Sir Clinksalot Posted September 20, 2005 Share Posted September 20, 2005 ^ Cool. Can't wait to see it. Requiem for a Dream I had heard ALOT of good things about this movie, so I was really looking forward to seeing it. Borrowed it from a friend at work and watched it last Friday night after the woman went to sleep. It had good performances and was pretty screwed up, which I liked. But ... it was another one of these movies that was just ... THERE. No story arc, no beginning, middle or end. It just had these people, they were strung out, they got worse, and it was over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonOfBeastSucks Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 I saw 'Just Like Heaven" earlier tonight. I thought it was going to be dull, boring and pointless, but I thought it was really great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
What Now Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 Corpse Bride All I have to say is it blew... ... me away! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonathan Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 Hauru no ugoku shiro (Howl’s Moving Castle) From some of the discussion on "Howl's Moving Castle" that I have been reading, the most vocal opinion seems to be that it is not as good as Hayao Miyazaki's previous films, and is a rather poor adaptation of the novel by Diana Wynne Jones. As for myself, I have never read the novel, have never seen any of Miyazaki's other films (although from what I hear I really should), and in fact, I've never really watched anime at all. So, naturally, I was floored by "Howl's Moving Castle". The animation and style of the film is beautiful, and there is clearly great imagination behind the images on screen. Miyazaki makes the characters truly compelling, and even if you cannot begin to comprehend exactly what is happening in the movie, you care for them. It is well-paced and extremely entertaining, as I was not quite expecting the large doses of humor that were supplied with the outrageous characters. The film really seemed to have personality, and at this point is the most engaging film I've seen all year. 4 stars (out of 4) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stitch Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 I am a huge fan of the original so I decided to rent this one. All I can say is, this movie was terrible ... it took away everything that makes the original so scary. Don't get me wrong I am a huge Horror movie fan so I enjoyed watching some good ole fashion gore but this movie was just plain bad. Don't bother watching it with any hopes of it being any where near as good as the first. 1 out of 4 stars The Country Bears This movie was on the Disney channel tonight and I saw in a commercial that Christopher Walken was in it, so I decided to watch it. The film starts off way too quickly but then it goes at a normal pace. The effects work on the bears was extremely well done but could be a bit creepy to some people. I must say I was very surprised by this movie, it wasn't trying to be the best, it was just a good old fashioned family film. I must say Big Al and Christopher Walken made the movie for me. A solid 3 out of 4 stars Christopher Walken and Big Al Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angry_Gumball Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 Just saw Corpse Bride tonite. It was pretty cool yet quirky and weird at the same time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
benzo41190 Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 ^ i want to see corpse bride I just saw the Ring 2 and it was very stupid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonOfBeastSucks Posted September 24, 2005 Share Posted September 24, 2005 ^ I agree. The Ring 2 is absolutley horrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonathan Posted September 25, 2005 Share Posted September 25, 2005 La Marche de l’empereur (March of the Penguins) The average person has absolutely no awareness of the spectacular journey that emperor penguins take each year in Antarctica (I sure didn't), so perhaps that explains why everyone has been so amazed by this film, as it has rolled to one of the most successful documentary runs in history. It is mind-boggling what the penguins go through each year to mate and raise their young, and it was nearly as mind-boggling for me that Luc Jacquet and his crew were able to film this documentary. A place where winds can blow up to 100 miles per hour and temperatures hit 50 below 0 is not exactly the ideal location to shoot a film. The dedication of the filmmakers to brave the elements and get the perfect shots paid off, as the footage throughout the 80 minutes is absolutely amazing. I was concerned a bit with Jacquet's attempts to simultaneously make the film a documentary and a drama, or even a romance I suppose. I am not too fond of montage being used to manipulate the viewer in documentaries, and there was really no need for Jacquet to force emotion into the audience, because the events on screen speak for themselves very strongly. However, the fact that this film was even made is a testament to its creators, and the 'march' of the emperor penguins is truly stunning. 3 stars (out of 4) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Token Yankee Guy Posted September 25, 2005 Share Posted September 25, 2005 40 Year Old Virgin. OMFrigginG! I have never laughed so hard and so many times in my life during one movie!. No words can explain how funny that movie was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Florida420 Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 Both Rings suck but this movie is great I love it P All "I said I love it!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andrea Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 harold and kumar go to white castle was so funny im always quoting from it,like when there watching the commercial about getting high i love that part and when kumar is pissing in the bushes and that dude walks up next to him and starts to pee that junk was so funny.without a paddle was good too and i cant wait to see the exorsism of emily rose i really hope that that movie is good because they havint made a good scary movie in a while Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaneymon Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 i went ans saw sky high to day it was ok the only bad part of the movie was how crowed the therter was well thats what you get for going on tuesday (chepe day) in the school hoildays (NO school) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Saw "Corpse Bride" this afternoon. Not bad. Had some good funny stuff in it. I also think I was sitting a bit too close to The Movie Screen. Would have liked to be back a bit more. Still, I enjoyed it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunder001 Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 With all the TV adds for the new "The Transporter 2" movie coming out, the better half and I both thought that we should watch the first movie to see what the hype was about. First thought about "The Transporter" was this guy for real...found another Jackie Chan style of movie. The Transporter was one of the best movies that we have seen in quite some time. The action starts from the first minute of the movie and does not let up the hole way through, with multipule attackers in each fight scene and some of the best car chases since The Fast and the Furious. And the big surprise was when we realised that the main good and bad guys have acted in movies that we rank as our favourites. The bad dude was out of The Fast and the Furious (Vince), and the good guy was out of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Guns (Bacon). Well worth the look if you haven't allready. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
batmanfan612 Posted October 2, 2005 Share Posted October 2, 2005 I finally saw Lord of War. Wow. It's sick, disturbing, depressing, and eye opening, but all presented in such a casual manner that it's humorous. It's a wonderful movie, that was alot deeper than the trailers let on. 10/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandaman Posted October 2, 2005 Share Posted October 2, 2005 Greatest Game Ever Played This is truly a Disney movie. I don't care what anyone else says about Disney motion pictures losing their magic; "Greatest Game Ever Played" was, by far, the best movie I've seen since Pirates of the Carribean. Storyline: Perfectly paced. I never once was bored, or confused with the plot (and it doesn't take much ). The fact that this was a true story really made things even more surreal, yet so believable. Acting: Shia LaBeouf was a great decision to play the caddy that comes up to be the champ, Francis Ouimet. A popular pick for some Disney shows, LaBeouf plays the role surprisingly well. Stephen Dillane plays Harry Vardon, Ouimet's lifelong idol, and fills his role quite well. My pick for greatest actor, however, is Josh Flitter, who fills the position of Eddie Lowery, the pudgy "caddy for the caddy" with an attitude loved by all. Special Effects: The highlight SFX were the golf ball camera shots. Every time they took a swing, it felt like I was doing something from Caddyshack: "Be the ball." Being in the theatre, it reminded me a lot of Soarin'! Music: Very inspirational. It reminded me a lot of the "Pirates" music, but more dramatic, considering the story. I commend the composer (Brian Tyler) for piecing together yet another exquisite performance. Best Part Of The Film: There was no one component of the film that stood out from the rest, only because every aspect of it stood out as a whole... ...But the best part were the Hidden Mickeys. There are a few HM appearances, and all of them seem to be on golf balls (again, reminding me of Soarin'! ). I didn't see any others, though I'm sure there are a few. Summary: The Greatest Game Ever Played-- one of the greatest movies ever made. :shock: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZipityDoDog Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 Went to see Just Like Heaven on Sunday. Better Then Expected, But the strange thing was there were people handing out tickets/ flyers for a exclusive screening of Final Destination 3 on Thursday Oct. 6th. This movie has a release date of Mid-February. I did not think they had exclusive screenings this far in advance. The back of the Ticket/Flyer reads: The fright-filled "Final Destination" franchise returns to theaters in the supernatural thriller "Cheating Death: Final Destination 3". Set six years after the original "Final Destination" film, the latest installment in the series centers around a high school senior who has a premonition of a fatal roller coaster accident involving herself and all her friends. When the premonition proves true, those who have "cheated death" and survived the accident are forced to deal with the repercussions of escaping their fate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrasher Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 Ive gone to see a lot of movies recently. Transporter 2, Exorcism of Emily Rose, Lord of War, and Flightplan. Transporter 2: Really great movie that I felt did a good job of holding up to the first one, which was also very good. I liked a lot of the action bits, but it seemed that some of the special effects could have been done better. Overall, a great movie well worth seeing. Exorcism of Emily Rose: Didnt like this movie because it seemed all build up and no climax. The movie spent all this time building the audience up, only for the movie to end with no interesting ending. It kind of just.....ends. Not reccomended. Lor of War: I thought this movie was awesome. It really shows how governments have these hidden agendas and how wars kind of build up. Once the opening scene starts, you know its going to be a crazy movie, and Nicholas Cage was born to play this part. Highly Recommended! Flightplan: I have mixed feelings about this movie. Most of it didnt make a lot of sense until the end. The director could have thrown us a bone or something, but I guess that may have been what they were going for. The script was pretty well written, but poorly executed. Some of the actors, including the captain of the plane, left something to be desired. The story was fairly unique though, and an interesting movie none-the-less. My recommendation for this movie would be to wait till its a rental. Thats it for now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Clinksalot Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 Just like Heaven: Kristi and I had 3 hours to kill between a wedding and reception we went to on Saturday. I actually liked the movie. It was funny and cute. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonOfBeastSucks Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 I saw "Into The Blue" yesterday. I didn't like it that well but it had some neat underwater footage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DATman Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 Corpse Bride! It was OK, but not amazing CandtheCF was much better, Tim Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinkerbell Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 Just Like Heaven I liked this movie a lot. I think it was pretty well acted (I generally like Reese Witherspoon's movies) and funny in parts. It's probably considered a 'chick movie' but I would recommend it anyway. I want to go see Corpse Bride, since it doesn't look too bad and I really liked Charlie. Then again I didn't like Nightmare so I don't know.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KevinT Posted October 5, 2005 Share Posted October 5, 2005 Cannibal! The Musical. It's a damn shame this film didn't get more recognition. It's literally one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I suggest you go out and rent it, and if your local video store doesn't have it (which it actually probably won't), buy it on Amazon. You won't be sorry. It's a very shpadoinkle movie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Clinksalot Posted October 6, 2005 Share Posted October 6, 2005 CRASH I didn't really know what to expect from this movie. We got it from Netflix about 3 weeks ago and we just never got around to watching it. I was going to just send it back, but I'm glad I didn't. Probably one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Nothing really extraordinary happens in the movie. It's just that all these people's lives just intersect (or crash) into each other. Very well done. 4.5 out of 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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