy Story Mania, refurbed the swings to a classic cartoon, they are opening World of Color this year based on a TV show, next up is Little Mermaid and then Cars. Why couldn't they just call it "Disney's Hollywood Studios?"


I really think that would have fit just fine.


Everything new they are building has absoultely nothing to do with the original "California" theme. So why bother keeping it?

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I agree...the concept for the park is just plain weird. Let's put a park about California in the state of California? Who thought that one up? I have always thought that it was just too specific a theme for a park. Disney needed something broader to base the park off of...more appeal. That and the California theming seems minimal anyway and will be even less when it opens back up.


I agree, and as I've always said, this park would have done at the very least a little better as another land of Disneyland.


Wouldn't it just be easier for them to just re-theme the entire park to the North American woods in general? Paradise Pier wouldn't take much to be re-themed to a northern coastal town, and most of the park gives off the feel of the North American wilderness anyway. The Hollywood section would obviously be unable to change, so it could stay to show off a North America 'modernizing' over the years.

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^^ Absolutley agreed Robb.


And listening to the name in the commercial sounds even worse. "The Disney California Adventure Park" ... Really?


They opened Silly Symphony Swings Today ... or is it Silly Symphony Swing?


As for the thinking behind "they are putting all this thought into the name change" I don't buy it. They put absolutely no thought into the design of the park, giving them credit for putting that much thought into taking the "S" out of Disney's is giving them WAY too much credit.


My guess, this was some marketing guy's idea and it's not really a name change for the park.

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I mean, they recently opened Toy Story Mania, refurbed the swings to a classic cartoon, they are opening World of Color this year based on a TV show, next up is Little Mermaid and then Cars. Why couldn't they just call it "Disney's Hollywood Studios?"


I really think that would have fit just fine.


Everything new they are building has absoultely nothing to do with the original "California" theme. So why bother keeping it?


I'm not trying to excuse the park, I'm trying to give understanding. I don't get how animated cars deal with California either.


I've always been a fan on the idea of naming it Walt Disney's California Adventure, to spotlight and highlight his trip out west and impact on all around the state.

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