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How do you evacuate a drop tower?

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^ I don't think so, and if there was, no way in hell they would let pargoers down that way for liability purposes.


I know Acrophobia has a ladder on the inside, with platforms every 20 feet or so. You can enter through the portal on the ground, as seen here:




... but only mechanics are allowed to go up that way.

Edited by ParkTrips
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If the release breaks, you lower them on the motor.


If the motor breaks, you drop the vehicle.


If everything breaks at the same time, you cut around the base of the tower and push it over into a pile of awaiting mattresses.


I think Intamin drop towers need to be all the way at the top to drop, there may be a way to manualy drop the cars from above them though

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scottbrown said:


I think Intamin drop towers need to be all the way at the top to drop, there may be a way to manualy drop the cars from above them though


I've seen huracan condor (Intamin) stop 1/2 way up, wait for a couple of mins and then drop and woz working still

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I would think on the operator's control panel there is a button for the cars to drop, no matter where they would be. Or one inside the tower that mechanics would be able to reach. That just makes since to me. Noticing on Intamin drop towers there is just pretty much a small clamp that's just holding the car.

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oh no guys get stranded in drop tower! me don't wanna get caught

up in that stuff. someone gonna tell some jokes like 'just do jumpin'

for an escape!' cherry picker does get them off in that nasty

scene! oh kinda horrible! would feel sorry for its victims.....

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Why is everyone saying cherry pickers! Have you EVER seen a 200+ foot cherry picker?! NO!


I think it was at Carowinds (or PGA)... But back when Dropzone was new it got stuck off the ground with riders.. And they used ropes and harnesses (As if they were rock climbing!) to get the people off it.

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