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I've got way too many games and just not enough time to finish them, I just finished Shadow Of The Colossus after I got it free of PS+ a few months back. I only just finished it because I also got Ico in that same month and decided i'd like to platinum it, getting that last trophy of completing the game in 2 hours took me forever to get past certain parts.


I really really liked Shadow of the colossus but I think i've seen it so hyped in all the years that it couldn't live up to the impossible expectations in my head. However one of the other ps+ free games I downloaded a while back and just started is Okami. I had no idea how much i'd love everything about this game.


Although I'm a year late to this game, I'm also playing Ni No Kuni since I was curious about this "studio ghibli" game (and my girlfriend had brought me the wizards edition). It's really fun but even with the tactics option I find my team-mates AI very frustrating when they burn up all their MP within a few normal fights even when I ask one to play healer. Thankfully a button to make them all defend finally unlocked before I ended up attempting to kill one of them.


I'm also playing GTA V which was handed down to me. I'm on a bit of a RPG spree right now, the completionist in me likes to play all the games so I had avoided Kingdom Hearts since you needed so many consoles but with 1.5 out and 2.5 coming soon as well as having a 3DS I finally sat down to play them.


I've always wanted to revisit the classical final fantasy and play all of them from 1-15 even though I realize they aren't linked in terms of story (excluding online games which I probably won't play, I think the only one I can't get on any of the systems I own is 12). I take them very slowly though I beat 1 a year ago and am gradually doing 2 on my iphone but it's a game for me that is really difficult to like, I keep forgetting the inn charges more when you have low HP and MP rather than a set price and no matter how much I grind and let enemies wear me down to boost my stats I never seem to have enough for good equipment.


I have a huge back-log of series I want to play, again I like to be a completionist as much as I can so I wait until HD bundles show up, currently on my back list in terms of series are: Resident Evil series (although no idea how i'll play zero), Tales series (well maybe just symphonia when the ps3 bundle comes out, that was on of my first RPGs I ever played on my gamecube back home), Bioshock series, Uncharted series, god of war series and the batman arkham series.

Edited by Garet
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New Sonic game for the Wii U and 3DS. Team gameplay like Sonic Heroes but with one team and up to 4 players local co-op. It's being developed by former Naughty Dog staffers at BigRedButton Entertainment, and the Wii U version will use CryEngine 3.


Also, apparently Knuckles has been working out.


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New Sonic game for the Wii U and 3DS. Team gameplay like Sonic Heroes but with one team and up to 4 players local co-op. Being developed by former Naughty Dog staffers at BigRedButton.


Apparently Knuckles has been working out.




I think there must be a sale on tape in sonics world.

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Hey TPR, I know that this is where this thread belongs and I don't think there is one on here like this.


So, I just got this idea that we should create a TPR gang and have all our colors be TPR colored cars. If you're up for it, feel free to leave either a post on here or PM me your gamertag. Hopefully we can get this going as it would be pretty cool I think at least.


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I am replaying one of my favorite video games, Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, and I am going pretty quick through it. At least faster than the other times I played the game. To add on, I played Pokemon White 2 some more and I am finding a way out of a desert looking place to get to another city.

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I am trying to finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on PS3 (I gave up on it over a year ago but want to play the next game in the series) and restarted New Super Mario Bros Wii. I originally played New Super Mario Bros. to World 4 but stopped playing it for some reason and want to finish it before trying the Wii U version.


I also opened up NiGHTS Journey Into Dreams on Wii. The original NiGHTS game on Saturn was one of my favorite games for the system so I had high expectations for the new game but I'm just finding it to be ok and not nearly as fun as the original.

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I know there are quite a few Disney fans on here, so while it was a kid's game I'll take a shot and ask. Did anyone every play ToonTown Online? I played it for several years and got quite leveled up in it, but it shut down in September 2013. ToonTown Rewritten is being created by the community because people miss the game so much, and it is basically a private server for the game that is in Alpha testing.


Just curious if anyone else played TT.

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Just picked up south park the stick of truth today and I am shocked at the absolute top quality on display here in every facet of the game. If you have any qualms about buying it because it's a licensed game and they are usually terrible, go ahead and get this one and you will be pleasantly surprised.

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