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^I forgot that game existed...with that said, there are a few more Disney-based games I can recall...one in which I own.


This is an AMAZING recreation of Disneyland by the way...in fact I feel like I'm actually in the park walking around


And let's go way back to an older Disney Park-based game.

This one I did not have a copy of, but have played it before, seems like a precursor to the Kinect version with ride-based sub-games and using the park as an overworld.

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What is your favorite video game level that takes place in a theme park or carnival?


How about an entire game taking place at a theme park?




Man I loved that game! Wasn't the best gameplay, but I loved the locations!

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Finally beat Bioshock Infinite and was completely blown away with the ending. This is one game I'll have no problem playing through again and going for some more trophies and exploring more of Columbia.


Started Mortal Kombat the other night. Complete blast from the past, except I'm still not great at performing combos or special moves. Currently playing through story mode and just passed the Sonya vs Jade & Kitana fight.

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^^^ Easily one of my favorite games of all time. Like you said, it's a fun and very quirky game, and there are some really hilarious moments to be had playing it. Words can't describe how awesome EarthBound's humor is. Definitely a reason for me to get a Wii U soon, at least before the next Smash Bros. game is released.

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So I've finally bought a 3DS, definitely want to have one of the Pokemon games but no idea where to start. Seems like Black, White, Black 2 and White 2 are readily available in shops (and all about the same price) - anyone able to provide an opinion on which is best to get first?

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Thought I'd post this for anyone who went on the Japan trip, you can play as the character from the drum game! Its too bad this'll never reach US soil, it'd be pretty great to play I'd say

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Just picked up four used PS3 games over the weekend (2 for $20 at EB)


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed Revelations

Uncharted (I bought Uncharted 2 the same summer when Future Shop had a pricing error on their site (brand new game of the year edition for $5) but didn't want to play it until I got and beat 1.)

God of War Collection (I got through most of God of War 1 about 2 years ago when I borrowed it from a friend, so I look forward to finishing that game and starting 2.)


My backlog now consists of those 4 games, Twisted Metal, Dragon Age Origins, Mortal Kombat, Infamous, and the DLC for Bioshock Infinite when it comes out.

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I'm surprised at how attached I've gotten to the characters. One time Ellie got grabbed and I almost couldn't save her and my heart started beating insanely fast and I really felt afraid. Then later she got killed and I actually felt really guilty. I've never played a game that sucks me in as much as this one; since yesterday I've probably played for a total of maybe 12 hours.

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Picking back up on Ocarina of Time Master Quest on 3DS. Previously I got to Dodongo's cavern but got lost/haden't played in a while. I just started a new file and figured a fresh start will help me through this dungeon...requiring a little more thinking (trying to stay away from walk thru's/tutorials) I'm on the right track now! The whole idea of everything being mirrored throws me off!

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I'm surprised at how attached I've gotten to the characters. One time Ellie got grabbed and I almost couldn't save her and my heart started beating insanely fast and I really felt afraid. Then later she got killed and I actually felt really guilty. I've never played a game that sucks me in as much as this one; since yesterday I've probably played for a total of maybe 12 hours.


Definitely the most attached I have felt to characters as well. Naughty Dog did an amazing job!

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I'm surprised at how attached I've gotten to the characters. One time Ellie got grabbed and I almost couldn't save her and my heart started beating insanely fast and I really felt afraid. Then later she got killed and I actually felt really guilty. I've never played a game that sucks me in as much as this one; since yesterday I've probably played for a total of maybe 12 hours.


Definitely the most attached I have felt to characters as well. Naughty Dog did an amazing job!

The first time Ellie died was almost traumatizing for me. It was the sniper part where Joel was protecting her, Henry, and Sam. When the game cut to one of the guys coming up on Ellie I literally said, out loud, "God, no." Then the guy smashed her head on a metal box she was hiding behind and shot her, and when that happened I literally felt a jolt through me.


The most disturbing death animation was from the scene where you're fighting David. There's one animation where he has his machete and chops her in the neck, and she very slowly collapses to the ground. Something about that hit me very hard, although I felt that way every time Ellie died when I was playing, but that particular animation was the worst for some reason.


And as you can guess from my avatar, I hated Pittsburgh. Joking aside, Pittsburgh did suck, but because I'm a Caps fan I may be biased. Also, I was able to get through the hotel without turning on the generator, so it wasn't as bad as I've heard.

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Moving along my play-thru on MQ, inside Jabu Jabu's belly. Can't taking Princess Ruto be anymore annoying? I do admit, it is fun to chuck her at enemies or just to chuck her at the wall. And of course, we all know what happens en route to Jabu Jabu....King Zora...."Ouweep....Ouweep...Ouweep..."

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