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Well, You're Wrong

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About Well, You're Wrong

  • Birthday 02/19/1986

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  1. Great TR. Good ROS pics. BOO trims on the ride..anyhoo
  2. Great pics! Sounds like you had a blast. Alton Towers looks like a hell of a lot of fun.
  3. Vertical Velocity at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom this past Tuesday.
  4. 1999 Toyota Corolla LE. Which is awesome BTW. Insanely reliable and fuel effecient.
  5. Nice pics, even though it sucked that it rained on you but you gotta make due right? That shot with the clouds looked freaky as hell.
  6. Great TR, this trip(with the other trips TPR goes on) seems like an insane amount of fun
  7. Those are some great pictures, Madrid looks like such a beautiful city. And for some reason that smiling Donkey made laugh or LOL if ya will.
  8. Your best bet is going the Ralphs route, the tickets are pretty cheap at Ralphs
  9. Here is I. Me In Detroit for WWE Wrestlemania 23( yeah I like Wrestling sue me)
  10. I'll be at Great America & SF Discovery Kingdom this coming Monday and Tuesday(August 6th & 7th)
  11. It once was my favorite roller coaster but Ghostrider is unbearable to ride now. Desperado at Buffalo Bills broke my damn back
  12. What's good Theme Park Review? I'm Brandon I'm 21 years old living in Lawndale,CA.I am a huge nerd for Theme Parks (And various other things) Let's say i've been lurking for a hell of a long time around these parts. Well ever since the board was created. So i'm wise to all of TPR's off beat shenanigans, anyway I hope I have a good time here
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