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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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^ I have decided you are 100% correct. Everyone reading this thread is now better educated on how these systems work and the evolution of how they were developed.


Thank you for this completely accurate insight...based on a "television show" you once watched...


--Robb "My 12 years of working for Disney obviously means nothing..." Alvey

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^ I have decided you are 100% correct. Everyone reading this thread is now better educated on how these systems work and the evolution of how they were developed.


Thank you for this completely accurate insight...based on a "television show" you once watched...


--Robb "My 12 years of working for Disney obviously means nothing..." Alvey


What he said. Thanks for the correction, I guess it's better to say it's an off shoot of the Indy system.

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^ I have decided you are 100% correct. Everyone reading this thread is now better educated on how these systems work and the evolution of how they were developed.

Thank you for this completely accurate insight...based on a "television show" you once watched...

--Robb "My 12 years of working for Disney obviously means nothing..." Alvey


Robb, I have not said anything that contradicts you other than my initial post which claimed, in a not entirely serious manner, that California had the first operating version of a Disney high-speed ride system. Beyond that I was responding to and arguing against a post by testtrack321 which claimed that Rocket Rods used the “same EMV vehicle base and system” as Indiana Jones and other rides. Nowhere in this thread have you made a comment in support of that notion.


If you are arguing that, based on your experience crawling under Test Track, that the ride vehicles can independently steer their rear wheels, or if you are arguing that , based on your experience with Indy (and contrary to the patent), that those vehicles cannot independently steer their rear wheels, I will defer to your expertise. In fact, I would love to hear your experiences from working with those rides. However, given that all you have contributed on that subject are sarcastic comments, the “television show” is the best source of information I have.

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Can we please stop discussing this? It's really, really pointless and obnoxiously stupid. Unless of course...you all really want to keep discussing it. It's up to you. I don't really care.


And no, I won't be adding any more of my personal experiences. I'm not going to share my stories with obnoxious people who don't appreicate then.


--Robb "Hi, I'm not standing next to the f**king matterhorn monster in my avatar by accident." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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--Robb "Hi, I'm not standing next to the f**king matterhorn monster in my avatar by accident." Alvey


The Matterhorn monster didn't build Test Track (or anything else). He doesn't even own his own tools!


Tkk-"that tangent of the thread was over, right?"-yj

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The Matterhorn monster didn't build Test Track (or anything else). He doesn't even own his own tools!

Bah! Shows how little you know!


Truth is that Harold the Matterhorn Yeti, Crush from Turtle Talk, Jessica Simpson and the Lava Monster from Journey all got really drunk one night, smoked a load of crack, and came up with the idea of Rocket Rods, which of course, later evolved into the tea cup ride.



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^Wow, you counted Rocket Rods as a coaster?!!? I don't even think Jeff Johnson counted that!!!


Oh, who am I kidding, I'm sure he did too!


Woops, no I dont count it, I dont know why I typed coaster. Of course, this was before I was an enthusiast, so I thought it was a coaster back then, but no, I dont count it.

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The Matterhorn monster didn't build Test Track (or anything else). He doesn't even own his own tools!

Bah! Shows how little you know!


Truth is that Harold the Matterhorn Yeti, Crush from Turtle Talk, Jessica Simpson and the Lava Monster from Journey all got really drunk one night, smoked a load of crack, and came up with the idea of Rocket Rods, which of course, later evolved into the tea cup ride.




This would certainly explain many of Disney's decisions during the second half of the Eisner regime.

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Truth is that Harold the Matterhorn Yeti, Crush from Turtle Talk, Jessica Simpson and the Lava Monster from Journey all got really drunk one night, smoked a load of crack, and came up with the idea of Rocket Rods, which of course, later evolved into the tea cup ride.


Yes, i agree, whoever built rocket rods must have been on crack.

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Toy Story Show put on hold.


Contrary to earlier reports, the Hyperion Theater won’t be setting the genie free just yet. By popular demand, “Disney’s Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular” will remain at Disney’s California Adventure park.


We received a lot of comments on the Blog asking for Aladdin to continue its run. It’s almost as if the Genie granted your wish!


Although “Toy Story – The Musical” was scheduled to move into Hyperion Theater following Genie’s last bow, Buzz, Woody and their pals will stay focused on the new additions in Toy Story Mania…for now.


Construction has been scheduled near the Hyperion Theater for August 15. Although that may still impact some performances, we’re doing everything we can to keep the show up and running. Stay tuned to the Blog for updates, and we’ll share details when we have them (or, you can always check disneyland.com for showtimes).


Now, close your eyes, make a wish and hit play to see Genie in action. And don’t forget to tell us your favorite Genie joke – and oh, no wishes for more wishes.




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Wow, that's the most convoluted "on hold" announcement I've seen in a while. However, given the lackluster reviews that "Toy Story -- The Musical" got when it played on DCL, I'm taking this as good news.

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I'm glad to hear that the Aladdin show won't be going away as soon as had been planned. I enjoy it, even after having already seen it several times. Even though many people probably go into the show with little more than the expectation of an air conditioned theatre to rest in for a while during a hot afternoon, most of the audiences I've seen become engaged in it and seem to really like the show. For a theme park stage show, I think it's exceptionally good.

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I think Aladdin is a pretty good show, but does it really have that many rabid fans? Then again, when I caught it for the first (probably only) time a few months ago, the theatre was full (at least as near as I could tell).

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I think Aladdin is a pretty good show, but does it really have that many rabid fans? Then again, when I caught it for the first (probably only) time a few months ago, the theatre was full (at least as near as I could tell).


There was a huge line everytime we walked past before a show. I'd say it's still a hit.

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^There's only a huge line because they don't load the theater until right before showtime. Once that crowd gets spread out amongst the 3 levels, the shows are usually 75% full at best.

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Still better than Golden Dreams' 1-5% showings.


There's no need to change out Aladdin for a new show. If it isn't broken, don't fix it...especially in an area that has yet to go through its aesthetic makeover. Why add a new show and try to attract people towards the part of the park that's eventually going to be closed off as a giant construction mess? Wait until these changes are done, then re-energize the land with a new show. There's no need to jump the gun on this one.


Everything that's been in the Hyperion (with the exception of Blast!) is pointless dreck to me...so better they leave semi-popular dreck than potentially disastrous dreck.

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It's stuff like this that worries me about the future of DCA. They're doing so much, yet keep changing plans and going back on stuff that was announced, delays, just seems so half-assed.


Everything is fluid, and from what I've heard, it was going to be the Toy Story show on the cruise line, not a newly developed show that'd cost loads of money.


Heck it wasn't till the late 70s that EPCOT actually took it's final shape, and that was after ground was broke.

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I think the fact that a lot of people, like myself, are waiting for a lot of the construction to go away before they go back. Would be good reason to introduce the toy story show now and actually give people a reason to brave the construction walls and maybe spend a little money, or even get them excited about the future attractions. But, I am beginning to get the feeling that some of these projects will be disappointments if Disney doesn't follow through with all the bells and whistles they promised. Can you say "half assed".

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Even Disney has to stick to budgets.


Sometimes, money for things falls short of estimates...and it's a highly bureaucratic process to get more. I'm impressed with what's been done so far, and you can expect that Disney won't be skimping on Buena Vista Street - since that's the big money-maker. The red car attraction doesn't seem to be chopped much at all. TLM doesn't seem to be affected, WoC's budget hasn't been noticeably cut. What's been done with the 1.1 bill so far is actually quite pleasing.


It's probably not in the stars for the Hyperion to get funding for a new show right now.

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Has there been another time in their history where they have announced a replacement for a show, set a closing date, then backed down at the last minute?

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