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What is your next park?

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Secret Bonus Park on the Midwest Trip!


I'm callin' the Fun Spot. Don't know why. That's my hunch.


I figured my next park would be CP to meet up with the Midwest folk, but my b-day is within the next week, so I might treat myself to some place else. I'm thinkin' Beech Bend and Kentucky Krapdom. I don't know though.


EDIT: I'm taking myself up on my offer!! Hershey and Kennywood it is in one week! Never been to Hershey and it's been 4 years since I last went to Kennywood.


EDIT AGAIN!: I will be hitting Knoebel's for the first time the night before Hershey! This is turning out to be my greatest idea in a long time!

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After failing to go to any parks at all so far this year - Blackpool Pleasure Beach is go for early September and hopefully Camelot (although it shuts during the week).


Hopefully I'll also get to Thorpe Park and Terra Mitica before the year is out.

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Hi all,


Looks like a good a place as any to post my upcoming trip from August 23-30. The first weekend (Aug 24-26) I was planning to try to get out to either Six Flags Over Georgia and/or Dollywood (which I've never yet got to).


Other than the above, I plan to finally get to Coney Island and ride the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel (if I'm brave enough!) - I tried the Disney's California Adventure incarnation in the swinging carriages and they tend to freak me out somewhat).


Any suggestions as to which parks I could maybe get to in my limited timescale? - I'm also open to any possible meet-ups along the way.


Martin (UK)

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