SonOfBeastSucks Posted October 23, 2005 Share Posted October 23, 2005 I saw Stay tonight and absolutley loved it. It was a bit confusing, and there is no possible way I could explain the plot to you, but it was amazing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrisZer0 Posted October 23, 2005 Share Posted October 23, 2005 I caught "Doom" this weekend....its ok, not an oscar winner by any strech. Dwayne "Rock" Johnson is the star of this opus and pretty much carries the film. Its a good weekend popcorn film that requires little to no thinking. 3 out of 5 stars Chris "New web radio show coming soon" Zer0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stitch Posted October 24, 2005 Share Posted October 24, 2005 Enemy at the Gates I watched this for the fourth or fifth time tonight with my mom. It is an excellent movie about how difficult it was to be a Soviet soldier in WWII and the problems with Communism. A definite watch for any war movie fan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nemmy Posted October 24, 2005 Share Posted October 24, 2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played...sucked major softballs. I only went to see it because...wait, I didn't even go to see it. I got a torrent of it to save the $8 for the ticket, plus popcorn and soda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scaparri Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 I rented Crash the other night and wow, what a powerful, great film. I encourage anybody to pick it up and watch it. It's based around racial prejudices and stereotypes. It's very moving. Seeing how I just rode Italian Job for the first time, I had this itching to actually see the movie. I definately enjoyed it. Wasn't the best action flick I've seen by any means, but it was fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrisZer0 Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 I popped in Batman Begins in the DVD player this weekend. Going in, I was expecting a Schumaker "Bat Nipples" extension, to my surprise, I received something else. Ive always been a fan of Frank Millers "Year One" stories and "The Long Halloween" (which most of this film is based on), and I was blown away with the results. Christian"Patrick Bateman" Bale as Wayne/Bats is one of the better actors ive seen portray the Dark Knight(save Keaton and Adam West),along with Michael Caine as Alfred(a part he was destined to play), Liam Neeson as Henri Ducard, Pre-Scientology Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes and the greatness known as Gary"Sid Vicious" Oldham as Lt. Gordon. Also, this is one of those films you need to watch on your home theater system (mines 1000w/5.1 dolby). 5 Popcorn Kernels out of 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonathan Posted October 28, 2005 Share Posted October 28, 2005 Grizzly Man Sometimes a film is released that is so realistic that you have to constantly remind yourself that it is just a motion picture. "Grizzly Man" is the exact opposite of that. It is a documentary, but in the world we live in, it is difficult to believe that there existed a man like Timothy Treadwell. Treadwell was a grizzly bear activist who took his passion for bears to a level like no one else. For 2-4 months at a time, Treadwell would camp in Alaska and live amongst the bears completely unarmed, watching them and interacting with them, somehow co-existing with some of the most dangerous animals in the world. In October of 2003 Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie were killed and eaten by a bear. Director Werner Herzog used Treadwell's personal footage as well as interviews with his friends and family to make the documentary. Treadwell claims over and over throughout the film that he is the "only one protecting these bears", and he criticizes wildlife officials for not doing their job. However, it is never made clear how Treadwell is actually protecting the bears, or that they even need protecting, as they are in the middle of a wildlife preserve, and we never actually see any use that the bears have for Treadwell. It is clear though that Treadwell finds true joy in what he does, and believes very strongly in it. Often, he is very critical of civilization, and seems more content roaming through the woods with a fox he has befriended than he would with a human being. The great thing about Herzog's presentation of Treadwell is that he does not craft the film in a way that we are told what to think about him. Throughout the film, we are presented a number of viewpoints on Treadwell, from great admiration to "he got what he deserved", and even Herzog offers his own personal thoughts at times. From what I have seen, everyone comes out of this film with their own views on Treadwell, and I have read some heated discussions online regarding the true merits of Treadwell's work. As for myself, I am not really sure what to think of Treadwell. I strongly suspect that his adventures in the wilderness did nothing for the grizzly bears, but I still cannot help but admire him. It is rare to see someone spending their life doing what they love, and Treadwell made it explicitly clear that he was willing to die with the bears. With Herzog cutting the film, we get perhaps a very different perspective than if Treadwell were editing his own documentary. Herzog leaves uncut pieces of footage in; sometimes we see Treadwell do multiple takes of a "scene", and it is as if we are looking into his secret diary at times as he speaks to the camera. While on the surface it is a documentary about a man and grizzly bears, the film is really somewhat of a character study. We see Treadwell's emotional highs, such as the joy he displays when interacting with the bears, and the lows, such as when he suddenly goes into a complete fit of rage directed at the national park service. "Grizzly Man" is a very unique film about a very unique individual, and I applaud Werner Herzog's ability to present the film without bias, as this film could very easily have been a piece hailing Timothy Treadwell as an American hero, or one that portrayed him as a lunatic. The pacing was a bit odd, and I do have to question Herzog's commentary on Treadwell at times during the film (to my knowledge he never even met Treadwell, so do we really care what he thinks?); it seemed a little ego-centric. Those were very minor concerns, though, and I was very impressed overall by the film. As we all know, a certain nature documentary has been holding its ground at the box office for months now, and by no means is that certain documentary a bad film, but my recommendation would be to pass up the cute and cuddly birds, and go see how Timothy Treadwell lived and died in a place where few could survive unarmed. 3.5 stars (out of 4) Official Website: Trailer: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pelydr Posted October 28, 2005 Share Posted October 28, 2005 I obviously havent seen it but one movie I very much am anticipating is Everything is Illuminated as I did enjoy the book. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonathan Posted October 28, 2005 Share Posted October 28, 2005 Yeah, I'm interested in that as well; I think it opens tomorrow at an independent theater here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyingScooter Posted October 28, 2005 Share Posted October 28, 2005 Having yesterday off, I spent Wednesday night watching movies. I saw Left Behind I II and III. ( i have not read the books yet.) I found them to be fairly enjoyable. not a huge budget was put into them, but that's okay. I liked them in the same vien that I like Stephen Kings' the Stand. I guess i like end-of-the-world movies. Though the movies go thru the book of Revelation fairly well, I guess they deviate somewhat from the LB book series, (that is what my girlfriend and her son told me. They've read all of them.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maeryk Posted October 28, 2005 Share Posted October 28, 2005 Jonathan: Try to find a film called "never cry wolf" by (and about) Farley Mowat. he is a canadian author who did the same thing.. but with Wolves, instead of bears. (the book is actually better than the movie.. but the movie is pretty good as well). Maeryk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
socalMAN123 Posted October 29, 2005 Share Posted October 29, 2005 I rencently saw Corpse Bride twice in the past two weeks and I thought it was amazing. Nightmare Before Christmas is certainitly my favorite outof the two, but this was still extremely funny and awesome! ---Brent 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twister II Posted October 29, 2005 Share Posted October 29, 2005 I JUST got back from Saw 2 I thought the movie was so thrilling, just kinda, edge of your seat, but after a while it just got kinda boreing sitting there and watching people being killed! Some of the stuff was just pretty grusome. If you have seen Saw, you NEED to see Saw 2 In the movie theather (if you've seen 2) everyone went, "OOOOOOO!" when they showed 'the place' SEE IT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasters 4 me Posted October 29, 2005 Share Posted October 29, 2005 ^ Saw is really strange. I saw it and it was ok. But Saw 2, I dont know if I will go to see it. I seen Creep last night, it was kinda boring after a while, but pretty good for an English Film. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
socalMAN123 Posted October 29, 2005 Share Posted October 29, 2005 I'm seeing Wallace and Grommit: Curse of the Wererabbit today, so I'll post a review later. ---Brent 8)[/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stitch Posted October 29, 2005 Share Posted October 29, 2005 Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines I needed some good old explosions, violence and cyborg action, so I decided to pop in this DVD and watch it. I love the first two and I think three is a very welcome addition (well obviously since I own it ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andrea Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 I just watched the new amitty ville horror movie,is was good but not great Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damien666 Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 I just got back from Saw II. Whoa, that was fun! Now I have seen Saw and I liked it. This was no exception. A lot of creepy scenes in one insane funhouse. Some nice twists and turns and a shock moment at the end of the film that made everyone in the theater jump! (My heart skipped a beat! :shock: ) Now if you have not seen Saw, I suggest you rent it if you want to see Saw II. You will like and understand it a lot more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SuperGreek1562 Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 I also saw Saw II today. Great movie! I agree with Damien666, go rent the frst one before you see this one... if you don't you will get confused on some parts. And at the ending my mouth was just open and still staring at the screen. I also saw Constatine when i got back from the movies. this also was a good movie. Great Cinematography! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damien666 Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 I'm really glad Saw II was a horror sequal that didn't suck. It had great moments and both movies have a "You have got to be kidding me!" endings! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stitch Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 Ong Bak : The Thai Warrior My Dad came up to visit me today and I really wanted him to see this movie so we watched it. He liked it too, it is an excellent martial arts movie, using the principals I love ... no cg and no stunt men. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
socalMAN123 Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 Wallace and Grommit: The Curse of the Wererabbit I saw this yesterday with a couple of my friends and really enjoyed it. I'm a fan of the other Wallace and Grommit short films, so having the two back and in a full length movie really made me happy. The plot in this movie was pretty weird, with a giant vegtable eating rabbit eating all of the townspeoples giant vegtables. All in all, this was a great movie that everyone should enjoy in their own special way. Brent "Cheese!" Shenton 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DATman Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 We're almost done watching Broadcast News in my film class. It's a really great film, starring Marvin the clownfish and elastagirl It's like no cheese I've ever tasted, eh gromit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrisZer0 Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 I popped in the recently re-released "The Big Lebowski" into the dvd player last evening and gave it a whirl. Its the same cohen bros. film we've seen before, nothing new added to this DVD save a collection of photos jeff "the dude" bridges shot on the set of the film. But, ive leared three lessons from this film: A) Nhilistic Germans are evil B) Never "F**k with the Jesus" C) Most, if not all, problems can be resolved with copolous amounts of white russians and thai stick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damien666 Posted October 30, 2005 Share Posted October 30, 2005 Last night after Saw II, I saw The Wicker Man. This is one crazy film! It's about this british police officer that goes to a private place called Summerisle due to a missing girl that is presumed murdered. Now the officer is Christian, the town of Summerisle is Pagan! So pretty soon he is disturbed and shocked at what is going on. (Lots of boobs and butt is this film!) The more this movie goes on, the more bizarre it gets! From opening the missing girls coffin and finding a dead Rabbit in it, to the strange MayDay celebration, where the townsfolk were masks resembling a animal of their kind and parading down the roads. My head was screaming "They are furries for a day!" Now the officer believes that the girl was or is going to be sacrificed due to a crop failure at last years celebration. But in the end, she is not dead, and the officer finds out he is this years sacrifice! So he ends up getting put in this giant Wicker Man and burned alive. ouch! Anyway, this is one crazy film that can freak out anyone. Christopher Lee is in this movie and he did a pretty good job. 3 out of 4 stars Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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