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Spider-Man 3



Absolutely an amazing movie of course. One disappointment is that the story isn't as good as the first 2 movies, but for action, you will see later. It's so cool that you don't realize that it's all only CGI. I like the ending. It's very sad *cry*

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Spider-man 3 was alright. It probably would have been better if they didn't include Sandman. Between him and all the other villians there was just a bit too much going on. But it was still a enjoyable movie.



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Spider-Man 3: 9/10


I saw "Spider-Man 3" yesterday and I thought it was excellent, although it seemed to jump around a bit during the first third of the movie. The Sandman got the Mr. Freeze treatment and became a sympathetic character. There wasn't much to the Sandman in the comics -- he was just a thug with sand-shifting powers. The movie gave him more depth.


BTW, the sound went out when Harry Osborn and his butler had a heart-to-heart talk. Can anyone PM me and tell me what happened? I read a bit on Wikipedia, but what happened during the loss of sound?

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League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 9/10

This movie was pretty sweet. I loved the stylized action, it looked like it was almost out of the Matrix. The story was pretty cool with some decent twists and turns that were defenitly not expected. Oh yeah, and Sean Connery was in it .


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The Protector-9/10 great martial arts flick with some amazing stunts that were actually done by the actor. There were no stuntmen, no wires or CGI. It was amazing. My only complaint is it was too short.



Spiderman 3 -7/10 Maybe it was the fact that it was a 10 pm showing with a couple who brought their one 2 year old and 2 3 year olds who wouldn't shut up. Or I was just really tired but I enjoyed it for the most part.

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Spiderman 3: AMAZING movie, the effects were crazy in this Spidey flick. The villians were made out brilliantly! Venom was awesome, and Sandman's sand effects were sweeet. The plot is really jumpy but at the end it sums it all out really easily and unconfusing. When Peter Parker wen't emo I never laughed so hard in an action film before. Also when he danced and did some air humping...LMAO




10/10 Best spidey flick, amazing effects, my favorite super hero movie so far.

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Yep, I agree with you, brilliant stuff. A 9.5/10 for me simply due to the fact that I didn't want it to end...petty, hey?


The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe: Read the book aaaaages ago (as in, primary school) so couldn't really remember the plot but saw this movie was on Foxtel last night and watched it. Quite well put together in terms of cinematography etc. Nowhere near the quality of other movies in the genre in terms of the complete package but it wasn't that bad. 7/10.

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Spiderman 3 was great... up until he turned into a total emo. I thought it was a joke. The first time he beat Sandman in the black outfit, I thought it was hilarious when he came out of the sewer, saw himself in the mirror, and started wearing his hair down. It was especially funny when he started dancing while walking down the street. All my friends and I thought it was a spoof.

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First of all this (if you don't know) Is based off the highly acclaimed video game series called Doom. The things the movie was able to get off the game: everything. The things they put in the movie: The name sarge, zombies, BFG, UAC Facility. That's it.


They could have made an entirely different movie title, and every gamer in the world wouldn't have been mad. Including me.


Hilight of the film: First person shooter scene


Lowet part of the film: No Demons, just genitally engineered zombies.


Overall a somewhat good movie minus the name.



Just passing as an acceptable movie

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Spider-Man 3


A good movie, but not spectacular. Nowhere near as good as the first two... It focuses way too much on the love story and not enough on action and crime-fighting. Also, it's even cheesier than the first two movies. Still worth seeing, though.



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Spiderman 3 8/10

The movie was meh. Just as Erik had told me, they tried to cram to much stuff into one movie. I really felt that the plot ran close to the second's (Peter has girl, Peter loses girl, Peter gets girl again). However, Peter's "bad side" was hilarious. Just as kennywood said, I probably had not laughed so much in an action movie before. Great special effects and the final fight was pretty cool. Once again, the movie was just meh.


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