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Just came home from seeing CHICKEN LITTLE this afternoon.


Was fun, we enjoyed it. Fast-paced at times, some dialogue was hokey, but I laughed in a few spots that us adults in the crowd "got" more, than I'm sure the kids got, who were there.


And it's all about parents and kids and understanding each other, sniff sniff.


Has some great animation effects, we felt.


Hey - go spend the bucks and see it on a big screen. 'Less you got one at home, lol.


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I watched Wicker Park on DVD recently.

Not your typical love story but one with a slight twist.

While I felt sorry for the 2 main leads (Josh Harnett & Diane Kruger) for the 2 yrs they have lost due to some manipulating/scheming by another woman (Rose Byrne), I also felt sorry for this other woman.

Sometimes in love, there's no absolute right or wrong.

This is not to say what she did wasnt horrid but as the script goes: love makes ppl do crazy things. :?

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^ That's good to hear. I really want to see that one


I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on DVD. What a jacked up movie. Hardly what I expected. It ended up being a really good film, but I was getting irritated through a lot of it because of the constantly changing scenes that for a while didn't make much sense. I want to emphasize that it was a really good movie though.

Edited by Scaparri
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Look what's coming! I'm not liking the cast..I don't think Will Ferrel will make a very good Man in the Yellow Hat..and I have a feeling this will go in the same direction as the Grinch and The Cat in the Hat, and not live up to it's potential, but I love Curious George and will definately see this as soon as it comes out.


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I'll review two movies I've seen recently:


Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the WereRabit - Fantastic movie! I've always loved Wallace and Gromit, and this was no exception! I thought it was cute and had some great moments. I love the airplane scene towards the end. Cute purse. I would definitely suggest it to my friends. Rabbits were cute too.


Chicken Little - It was an enjoyable movie, but it wasn't up to Pixar's standards. I think the older crowd in the theaters got more out of some of the jokes than the kids, but they still loved it. The family next to my group was cracking up. I would suggest it if you love Disney movies and don't have super high Pixar expectations.


I plan to see Saw 2 today, hopefully!

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Chicken Little - It was an enjoyable movie, but it wasn't up to Pixar's standards.


That's what I've been hearing. It's WDFA first real CGI film since they threw traditional anime out the window. Monica really liked it so I guess it wasn't as bad as people were thinking it was going to be. But then again, it wasn't a Pixar film.

Pixar can make a film about cars seem unbeliveably interesting. I think they'll wear the crown a little bit longer. I can't wait to see what WDFA does with Rapunzel in 08 though.



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I saw Zathura last night. Only 3 words can describe how awesome it is. JUMANJI IN SPACE. The writer of the book Jumanji thinks he can take advantage of the book by writing another book with very identical plots, except its in space. The movie adaptation wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. There were some cool action and special effects. It isn't something a parent would want their seven year old kid to be seeing. There's some mild swearing too. But the action and special effects are only good things about the movie. Anymore action and it would be rated PG-13 in the U.S.


Overall, if you already saw Jumanji and you're not interested in seeing an action flick, don't bother seeing Zathura. 5/10. Its just Jumanji in space with more action.


Anyone else see it?

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For some reason, I had "Fever Pitch" in my Netflix queue, and I returned some movies, and I didn't update my Queue order, so they sent it to me. I don't know why I had ANY interest in seeing this, given the fact I:

a) hate baseball

b) hate romantic comedies

c) hate Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore.


I *think* I remember reading that the book it was based off of was written by the same guy who wrote "High Fidelity", which I enjoyed, so I thought maybe there was a chance that this factor would trump problems a-c.


Basically I'm never going to get those two hours back. Good thing I was burning DVDs at the time, so I don't feel like a colossal idiot for watching it.

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I watched Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire last night.

While the show is no doubt captivating, I dont really enjoy the movie as much as I thought I would.

There are some moments that were rather dull & I found myself fidgeting in my seat recklessly.

Anyway, I cant wait for The Chonicles Of Narnia to be screened in my country.

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For some reason, I had "Fever Pitch" in my Netflix queue, and I returned some movies, and I didn't update my Queue order, so they sent it to me. I don't know why I had ANY interest in seeing this, given the fact I:

a) hate baseball

b) hate romantic comedies

c) hate Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore.


I *think* I remember reading that the book it was based off of was written by the same guy who wrote "High Fidelity", which I enjoyed, so I thought maybe there was a chance that this factor would trump problems a-c.


Basically I'm never going to get those two hours back. Good thing I was burning DVDs at the time, so I don't feel like a colossal idiot for watching it.


Unfortunately, whenever a British idea gets the US treatment, it does tend to get lost in translation. The Fever Pitch film which was more directly based on the book by Nick Hornby with the main sport as football (soccer) is a damn good film. But it's probably quite difficult to understand unless you're a die-hard football fan or someone who has a bit of knowledge about the game and the period.

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I caught The Aristocrats (which is not to be confused with Disney's The Aristocats) at a late show last night at the Kimball in Williamsburg. How many of you are familiar with this one? It's a documentary about a notorious dirty joke that has been passed down from comedian to comedian for god knows how long. The flick is basically just a series of conversations with different comedians about this infamous joke, their versions of it, and their different philosophies regarding comedy in general. George Carlin, Bob Saget, Robin Williams, Marin Mull, Drew Carey, and even Larry Storch (Corporal Agarn from F Troop), among others, offer their take on the joke (I thought Gilbert Gottffried told it best, and Storch was pretty funny, too).


I won't repeat any versions of the joke, mainly because it would violate the "PG-13" restriction of TPR and the basic joke itself wouldn't translate well here--the humor is in the telling (and how disgusting the teller can make it). But the punchline is "The Aristocrats."


Catch this one--it's hilarious.

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