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Movies, Movies, Movies.....


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Let's see, I have seen a couple of movies lately.


King Kong

This movie is spectacular! Its long but I enjoyed every moment of it.

My country was mentioned 3 times here so 3 cheers for that!

The ending is sad but its probably inevitable.

But whatever happened to all the tribal people? They seemed to have all vanished after Ann was offered to King Kong?? :shock:


Saw II

It was an OK movie to me. Kinda fast-paced. Some scenes were painful to watch. The ending did not really catch me by surprise. I prefer Saw's (the first part) ending, that was awesome.


The Descent

Wonder has anyone seen this movie? I really like this movie alot. I thought this was one of the best horror movies I have seen so far... The movie was very intense thru out. A couple of scenes made me jumped in my seat. This is pretty remarkable, considering I have seen my fair shares of horror movies (American, British, Japanese, Korean, Thai etc, you name it) & have became somewhat jaded in recent yrs.

Only exception is its ending, I am not quite sure I truely understand the ending? Any kind soul like to share their views on the ending? Was it all just an hallucination??


Anyway, I will be watching Chronicles Of Narnia on X'mas. And I will be looking fwd to watching Wolf Creek & The Dark when both open on 5 Jan in my country.

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Cronicles Of Narnia, Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe


Well its a pretty damn good flick, I was VERY impressed at how faithful they were to the books


I was pretty impressed at how well the books translated to the screen, and even though the story is a bit younger than Lord of the Rings, man you can see the simularities, Tolkien and Lewis were buddies, and they bounced idea's off each other.


its also funny that they really didn't care for each others work



Great movie, LORT lite is a good description, but not to put the movie down in any way.

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I just came back from The Producers, and it was top notch! Natan Lane and Matthew Broderick were hysterical, and Uma Thurman and Will Ferrell were surprisingly good singers. The movie was mostly shot like a play (which makes since becuase it is very true to the broadway adaption.) Overall, it was a very funny, raunchy movie.


BTW, there are lots of German/Nazi jokes in it

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My sister got Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yesterday, so we watched it for a second time (we saw it in theaters). All I have to say is I love that movie! I had that Willy Wonka song stuck in my head for hours afterwards though.


I'm in love with that movie and anything produced by Burton. He rocks. I love dark and meloncholy movies.

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I just saw Pride and Prejudice (don't laugh) My mom made me go and she actually liked it, which hasn't happened for a few years now, so it was worth it. I was bored for two hours, but I'll have to admit it was very good for it's genre.

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I recently saw King Kong, and this is my review:


C- to D+ ... ...you guys aren't gonna like this...


(possible spoilers)


I would be upset I wasted my time on this movie, if it wasn't for the fact I didn't pay for the ticket. Sorry guys!


From the start, to the shipwreck, I was actually feeling the movie! I thought these key sequences helped develop likeable characters and helped forshadow events that would unfold. There was a certain charm that was absent from the LOTR movies during these early NY sequences, and I was finally feeling some of Peter Jackson's work!


Now, now...we get to the Island. The natives were very weird, and the whole set up of getting Anne into the jungle is even weirder...however, I can handle that. I love POTC, so its obvious I can handle a bit of fantasy...I can.


But once they were on the island, it was just too much " :? " for me to take. First off, the movie totally felt like a cheesy 70's disaster movie with cool special effects. It was non-stop death and ruin! And I am all for death and ruin, if it contributes something to the story! But after awhile, it just felt like they were killing people off because they wanted to make a "cool scene", which just ended up extending an unnecessarily long movie, even longer. Ok, so we want to show the audience that Kong is beginning to express love for Anne by physically defending her--sounds good. But we dont have to turn it into a 30 minute sequence, with 1 T-Rex turning into, like, 6, and with massive, muli-ton creatures dangling from mere vines, with tounges getting bitten off! We dont need it!


He took key themes, and squashed them with these stupid, physics defying action sequences. That bug sequence felt like it wouldn't end and totally didn't contribute anything to the film, other than 10 minutes, a few near-gagging moments, and a "bug-on-Adrian-Brody's-crotch-joke."


The capture of Kong was saddening, I admit. I was still able to feel sympathy for the ape. I would protest, however, that I am curious as to how they got him on the boat! But then again, I am glad they left it out, as it would have taken another hour and 45 minutes to explain it! (ouch!)



Once again, when the movie returned to New York, I began to find a liking for the film. However, I didn't like the characters at this point--all three of them had been changed in a way that I found unrealistic and disapointing. Perhaps that's how I am supposed to feel--either way, I didn't like it. The Kong/Anne sequence was a well needed chance to get in a smile--but it was short lived.


The last 30 minutes of the movie (I dont know if it was 30 minutes, but it was longer than it needed to be) was the classic Empire State sequence. Now I am really beginning to become confused with the actions and behaviors of all 3 characters. Kong was taken down, and the movie ended on Mr. Black's supposively thought-provoking "Beauty killed the beast" comment.



Perhaps I am showing a bit of exageration and a bit of bias. However, I simply dont like films like this, and you shouldn't blame me for it. I like films with 1) happy endings, 2) a feeling of hope (for the future) at the end, or 3) A massive, self-analyzing, thought-provoking, and rather heavy theme that I can ponder over for hours (aka, Saving Private Ryan). I understand that there is death and suffering in the world--it sucks. But if I am going to pay 10 dollers, I should at least leave feeling hope for the future, if you are going to show me a film with that much death and suffering. I felt like I wasted 3-hours to simply see some stuff get killed. I literally got out of my seat and said "now what?"


Im sorry I sound harsh! I have just never been watching a film in theatres and thought to myself "I really dont care how this thing ends, just end it soon".



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^ No need to be so defensive with your opinions. For the record, I agree with nearly everything you said. I enjoyed it, but the action sequences should have been trimmed A LOT. There was no need for that film to be over three hours long.


I just saw Pride and Prejudice (don't laugh)


Why would we laugh?



Anyway, I saw "The Squid and the Whale" yesterday. I had pretty high expectations since it's been receiving tremendous praise and placing high on a lot of top 10 lists, but it was somewhat disappointing. It was quite good, but not in my top 10 of the year or anything. Me and the people I went with got into a two hour argument on the film afterwards, so I guess it definitely succeeded in being one of the more thought provoking movies I've seen this year, but there were a few flaws that really stuck out to me, and it didn't really have the heart of, say, a Wes Anderson movie (which is the natural comparison to make I think). I would definitely recommend it, though; it's a very interesting film. 3/4

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King Kong 11/10

I'm sorry I have to disagree with everyone, but this movie was awesome! The best special effects I've seen since Star Wars III. The character development could've been better, the natives creeped the crap outta me, and those bugs were just sick. But, besides that, it is my favorite movie of all-time.


Cheaper by the Dozen 2 9/10

I was really expecting a let down on this movie, but when I walked out, my friend and I both agreed it was better than the original. Slapstick comedy is probably my favorite because I love watching people get hurt, as long as it's not me. The other family are some pretty rich people, and in this one, they bring in the subject of teen dating!


---Brent 8)

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I just came back from The Producers, and it was top notch! Natan Lane and Matthew Broderick were hysterical, and Uma Thurman and Will Ferrell were surprisingly good singers. The movie was mostly shot like a play (which makes since becuase it is very true to the broadway adaption.) Overall, it was a very funny, raunchy movie.


BTW, there are lots of German/Nazi jokes in it Razz


Agreed, I saw it yesterday and loved it. I haven't seen the play unfortunately, but I still really enjoyed it. Lane was brilliant, as always, Broderick's funny again and Ferrel's at his best for a while now. I didn't realise he could sing. Same for Thurman.

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I watched War Of The World last night, and Dude, Where's My Car?


War of The World

Really good film. I thought that it was quite tense at some moments. But it was pretty strange the way the Robot things came very early in the film. I would have thought that they would only come in at about 1hr the way thorugh it. Although, I think it has been the best film I have seen this year. 10/10


Dude, Where's My Car?

Very random film. Very good though. Although, a dog that gets high all the time, to a transexual stripper, to a Chinese Take-a-way that pisses people off, to the Hot Chicks that are not guys, it has a pretty varied storyline. But, I have to say that my favourite part is the Chinese Food Take-a-way. 9/10

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I just saw Crash. Its not a new film, but was made recently.


It was beautifully crafted, casted, shot--everything. At points it was hard to follow, but it was one of those movies, that in the end, you understood what they were getting at, regardless. It has some pretty heavy themes, and so I reccomend it to anyone who is mature enough.


I give it a definite A+

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