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C.S.A Confederate States of America


This relatively unknown, yet recent, independent film basically just shows how the country today could be if the rebels had won the Civil War. I remember wanting to see it in theaters but never got around to it and then eventually forgot about it. I saw it in Target today and decided to buy it. It was pretty good! It didn't take itself too seriously and there were some funny parts. A lot of it included real events in United States history, edited to be Confederate States history. They also included faux commercials in between parts of it, some of which were pretty funny. Overall, it was a good film, and I would recommend it.


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The Japan animation is yet another masterpiece but I don't get it why it's a failure in the world. It takes 10 years to make. The graphic is absolutely the best for a 2-D animation. Much better than Spirited Away in graphic. But the story takes too long so I gave it a -3 from 10.

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Pan's Labyrinth

I liked it, there was less fantasy than I expected though and it was more darker than I would've thought, still good though 8.5/10



Saw it on TV a few days ago. It was bad, and predictable (well I didn't expect much of it either, actually one can't expect much of a film where Rob Schneider 'appears'), but quite funny, so it was actually (almost) worth watching.

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Flags of our Fathers- 9/10, Clint Eastwood is masterful once again. Taught me that men don't fight for their country, they fight for each other . Also i wasn't surprised to see how the US Government likes to crap on its veterans, something it has been doing very well for decades. God Bless America.

Could this be the best movie ever? You decide. (Trailer 3 is golden.)



Maybe, if it wasn't for the fact that the Simpsons have sucked for the past 6+ years.

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The Departed




Honestly, I think it is one of Scorsese's best-directed films, bar none. Cast is amazingly uniform and quite stunning in this location piece.


Hope he gets Oscar, tomorrow night.


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Well, it has been Mel Gibson weekend for me...





An amazing film. Everybody has seen it, but I'll review it anyway. It takes place in Scotland after the king died without a son, and the king of England decided to take over the country. The Scots do not accept this, of course, so they try to fight them off. I loved it.


The Patriot


I loved this film as well. It is about the American Revolutionary war. Again, the king of England was charging the British colonies high ammounts of taxes while doing nothing for them, taxation without representation. They decided to become there own country, the United States of America. England resisted, and fought the war to keep them as British colonies. This movie was just amazingly powerful, one of my favorites.


I have really learned to hate the English within the past two days!

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Well, I saw two films in the last 10 days.


Bridge to Terabithia (8.5/10) Pretty good movie, but very sad. Disney at first was hyping this movie like it was another Narnia, but it's totally different. ...and better in some ways.


The Astronaut Farmer (9/10) Very good movie, but predictable. ...still Billy Bob Thornton is excellent and the story is very entertaining.

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Tristan and Isolde :: 9 1/2 out of 10

Oh my god! I started the movie with pretty low expectations, because I've never been a huge fan of romance movies (ie: The Notebook bored me to tears), but this movie was actually REALLY good. The ending was really good/sad too.

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Saw III- A pretty sick and twisted movie this is. The traps are 10 times worse in this one. And the plot is 10 times more twisted and flipped than the other two. Everything looks so real is amazing. And the ending is so suprising.


5/5 stars for this horror film!


Jackass: Number Two- HALARIOUS! This is so much better than the first one. The stunts were just so funny, I almost cried I was laughing so hard. I didn't stop laughing the whole movie. Not one stunt wasn't funny.



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^Can't agree with you. I really don't understand how a movie is good that the only point of it is a sled


It's not about the sled it is what the sled represents and the people trying to figure out why he said Rosebud as his final words. Rosebud represented his lost innocence and his unhappiness with his life and how it turned out seeing as it was his sled as a child and the last thing he had before being taken away.


Just out of curiosity have you seen the movie PirateTinkerbell?

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