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What Was The Last Coaster You Rode?

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  viking86 said:
Speedmonster at Tusenfryd on saturday. Still a fun ride!


Damn, with all the parks opening for the season I'm really starting to feel the urge to ride a rollercoaster again. Unfortunately nothing has changed since I made this post in late August year and will probably remain so for a couple of more months. Time to do some trip planning!

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Knott's: Xcelerator, March 2015


Magic Mountain: Tatsu, December 2006


Disneyland: Space Mountain, August 2006


California Adventure: California Screamin, August 2006


Sea World San Diego: Journey to Atlantis, August, 2009

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  Guy T. Koepp said:
It's not our fault. Magic Mountain named it.


No they didn't. MM named it F-U-L-L-T-H-R-OT-T-L-E and said that it was a YOLO kind of coaster as part of the promotion. They don't call it the YOLOcoaster. They call it a YOLOcoaster. There are many YOLOcoaster's and FT is not one of them. If I only had one coaster to ever ride before I died I wouldn't even be in California.

Edited by gbioryl
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  gbioryl said:
  Guy T. Koepp said:
It's not our fault. Magic Mountain named it.


No they didn't. MM named it F-U-L-L-T-H-R-OT-T-L-E and said that it was a YOLO kind of coaster as part of the promotion. They don't call it the YOLOcoaster. They call it a YOLOcoaster. Their are many YOLOcoaster's and FT is not one of them. If I only had one coaster to ever ride before I died I wouldn't even be in California.


Yes, THERE are many YOLOcoaster's that are awesome but only one that is actually named Full Throttle!


Just so you know, I am totally typing out the name that Six Flags gave it.....Full Throttle!

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  Coasterguy21 said:
  gbioryl said:
  Guy T. Koepp said:
It's not our fault. Magic Mountain named it.


No they didn't. MM named it F-U-L-L-T-H-R-OT-T-L-E and said that it was a YOLO kind of coaster as part of the promotion. They don't call it the YOLOcoaster. They call it a YOLOcoaster. There are many YOLOcoaster's and FT is not one of them. If I only had one coaster to ever ride before I died I wouldn't even be in California.


Yes, THERE are many YOLOcoaster's that are awesome but only one that is actually named YOLOcoaster!


Just so you know, I am totally typing out the name that Six Flags gave it.....YOLOcoaster!


There is no coaster named YOLOcoaster.

Edited by gbioryl
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  gbioryl said:
  Coasterguy21 said:
  gbioryl said:
  Guy T. Koepp said:
It's not our fault. Magic Mountain named it.


No they didn't. MM named it F-U-L-L-T-H-R-OT-T-L-E and said that it was a YOLO kind of coaster as part of the promotion. They don't call it the YOLOcoaster. They call it a YOLOcoaster. There are many YOLOcoaster's and FT is not one of them. If I only had one coaster to ever ride before I died I wouldn't even be in California.


Yes, THERE are many YOLOcoaster's that are awesome but only one that is actually named YOLOcoaster!


Just so you know, I am totally typing out the name that Six Flags gave it.....YOLOcoaster!


There is no coaster named YOLOcoaster.


The Full Throttle thing is not ment to offend anyone.

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If Magic Mountain hadn't wanted Full throttle to be called Full Throttle, then why did they have this word filter put on the internets to advertise their coaster as Full Throttle. It takes a lot of geek power to control the tubes like that.


Full Throttle!

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