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The Rumor / Crazy Idea Superthread

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  BuschSchoe said:
Floorless trains on Mantis at Cedar Point!


Ouch, for the guys atleast! If that ride wasn't already painful as it is!


As for the article about flight deck getting new trains, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_Deck_(Canada%27s_Wonderland)


~ Jess "that's one good thing about being a girl" Chan

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  Crazy_Behemoth_Lady_Jess said:

Unless you meant by taking out the entire "standup trains" and changing it to sit down. My mistake then.

Yes, that is what I meant.

I don't think that standup floorless trains would even be possible.


Sorry about the confusion.

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  Crazy_Behemoth_Lady_Jess said:
  TPDave said:
^ I think she's confused with stand up trains...

Unless you meant by taking out the entire "standup trains" and changing it to sit down. My mistake then.


Precisely, it sounded like the suggestion was to change to regular sit down floorless trains. Astroworldfan1 seems to have thought the same...

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As for Flight Deck at Canada's Wonderland, anyone know about whether it's REALLY getting new trains? Or its just something a fanboy/girl put on Wikipedia (most likely). If it does get new trains, I'm hoping they're themed to an F-14 fighter jet to match the rest of the theming. I mean after all Flight Deck IS the most themed ride in the whole park.


As for standup floorless, Intamin made stand up DROP TOWERS that are floorless. I believe one's in UK and one's in Spain. But floorless standup coaster would be too painful as the way the forces work on a coaster is different than a drop tower.


~ Jess "Don't trust Wiki" Chan

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So, Demon Drop isn't listed under "thrill rides" on Cedar Point's website anymore. It's still there, but you have to go to the whole list of rides to access the DD page. If you click on the random, out of place "Demon Drop" name under thrill rides, it just redirects back to the same page. Website error, or sign of things to come?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard many rumors about Rock 'n' Roller Coaster to be changed into some Hannah Montana Beeny Bopper Ride. Now Is this true?


I mean, right now Disney has been putting attention on there "stars". If they keep on doing it they could touch the parks.


I mean its bad enough to have concerts, parades, and just what next?


Anyways, I'm not sure on this, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a contract that keeps the use of the aerosmith themeing?



Now, please let this be rumors!

-Matthew K.

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I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say rumor.


While Hannah Montana is a huge success for Disney right now and is making them loads of money, I HIGHLY doubt there is a need to worry about Rockin' Roller Coaster being re-themed.

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  Thelegendarymatthew said:


I mean its bad enough to have concerts, parades, and just what next?


-Matthew K.


Yes, it is completely horrible that Disney is providing entertainment for their guests! Are you serious?


Wake up buddy and think before you write.

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I heard a good one this weekend.

While shopping at Home Depot in Solon Oh, i heard two people talking about getting jobs at Geauga Lake this summer. I asked them which side of the park, the water side or rides side, they said the rides side and that Batman was coming back to GL...


nah, i don't think so...

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Last I knew Aerosmith had a ten year contact with Disney for Rock'n'roller coaster, that was back in 2000 so we don't have to worry about it for another year at least. It might pull more 10-15 age group in to Studios but I can't see them knocking off Aerosmith for a dead-end star.


Rumor here is Kennywood Park's new owners want to build, but I give that very little credit.


Guagua Lake is dead, CF plans to keep it only a water park on the former Seaworld property. I'm sure I heard someplace they where trying to relocate the coasters to other CF properties. I know there was a story about Raging Wolf Bobs being sold and they moved Steal Venom to Dorney.



So has anyone whined about Six Flags moving into Orlando yet? That's my favorite

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Atlantis was awesome, now THAT was a waterpark!


Oh yeah, everyone knew someone who sold land to Six Flags between Curry Ford, Naracoosee Road and 192! Rumor was that's why they made the overpass at the Beeline and Naracoosee bigger

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