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As much as I want to say the PS4 is a ton better, it really isn't. I mean the system is slightly better than Xbone, but the games that are out right now are certainly not system sellers. A system seller on its own is the Last of Us for PS3. Talk about an amazing game!

That game affected me on a personal level. It made me realize something about myself that I never knew before, and that's that I have a very strong paternal instinct. I must have cried for at least ten minutes during the intro, and every time Ellie got killed (which happened somewhat frequently because I sucked my first time) it felt like I got punched in the gut. What an experience. I think it easily beats out the LOTR trilogy for the best story I've experienced. I'll more than likely be buying a PS4 if and when the sequel comes out.

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But that's the thing though. I don't buy video games for story, that's what films and television (and themed amusement park attractions) are for. Story is always just icing on the cake for me.


Pardon me for asking, but if The Last Of Us didn't have its story, how good of a video game would it be?

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^ Gameplay is smooth. The shooting mechanic is not my favorite, but the stealth is really fun. Yes, the game is centered around its story, but I also found the multiplayer to be surprisingly good as well. Honestly, if the game is on sale for 30-40 bucks, you should at least consider it.

Dude, I bought a PS3 for the sole purpose of playing that game. Over a $300 total investment but I feel like that one game made it worth spending that much.

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Thanks, everyone. It sounds like I'll just stick with my xbox 360 right now and wait and see how things look next fall when I'll probably upgrade.

That's wise. It usually takes a year for any console to really come into its own. There are more RPG exclusives on Playstation than on Xbox, but there are a few good ones on Xbox too, Blue Dragon shining above them all. Fable is a great Xbox-exclusive, as well, if you haven't gotten the chance to play it. Also, a lot of games, especially the big budget ones, are released for both systems. Dragon Age: Origins was completely underrated; I've played it through three times, and I still don't feel like I've done everything with it. Dark Souls is great, so is Dragon's Dogma, and Skyrim is quite possibly the best RPG I've ever played. Then there are shooter-RPG crossovers Mass Effect and Borderlands. All these are on Playstation and Xbox both. So if you haven't played any one of these, go get it for Xbox 360 before you start looking to the new consoles. Each is a little different, and all of these are among my absolute favorites from the last console generation.

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I'm looking into getting a Ps Vita with my Christmas money this year because it's the only current gen console that doesn't want to screw me over with crap online and gimmicky additions to already tired ideas (COUGH3DSCOUGH).


I'm definitely getting Wipeout, Tearaway, LBPVita, and Guacamelee, but does anybody have suggestions?

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I'm looking into getting a Ps Vita with my Christmas money this year because it's the only current gen console that doesn't want to screw me over with crap online and gimmicky additions to already tired ideas (COUGH3DSCOUGH).


I'm definitely getting Wipeout, Tearaway, LBPVita, and Guacamelee, but does anybody have suggestions?

I would highly recommend Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack. I picked it up at launch for two reasons: First, that I had played its predecessor, Tales from Space: About a Blob, on PS3, and second, that it was $8. One of the best side-scrolling platforms out there.


Also I would also recommend if you are of a certain age, Soul Sacrifice and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. Both are amazing.

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I was going to wait before buying a new system but I couldn't pass up a deal I saw for the Wii U. NewEgg has the Skylanders Swap Force bundle with Nintendoland for $219.99. I'm going to sell the Skylanders Set. One of the figures is worth around $50 and if I can get $40 for the rest of the Skylanders Set it will end up costing around $140 for the console (factoring in EBay and Paypal fees on the Skylanders stuff I sell). Now I just need to wait for a deal on Super Mario Land and wait for Mario Kart 8 to be released.

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I'm looking into getting a Ps Vita with my Christmas money this year because it's the only current gen console that doesn't want to screw me over with crap online and gimmicky additions to already tired ideas (COUGH3DSCOUGH).


I'm definitely getting Wipeout, Tearaway, LBPVita, and Guacamelee, but does anybody have suggestions?

I heard that Persona 4 Golden is a GREAT game for the Vita. I also suggest Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (in some points to find out what my avatar is from), Uncharted: Golden Abyss is another good suggestion, and I heard many good things about Gravity Rush. The rest of the Vita games are just optional or I forgot about them.

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There are more RPG exclusives on Playstation than on Xbox, but there are a few good ones on Xbox too, Blue Dragon shining above them all. Fable is a great Xbox-exclusive, as well, if you haven't gotten the chance to play it.


I thought I replied to this but I guess not... Anyway, thanks! I'll check out Fable after the holidays.

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I'm looking into getting a Ps Vita with my Christmas money this year because it's the only current gen console that doesn't want to screw me over with crap online and gimmicky additions to already tired ideas (COUGH3DSCOUGH).

Like what? I'm genuinely curious.

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We got a Wii U for the kids when it was released last year, but I'm finding myself playing it more than they are.


So far my favorite games for Wii U are Super Mario 3D World, the wonderfully bizarre Rayman Legends, and the kids really enjoy Nintendo Land's Metroid Blaster and Mario Chase mini games. They are huge fans of the asymmetrical gameplay with one person doing one thing on the Gamepad while the others are doing another with Wii remotes. For example, in Mario Chase, Gamepad player is Mario trying to run away from the other players who are chasing him.


Since Wii U can also play Wii games, and we never had an original Wii, we are also enjoying Epic Mickey, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, and Wii Sports Resort. We are VERY excited about the new Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 that are coming soon.

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Like what? I'm genuinely curious.

The new Kinect for the Xbone is incredibly competent, but then again, so was the last one, and no developer ever really optimized it to the extent that it was capable. I really think that it's a waste of development money, and the worst part is, they're trying to push it into tons of the games so far (and it barely works right now), and it probably was the culprit for adding that extra $100 to the price tag.

As for the Wii U, so far the only games that have made decent use of the Gamepad so far are the Zelda minigame on Nintendoland and the scope/inventory screen on Zombi U. Nintendo already tried that with the Gamecube/GameboyAdvance link cable, and that failed.

IMO the 3DS doesn't have any games that really take advantage of the 3D functionality yet (besides maybe Super Mario 3D Land), and it looks like a trend of "developers not even trying to make it happen" has started with the new Pokemon gen and accented with the mistake that was the 2DS. Back when 3D games were getting pretty popular was around 2009 (with the high point being Arkham Asylum) was when the 3DS was being developed so I could see their reasoning behind the 3D addition, but I hate the shape, unpocketability, and triggers of the 2DS and there's no middleground for the system lineup yet. Maybe when a clamshell design comes out for the 2DS I'll have my interest sparked again.

As for the PS4, I like the addition of a built-in streaming service and capture card (as I do with the xbone's as well), but their emphasis on motion controls is really ill-placed. So far the only good use of it has been the vehicular looking in Battlefield 4, but it's really situational. At least it's precise, unlike the Dualshock 3's Sixaxis.

Not only those things, but the main reason why I don't want to fork over cash for a new Xbox or PS4 is because EVERY SINGLE GAME for them so far is either a tech demo with no real heart to it (Resogun, Killzone Shadowfall, Ryse, etc.), or a "next gen" port with updated graphics that I could easily get on my PC gaming rig or my PS3/360.


I don't really believe that the Vita is quite worth the price tag yet, but I really want to support it and I believe it's got a great future ahead of it, provided that Irrational does go through with that Bioshock Vita game Ken Levine was talking about. And not to mention it's getting mobile ports for everything, including Minecraft (finally the full version and not the terrible android mobile one), Starbound, Borderlands 2, and every single PS1 game available off of the PSN (just to name a few of the ones I'm interested in).

Granted, the Vita has a back touchpad that nobody really develops for, but at least that hasn't been tried before.

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As for the Wii U, so far the only games that have made decent use of the Gamepad so far are the Zelda minigame on Nintendoland and the scope/inventory screen on Zombi U. Nintendo already tried that with the Gamecube/GameboyAdvance link cable, and that failed.

Seriously, so far, playing off-TV has really made me definitely appreciate my Wii U purchase. The majority of my time playing my Wii U is spent at home with a family who likes to watch television - a lot - and it's wonderful being able to just press a button and give them the television while I finish the games I'm playing on the GamePad.


Have you even played Nintendo Land as a whole, or have you just watched people play it? The vast majority of those games make incredible use of the GamePad. Probably the best games of the bunch are the aforementioned Zelda Battle Quest, Mario Chase, Yoshi's Fruit Cart, Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Metroid Blast.


Two other games that make great use of the Pad are Pikmin 3 for its map and the ability to send captains places remotely, and Zelda Wind Waker HD for controlling its map and inventory system (much like ZombiU). One game that I haven't played that apparently does great things with the Pad is Game & Wario.


IMO the 3DS doesn't have any games that really take advantage of the 3D functionality yet (besides maybe Super Mario 3D Land), and it looks like a trend of "developers not even trying to make it happen" has started with the new Pokemon gen and accented with the mistake that was the 2DS. Back when 3D games were getting pretty popular was around 2009 (with the high point being Arkham Asylum) was when the 3DS was being developed so I could see their reasoning behind the 3D addition, but I hate the shape, unpocketability, and triggers of the 2DS and there's no middleground for the system lineup yet. Maybe when a clamshell design comes out for the 2DS I'll have my interest sparked again.

I understand that the main marketing point of the 3DS is its 3D capability, but I would say that its lineup of games is better than the original DS right now and for that reason it's worth the purchase. There are so many fantastic games on that platform, regardless if you like 3D or not!


I would also say that the "middle ground" in the 3DS' lineup is the original model 3DS, which is priced in between the others.

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^Having a close friend who owns Nintendoland and Game and Wario, I can say that although the pictionary minigame and the thief game (same concept as the Luigi's Mansion minigame from NL) make good use of the multiplayer "I can see what you can't see" idea, there's really not much else content in the game that really hits home with the gamepad. Several of the games

Also I completely forgot about the Metroid minigame. That's definitely another. The rest of them (especially the competitive only ones) honestly aren't that balanced to me. Mario always wins in the chases on the games that I play, and the ghost always wins in the games of Luigi's Mansion that I've played.

I just realised I have a thing for shooters that use motion controls for aiming. Uncharted Golden Abyss for the Vita seems to have done it really well too.


Being a person who plays singleplayer games far more than multi, I guess my main complaint about the Wii U really shouldn't be that it doesn't have any uses for the gamepad yet, but rather not enough good uses. The singleplayer uses haven't really gone past minimaps and inventory screens and the console is already a year into production.

I suppose there are a couple reasons why I might eventually scrape up some cash and buy one, but those are mainly singleplayer games such as Bayonetta 2 and Human Element, and I'm really REALLY skeptical about how the game pad is going to work with games like MarioKart U and the new Smash Bros (which I would like to add has started scraping the bottom of the bargain bucket of their own IPs for new characters, and started leeching off of Capcom and likely Konami.).

I can definitely see the appeal in using the gamepad as the main screen, as the latency gap between the controller inputs and the gamepad display is remarkably fast for using only basic Wifi, but since I use my consoles on my desktop monitor alongside my PC, I've got no interest.

Also I'm kind of surprised you said that Pikmin 3 makes good use of the gamepad, as the only two people I know IRL who own that game heavily prefer the wii/nunchuk controls. Even then, I really wish I was interested in that game as it does look like a very pretty and satisfying one, however, I was never and may never be a fan of real-time strategy games, especially since Halo War[t]s tinted whatever expectations I had left for the genre ever since it tried to cram complex controls and gameplay mechanics permanently onto a console controller.

Again, I can see the appeal, but as someone who never has had a soft spot for split screen multiplayer (the wii u's supposed demographic), I really don't think I agree with it.


Surprisingly enough there's hardly even any exclusive games that really interest me for the 3DS, besides maybe Kid Icarus Uprising, the new Phoenix Wright game, Fire Emblem Awakening, and MarioKart 7.



Also in console discussion, I just borrowed the Silent Hill HD Collection for PS3 and started playing Silent Hill 2 just a couple of hours ago.

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I'm definitely a [local] multiplayer guy, though I enjoy single-player games that I can start and stop without worrying too much. Each day in Pikmin 3 is about fifteen minutes, or I can play through some levels in New Super Mario Bros U, and you get the picture. I don't like to sit in front of the television for more than an hour or so at a time.


I'm actually trying to charge through The Wonderful 101 right now and it's probably one of the most - if not THE most - challenging video games I've ever played.

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If you're a fan of difficult games, may I recommend System Shock 2? One of the most thoroughly stressful games not only in atmosphere but it's got some really well implemented RPG elements balanced perfectly with hectic gunplay. It takes a few hours to get used to, but when you do, it's amazing.


Also for hard games you can't really get much better than Super Meat Boy if you like platformers and Hotline Miami if you like dual stick shooters.

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Not only those things, but the main reason why I don't want to fork over cash for a new Xbox or PS4 is because EVERY SINGLE GAME for them so far is either a tech demo with no real heart to it (Resogun, Killzone Shadowfall, Ryse, etc.), or a "next gen" port with updated graphics that I could easily get on my PC gaming rig or my PS3/360.


I would agree with every title, except Killzone. I own both next-gen consoles, a few games for both, and have beaten Killzone. It is MUCH more complete than any other next-gen game. There were actually a few times in the story where I thought it was going to end, but kept going. I was thoroughly impressed with the quality of it. Even if it weren't a launch title, it would still be a solid game. I still play the multiplayer a lot also, it's really fun.

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Did anyone get some video games for Christmas (whether it be a gift or buying one for yourself)?


I just cracked open Super Mario 3D World and I'm loving every second of it. I can't wait to take it back with me to school and play with four players.

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