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Most Overrated coaster?

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^I think the thing with Banshee is, that it is the best coaster of its type (arguably - it's my favorite, barely), but compared to other types of coasters, it's not a top 10 coaster or anything. I think it's in my top 20 or 25, however (because I particularly like B&M Inverts!)

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I think Banshee is a great coaster but a middle of the road B&M invert (that statement only make sense because I love every B&M invert I've ridden, they're all outstanding rides).


I'd put it way below inevrts like Afterburn, Montu and Alpengeist which are far more snappy and forceful and more in like with rides like Talon and Silver Bullet (both of which I greatly enjoy, but they're a step below those top tier inverts).

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I am going to be hated for this, but I did not enjoy I305 like everyone said I would. I mean yea, the airtime is good, but the ride is to darn predictable. It didn't feel intense in any means, other than the forces. The elements weren't rapid fire, everything you could see coming towards you every second of the ride. It just felt very controlled, not the type of ride I like.

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^Well, it depends. You may know where the track is going but not know how the element will ride. When I rode skyrush I already knew the layout and had already heard how intense it was but I was still surprised by the coaster and how each element felt like.

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I am going to be hated for this, but I did not enjoy I305 like everyone said I would. I mean yea, the airtime is good, but the ride is to darn predictable. It didn't feel intense in any means, other than the forces. The elements weren't rapid fire, everything you could see coming towards you every second of the ride. It just felt very controlled, not the type of ride I like.


doesn't that ride have trim brakes on the drop now? Sadly I haven't even been within 1,000 miles of the coaster but from what I recall they wanted to slow it down more so people wouldn't grey-out. Kinda like how SFMM makes Goliath pretty much do a full stop before the helix.

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doesn't that ride have trim brakes on the drop now?


No. It has a trim near the end of the ride (though I believe for a short time it did have a trim on the drop in it's debut season). Personally I think the ride is absolutely insane and the only other coaster I've ridden with those types of out-of-control transitions is Maverick. "Controlled" and "Predictable" don't come to mind for me with I305.

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doesn't that ride have trim brakes on the drop now?


No. It has a trim near the end of the ride (though I believe for a short time it did have a trim on the drop in it's debut season). Personally I think the ride is absolutely insane and the only other coaster I've ridden with those types of out-of-control transitions is Maverick. "Controlled" and "Predictable" don't come to mind for me with I305.


the trim that is currently on it (near the end of the ride) has always been there from day one and is pretty minor. there were temporary trims on the drop that were removed once the first turn was slightly redesigned. in my opinion it's the most intense coaster on the planet. it's a whole different kind of experience from almost anything else.

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doesn't that ride have trim brakes on the drop now?


No. It has a trim near the end of the ride (though I believe for a short time it did have a trim on the drop in it's debut season). Personally I think the ride is absolutely insane and the only other coaster I've ridden with those types of out-of-control transitions is Maverick. "Controlled" and "Predictable" don't come to mind for me with I305.


the trim that is currently on it (near the end of the ride) has always been there from day one and is pretty minor. there were temporary trims on the drop that were removed once the first turn was slightly redesigned. in my opinion it's the most intense coaster on the planet. it's a whole different kind of experience from almost anything else.

When the trim was added to the first drop in the first season the one towards the end of the ride was taken off.

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doesn't that ride have trim brakes on the drop now?


No. It has a trim near the end of the ride (though I believe for a short time it did have a trim on the drop in it's debut season). Personally I think the ride is absolutely insane and the only other coaster I've ridden with those types of out-of-control transitions is Maverick. "Controlled" and "Predictable" don't come to mind for me with I305.


the trim that is currently on it (near the end of the ride) has always been there from day one and is pretty minor. there were temporary trims on the drop that were removed once the first turn was slightly redesigned. in my opinion it's the most intense coaster on the planet. it's a whole different kind of experience from almost anything else.

I completely agree!


I usually handle coasters really well and wish they were crazier, but EVERY TIME I ride I305 I experience a full black out on the curve and I don't regain sight or hearing until well after the giant airtime hill, at which point my mind is in shock and I experience the first few fast transitions thinking I am dying. I'm not exaggerating... It's completely a terrifying experience for me and I love it but couldn't even get myself to re-ride on my latest visit (My first visit I rode it multiple times but I just couldn't do a 2nd ride when I visited a few weeks ago).


Maverick and Skyrush are completely my kind of insane though.

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Intimidator at Carowinds


It just felt so "meh" to me. People hyped the airtime, especially in the back row, I did enjoy that "floater to ejacter" style airtime the back provided, but it felt so darn slow. If the trim wasn't there, I think it'd be a great ride. It bit very hard, and ruined most of the airtime for the first half of the hill (in the front, middle or back)


The helix also left something major to be desired. all in all, a very "meh" ride that was touted as "One of the best B&M hypers"


next day edit: Don't post while drunk.

I don't know why anyone ranks Intimidator at Carowinds very highly. It drags through the entire course, and the MCBR might as well be the end of the ride.


The only B&M hyper I have experienced that is consistently exciting to the very end is Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia, with Diamondback at KI coming close to being as good. Both insanely more impressive than Intrimidator.

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^Well, it depends. You may know where the track is going but not know how the element will ride. When I rode skyrush I already knew the layout and had already heard how intense it was but I was still surprised by the coaster and how each element felt like.

When I watched a POV of Skyrush I thought to myself "That looks really boring for an Intamin, the layout is just the same thing over and over and the airtime and banking doesn't seem to be even half of what Maverick offers" ...then I rode it and was shocked. The back left wing seat still tries to break my body in half in the best way, and the airtime leaves me bruised after just one ride, and I would never complain about that! #1 steel for me!

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Intimidator at Carowinds


It just felt so "meh" to me. People hyped the airtime, especially in the back row, I did enjoy that "floater to ejacter" style airtime the back provided, but it felt so darn slow. If the trim wasn't there, I think it'd be a great ride. It bit very hard, and ruined most of the airtime for the first half of the hill (in the front, middle or back)


The helix also left something major to be desired. all in all, a very "meh" ride that was touted as "One of the best B&M hypers"


next day edit: Don't post while drunk.

I don't know why anyone ranks Intimidator at Carowinds very highly. It drags through the entire course, and the MCBR might as well be the end of the ride.


The only B&M hyper I have experienced that is consistently exciting to the very end is Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia, with Diamondback at KI coming close to being as good. Both insanely more impressive than Intrimidator.


Weird how people can have such different opinions. I rode Intimidator and then Diamondback only a few days apart recently and preferred Intimidator by a long distance. Didn't find it to be trimmed too badly and it had bags of that lovely B&M floater air. I'll admit that the section after the MCBR did feel a bit pointless though. Diamondback on the other hand I thought was pretty average and a bit of a let down tbh. Was expecting a lot more from it.

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Intimidator at Carowinds


It just felt so "meh" to me. People hyped the airtime, especially in the back row, I did enjoy that "floater to ejacter" style airtime the back provided, but it felt so darn slow. If the trim wasn't there, I think it'd be a great ride. It bit very hard, and ruined most of the airtime for the first half of the hill (in the front, middle or back)


The helix also left something major to be desired. all in all, a very "meh" ride that was touted as "One of the best B&M hypers"


next day edit: Don't post while drunk.

I don't know why anyone ranks Intimidator at Carowinds very highly. It drags through the entire course, and the MCBR might as well be the end of the ride.


The only B&M hyper I have experienced that is consistently exciting to the very end is Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia, with Diamondback at KI coming close to being as good. Both insanely more impressive than Intrimidator.


Weird how people can have such different opinions. I rode Intimidator and then Diamondback only a few days apart recently and preferred Intimidator by a long distance. Didn't find it to be trimmed too badly and it had bags of that lovely B&M floater air. I'll admit that the section after the MCBR did feel a bit pointless though. Diamondback on the other hand I thought was pretty average and a bit of a let down tbh. Was expecting a lot more from it.


Haven't ridden Intimidator yet but I agree with you about Diamondback. My conclusion-- B&M hypers can be fickle. When I first rode Nitro in 2008 it was about noon or 1pm and I was underwhelmed. I came back later in the day and it instantly became my #1 steel coaster. I've had similar experiences with Apollo's Chariot where it was slogging through the course one day and booking like crazy another.

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Intimidator 305. It has intensity, and....that's it. Not much is offered on this coaster. No airtime, no variety, no surprises, just the Goliath's helix played in loop. That by itself is fun. However, I don't find that "top-tier" material when that's 95% of the coaster's layout.


HIGHLY overrated. There are much better coasters in the vicinity.

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  • 7 months later...

Probably going to get executed for saying this, but I never thought Batman: The Ride (SFGAm) was all that amazing. It's a great ride, no doubt about that, however I didn't think it was "out of this world" intense/forceful as many claim. Maybe I just rode it on a bad day.

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Probably going to get executed for saying this, but I never thought Batman: The Ride (SFGAm) was all that amazing. It's a great ride, no doubt about that, however I didn't think it was "out of this world" intense/forceful as many claim. Maybe I just rode it on a bad day.


I don't like any of the Batman Clones. They are my least favorite inverts.

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I wouldn't say B&M is overrated given that a lot of people here find a lot of their rides forceless, as you said. In fact you can see the amount of discussion that takes place almost every time a new B&M is announced precisely because of this issue. So I don't think they are overrated.

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I'm perplexed by some of these answers.


I've been doing some thinking about this and I guess the way to decide the "most overrated" coaster is to take the coaster where the difference between your opinion of the ride and the general consensus about the ride is the greatest. A lot of people are saying coasters like Millennium Force where the consensus is that it's amazing but they found it good, but not great. So if we were ranking it on a scale of 1 to 10 it would maybe be the difference between a 10 and a 6.


First of all, you're wrong. Millennium Force is a 10. But second of all, I would think a more appropriate pick would be a coaster that most people think is a 10 that you don't just find underwhelming, but actually flat out hate. Not like "eh it's okay but I don't understand the hype" (Hi Banshee!), more like "F**k this thing you couldn't pay me to ride it, what the hell is wrong with all of these people that enjoy this piece of Sh*t???".


Now some people may not have a coaster like this but I do, so this is an easy one for me. I love you Arrow, I love you Alan Schilke but X2 should be melted down and buried into a hole so deep that it stretches all the way to hell where that thing belongs. Everyone seems convinced that this is an amazing ride, 2+ hour waits are totally normal and it gets really positive reviews but I swear to god you couldn't pay me enough to ride this f**king thing ever again. I'd rather ride a Togo looper through all 7 layers of hell than ride X2 ever again. If Green Lantern didn't exist in the same park, then as far as I'm concerned X2 would be the worst coaster operating ANYWHERE in America (makes it sound like I don't get out much but I do... this park just happens to have the 2 worst coasters in America. Yay them!) Green Lantern isn't the most overrated coaster though because everyone openly admits that that ride sucks.


X2 is a terrible, terrible ride. Not just because it's a horrendous piece of sh*t (which it is) but because they changed the trains and re-named it just to convince me after the beating I took on this miserable waste of steel back in it's opening year (which we almost didn't get to ride but it had just re-opened after weeks of downtime the day we got there "lucky" us) that it was "new and improved" and we should give it another chance. No... it still sucks. To say this ride sucks is an insult to every other ride that sucks. This ride would have to dramatically improve just to suck. Not only did the new trains not make it suck less but it might have actually made it worse. The only saving grace is that on the lift hill when you get to stare at the Southern California sun the entire way up you get to listen to clips from Full Metal Jacket. This is fitting because this ride really gives you an idea of how Private Pyle felt when he was going through basic training with Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. To be fair though I think I'd rather endure that than X2. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman seems like less of a dick than the people that thought X2 was a good idea.


(Love you Alan Schilke but why?)

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Skyrush for me. The restraints suck and are one of the few times I've ever been distracted during a ride, the layout is short, and while it's not a bad layout by any means, it is far from one of Intamin's best. The elements are amped up due to the winged trains and open restraints flinging you around everywhere, but I don't put the layout quite on par with the likes of EGF, S:TR, Toro, T-Express, Goliath at Walibi, Maverick, iSpeed, etc..


That is NOT to say Skyrush is a bad ride. It's incredibly unique and intense. I just don't "get" when people put it over many of the other Intamin (or RMC) greats. Overwhelming force alone doesn't do it for me.

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