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Mitch Hawker's Steel Coaster Poll Results Are In

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Interesting results. Great to see Nemesis still doing so well after all these years!


Even better is M&Ds Tornado finishing last. I feel vindicated that I can now officially call it the worst coaster in the world.

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Busch Gardens have done well with Shiekra and Montu, good stuff.


Awesome, my first coaster on US soil on my next holiday will be Superman ROS, this result only makes me want to go sooner than July.



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I'm a bit heartbroken that Superman beat out GeForce, but then again I haven't ridden either one in a few years; Holiday Park wasn't viable on my trip to Germany, and I'd rather gnaw off my leg than return to SFNE until Shapiro and friends attempts to turn the place around. Hopefully that'll be soon, as I'd like to ride Superman again. Of course, there's always next year's Europe trip to raise GeForce's powers again.


I really don't get Black Mamba. I thought it was a cool ride with good theming and a unique layout, but it's just a B grade B&M invert in my opinion. Definitely not the 2006 edition of Nemesis like people were claiming it was going to be. So while it looks good on paper, I wouldn't be blowing your allowance to fly over to Germany to solely ride this thing, kiddies. I think you'll be disappointed.


As for why I believe Top Thrill beat out Kingda Ka, customer service comes into play. Well, that and the OTSR on Ka, and that roughness and shifting during the launch that TTD doesn't have.


In all, while I may not agree with some of the standings, it's nice to see some "oldies" still holding their own. And it is really tough to rank some of these coasters, so everyone's contribution is always appreciated. Mitch does a terrific job on this by himself, and I'm glad he continues to do it every year.

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As for why I believe Top Thrill beat out Kingda Ka, customer service comes into play. Well, that and the OTSR on Ka, and that roughness and shifting during the launch that TTD doesn't have.


I agree, Kingda Ka's launch just doesn't feel right. I think TTD and Storm Runner's launch is much better, even though it's not as fast.

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Well Expedition Ge Force blew S:ROS NE away in head-to-head and only lost to Black Mamba and Superman (in Australia) if I'm reading the head-to-head chart correctly.


3 people rode both Superman (Australia) and Expedition Ge Force and two of the three said Superman was better.


So in essence one vote enabled S:ROS @SFNE to win

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Eh, pretty much par for the course, I guess. One thing remains clear though:


11. Sheikra

13. Montu

17. DD/ Fire

21. Kumba (still my favorite FL beemer)

23. DD/ Ice

27. Hulk

28. Kraken

35. Revenge of the Mummy

44. Everest


Central Florida - still the place to be.

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Eejanaika only had two riders so far. Five is the minimum for consideration.


The Superman that beat E:GF was the Australian version.


Pyrenees is actually pretty good, it had to do very well in the ten ballots that it was on to get all the way to tenth place overall.


Magnum isn't doing very well, the downward trend seems to be accelerating.

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Eh, pretty much par for the course, I guess. One thing remains clear though:


11. Sheikra

13. Montu

17. DD/ Fire

21. Kumba (still my favorite FL beemer)

23. DD/ Ice

27. Hulk

28. Kraken

35. Revenge of the Mummy

44. Everest


Central Florida - still the place to be.


Florida needs a hyper!

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Carowinds numbers are kinda funny:


Top Gun #29 - that's fine, I understand that..it's not new anymore.


#2 for the park? Super Saturator!

#3 for the park? Borg!


I find that hillarious that Borg came in 3rd. lol



My personal #1 was like #6 and my #2 was #10.


But I haven't been to Europe like SOME people. So I know I haven't ridden all of those other coasters.

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