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^ Sorry but I thought the Messengers was complete CRAP....The acting was pretty bad, the writing was very bad, and that twisty monster thing looked extremely fake.


I saw the Hitcher before that, and that was a pretty good movie.


I really want to see 300 and the Number 23 when those come out, Exspecially 300.


Today I watched Memento and Donnie Darko for the First time.




Donnie Darko is a disturbed adolescent from a semi-functional upper-middle-class family. After nearly escaping from death because he hears the voice of a 6-foot-tall bunny, Donnie is led by the bunny to create havoc that is both destructive and creative. Donnie Darko has a great story and is one of my favorite movies now, albeit a little hard to understand.




MEMENTO (10/10)


Memento is basedon an insurance investigator whose memory has been damaged following a head injury he sustained after intervening on his wife's murder. His quality of life has been severely hampered after this event, and he can now only live a comprehendable life by tattooing notes on himself and taking pictures of things with a Polaroid camera.


The movie is told in forward flashes of events that are to come that compensate for his unreliable memory, during which he has liaisons with various complex characters. Leonard badly wants revenge for his wife's murder, but, as numerous characters explain, there may be little point if he won't remember it in order to provide closure for him.

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Uh...I actually watched Donnie Darko yesterday as well for the first time and thought it was one of the dumbest and weirdest movies I've ever seen (and I've seen 2001: A space odd-esy as well!)


The ending was all WTF? The ending was a let down and I was expecting some big shocking ending and then...well it's over.


What a waste of a movie IMO.



Memento on the other hand is a good movie, but if it wasn't for the clever editing and telling the story backwards, it wouldn't be THAT good. If you saw the entire story forwards I think no one would think it was all that special. Although i still like the movie a lot.

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I just got back from the cinema and I saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. While the original movie was better, this movie was also good. Now we finally know how that phony sheriff got his costume, and why that old guy is in a wheel chair.


I'd rate it a 7/10

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23 and 300 look awesome.


Night at the Museum- 9/10


This movie, if you look past the critics who grumble about "ad for the musuem..." crap, then it is funny. It is exactly what I thought it would be, a funny, but not over-the-top-I-CAN'T-BREATHE-funny. Some of the little sequences were pretty good. Robin William's cameo was well disguised. I didn't know it was him until my dad told me...(is that good or bad?)if I say any more it will spoil the good parts.

Well worth it. Ignore the grumbling critics.

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Ghost Rider 9/10


I loved it! I also liked Nicolas Cage in it . I thought it was very well done and is one of the better movies based on a comic book. I don't want to give anything away but if this is your kind of movie then I highly recommend it.

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The Devil Wears Prada 8/10

I thought this was going to be a major chick flick. Turns out it was not as big of a chick flick as I thought (still is though). I found myself laughing several times during the movie, not that completly hilarious stuff, just some hearty chuckles. Meryl Streep was AMAZING in this movie. She plays this part to the full, and I was truly amazed by her part.


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Pink Floyd's The Wall


First off I have the album and I love most if not all of pink floyds music. The movie is about a boy/man named Pink and he is a (still trying to figure this out) rock star?/ dictator? (looks like Hitler)


This movie is a WTF movie. There are A LOT of flashbacks and like 7 lines of dialogue the rest are music. After hearing the album I, like everyone else, was confused. After seeing the movie I am more confused. Someone please explain this to me! The only song that they didn't use from the album was Hey You, did anyone notice?




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Fight Club - 8/10


Too lazy to write a full review...I rented it to see what all the hype was about (8 years late). I enjoyed it, although I found the big twist to be predictable. The cinematography, visual effects and editing were the strongest aspects, IMO.

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