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The Rumor / Crazy Idea Superthread

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What, exactly, do you mean? Every bumper car ride I've been on has a public address system. It's generally used to let the riders know when the ride is about to start and again when it's going to stop. It is also frequently used to remind the riders that head-on bumping isn't allowed.

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Some of these aren't rumors...though sadly the one in NJ is probably never happening. I'd love an epic woodie on the shore that connects the piers!



As for ideas, I had this one that could never happen unless a park had a states worth of energy dedicated to it..

A jet fighter dueling coaster. The seats would be on the outside like a wing coaster and the tracks would have a "dogfight" with crazy maneuvers and all kinds of stuff.

What I was thinking though is a unique launch system, one that could control their speed in unnatural ways. Like accelerate going straight up, or making quick boosts/brakes. Basically like each train had an "engine" like a plane. Not sure I'm explaining it right, but in stead of launch and carry through there'd be launches throughout.

Though it'd need insane levels of energy and I'm not smart enough to think of a way that could enable such things

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I would love Rocky Mountain Coasters to make an Iron Horse coaster with inversions similar to B&M coasters. 100 foot loop, dive loop, zero g roll, and all the other usual elements. Can't forget about a bit of .

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  Mechanic said:
What, exactly, do you mean? Every bumper car ride I've been on has a public address system. It's generally used to let the riders know when the ride is about to start and again when it's going to stop. It is also frequently used to remind the riders that head-on bumping isn't allowed.


Like, I was thinking the ride op would give sort of like a play by play. It is a random thought that came to my head.

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  coasterfreak101 said:
^The Morey's GCI was set to happen next year, but is currently being pushed back to 2014 I believe. Seems like it's going to happen, it's just a matter of when everyone is ready to get started.



Well that is good news, though sad it may be 2014.

The idea of connecting piers is epic and if it does follow that drawing looks like a cool layout.


Also after 10 years of want I'm going to SFMM next year so they better make that epic maverick terrain coaster!


Also forgive my noobishness, do we know anything more about this supposed CP wing coaster?

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  stashua123 said:
Stand-Up Wooden Rollercoasters!!


It would have

Let them make inversions first before going further with wood. No, but it could be possible to make wooden inversions I made some designed that work on paper thinking about G-forces and how to build them up. You will get these square's but they are firm and constructible for any manufacture team (Prefab or just making it on site). I designed the loop, in-line twist (not completely done making it is still hard) and Corkscrew all still can be better and measurements need to be done before you should build them. Like you can read I'm a big fan for evolutions in wooden roller coaster.

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  JJLehto said:
Also forgive my noobishness, do we know anything more about this supposed CP wing coaster?




This article is where the news "broke," and if you click on the small thumbnail right below the large animated picture of X-Flight you can see the supposed layout. Nothing's confirmed, but that's what we've got so far.

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  coasterfreak101 said:
^The Morey's GCI was set to happen next year, but is currently being pushed back to 2014 I believe. Seems like it's going to happen, it's just a matter of when everyone is ready to get started.


I have heard that the latest timetable would be to start construction late 2012 and for it to open by 2014 the earliest. Though that timetable is not set yet and the trigger to start the project hasn't been pushed.

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I have a late idea:


Lets say Lex Luthor/Superman never existed and Magic Mountain decided to attach 4 or 5 drop towers to the sides of the Sky Tower and then re-purposed the second floor(The floor that's never used) of the Sky Tower as a "Pre-Drop Room" and kept the top floor as an observation deck.

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  AnonymousReed said:
I have a late idea:


Lets say Lex Luthor/Superman never existed and Magic Mountain decided to attach 4 or 5 drop towers to the sides of the Sky Tower and then re-purposed the second floor(The floor that's never used) of the Sky Tower as a "Pre-Drop Room" and kept the top floor as an observation deck.


Perhaps in an alternate universe. Maybe they'll visit Magic Mountain in an episode of Fringe.

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^ I could see that being fun, and just to make it more fun have the ride drop at a completely random moment each time, sometimes it drops when the Joker reaches 3 other times his voice goes from 5 to 0 and nothing happens for a few seconds and then you hear him laugh and say that he was kidding and he has to start the countdown again only to release you at 5.

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  theonetheonlyJT said:
I want to see a joker themed drop ride where at the top like LLDOD you hear the joker and he counts down and you drop about 5ft and then he says why so serious and laughs and then you drop.


I LOVE this idea!! I would be so scared since drop rides scare the crap out of me. I would LOVE it!!!

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That sounds absolutely amazing, I've always wondered why there weren't more drop rides with random timing of the drop.



Also on a somewhat related note, I would love to see Intamin make a 3rd Gen Freefall ride similar to the original ones but much bigger and hopefully quieter.

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^^ Yeah I forgot to put that the seats would tilt forward. SFOG is my home park and I haven't been on a drop tower yet. Another idea I have is if it where to drop into a building (the station) with light effects and mist. the drop could be 300ft+ and the building around 100ft. The building could also make you think you are going faster than you really are.

Edited by theonetheonlyJT
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  scbt said:
That sounds absolutely amazing, I've always wondered why there weren't more drop rides with random timing of the drop.



Also on a somewhat related note, I would love to see Intamin make a 3rd Gen Freefall ride similar to the original ones but much bigger and hopefully quieter.


Holy crap! We all really do share ideas!

I've always wanted a new freefall! It was such a fun ride, and I figured it could be taller like over 200 feet, and use their magnet brakes. Would be way smoother and the freefall even more intense.



Also that's a cool idea with the drop towers. For maximum mind****ery I'd have like 6 cars that are lifted at once, all facing in towards each other, and then each one falls at random. Imagine sitting waiting, no idea when, and having to watch others fall first!

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  theonetheonlyJT said:
I want to see a joker themed drop ride where at the top like LLDOD you hear the joker and he counts down and you drop about 5ft and then he says why so serious and laughs and then you drop.

That would work really well in an Arkham Asylum themed Mystery Castle...


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I got some crazy ideas for Invertigo's successor at CGA, as well as the IMAX.

-Extended Zamperla MotoCoaster - According to RCDB, the MotoCoaster at Darien Lake is quite compact compared to Invertigo, so it could be extended a tad or a small museum themed to motorcycles could be added.

-Intamin/Mack Megalite: I know it's a bit out there, but I bet it could start by the Invertigarden and use the IMAX site for the main ride. Besides, CGA could use some blue track

-Custom EuroFighter: I had originally thought about the Rage layout, but that would require some shuffling of stuff (except maybe where the IMAX is?). A custom layout could work a la the Megalite concept above.


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