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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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The WOC presentation was pretty impressive too. People truly will be picking their jaws up off the floor when this thing opens next year.


they might not put in a Rockin Roller Coaster because California Screaming already fits that role.


If this were true, then DL wouldn't be able to get away with just 4 sit down non-looping steel coasters. It's all in the theming, you gotta admit all 4 offer a completely different experience despite all being the same ride type. So bring on RRC, just no VeComas!!

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Hooray! Once again DCA gets a version of a popular WDW ride...over 10 years later.


While it excites me that DCA is finally getting a version of this ride, because they need a good ride and this has potential, but just like when Tower was built it's hard to get THAT excited over a ride where you have been riding not only something similar for the last twelve years at one park, and I've been riding what could be one of the best rides in the world at another.


I just can't see this version of it being better than Journey. It won't be. That's my prediction. So it's very hard for me to get excited about a version of a ride that won't be as good as one I've been riding for years.


I think this ride will do GREAT for the park and the Disneyland locals will go totally gaga over it. It really is what DCA needs and something like this (and Tower) should have been built when the park opened!


And I can't WAIT to hear all the Disneyland fanboys say how much their "our" version is.


--Robb "Still waiting for the day that Disneyland Resort will Imagineer somethin really NEW." Alvey

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I am a total Disney fanboy, but I agree 100& Robb, this wont be as good as journey. Although, Journey is probably the most beautiful ride in the world, the mechanical effects are top notch, and even the vehicles on Journey show so much attention to detail, but this is definitely a step in the right direction. Does Disneyland even have enough space for a new e ticket(DCA seems to be using the last of theirs) so I cant see Disneyland getting something completely original for a long time. The only(likely) way DLR will get something original anytime soon is if they add the rumored third gate, however that has been rumored since as soon as DCA was announced. However, if a third gate ever does happen it will be something like Disney Sea or Epcot, because by now the Disney executives must have realized that those are the favorite parks.(not based on fact, but on what I have heard)

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^ If a park wants a new E-Ticket, they will MAKE room. That's what you always have to understand. They made room for Splash and Indy and they can do it again if they need to.


There is ALWAYS room for a big ride. Always. I can't point to several good examples of where parks that "have no room" suddenly built a giant ride, but I think you can probably look some of them up.



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There's still some real estate in the northwest part of Disneyland. You can see that when you ride the Disneyland Railroad or if you look at any good aerial view of the park.


Remember, too, that a multi-level show building could house something as well. That would take up less space.



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This is probably the least excited I have ever been for an E-ticket attraction.


Old Ride System+existing story=boring. Based on what is known so far, there is absolutely nothing that makes this ride special.

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This is probably the least excited I have ever been for an E-ticket attraction.


Old Ride System+existing story=boring. Based on what is known so far, there is absolutely nothing that makes this ride special.

"But Joey...it will be the BEST VERSION EVER because it is at OUR PARK!!!"


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