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Best Dark Roller Coaster?

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I thought USF's Mummy was cool and a good ride, but didn't meet the hype. I guess I had a little anticipointment. A dark coaster that gets little recognition that I thought was awesome is Runaway Mountain at SFOT. Seriously, that ride is pitch black, glass smooth, and has the crazy drop of doom.

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I can see why space mountain is a favorite (because well....its a classic) but i have been on both and i have been disaponted on both versions (WDW and DL) I mean WDW's is basically falling apart becuase its so old and DL's had way too many right turns. It was too predictable.


Plus, FOF is a really great ride....but the one thing keeping it from my number one position is that half way during the ride you basically stop on the mid-way break section...and THEN you complete the rest of the ride. I have no idea why they do that! It's pointless!


so revenge of the mummy florida takes the cake!

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  Scaparri said:
A dark coaster that gets little recognition that I thought was awesome is Runaway Mountain at SFOT. Seriously, that ride is pitch black, glass smooth, and has the crazy drop of doom.


I totoally agree I LOVE that ride, it was a huge suprise! It is just so much fun, and I love the drop of doom!


My list is as follows (in order):


1. Revenge of the Mummy (FL)


2. Runaway Mountain (SFOT)


3. TIE Revenge of the Mummy (Ca)/ Space Mountain (MK)

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It was "Black Hole" at Alton Towers. Sadly this has closed:


"Revolution" at Bobbejaanland is amazing: Description below for those who don't know:



Trains: Single train with 30 cars. Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 60 riders.


Features: Inside of the building/hall there were two movie screens illuminated by 70mm projectors -- one on the ceiling and on the floor. The track circles around these screens. Sometime around the 2000 season, the screen on the floor was removed and replaced with lights. Then in 2003 the same was done to the ceiling lights were removed and again replaced with lights.


On 6/17/2005 a new digitally remastered movie and projector was installed.


X:NWO gets no vote from me.

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Disaster Transport, Space Mountain.

And I know it's powered, but I really liked this indoor mine-train type coaster at Canada's Wonderland called Thunder Run- don't know if it's even there anymore.

In my opinion, take any ride, put it in the dark, and add sound effects and a light show and even the lamest ride can be awesome.

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