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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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That is terrible news. Hopefully the injuries are minimal.


This might also be the last straw for Skyhawk, my favorite flat ride in the park. Cedar Point has had a rough year with this incident, the water main break, Top Thrill being down for a while, and the parking mishap (back lot waiting hours).

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Wow, this just isn't Cedar Point's year. Not to mention, they had some issues with Skyhawk last season as well, right? I hope it stays for a while longer. It's one of my favorite flat rides!


Hopefully everyone is alright. The last thing the coaster world needs is another incident, especially after what happened at Terra Mitica and SFMM a few weeks ago.

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Confirming it was that cable it seems like it could have been a weight distribution issue. I've got nothing to do with the design of that ride but in my experience with rigging it seems like the cable got an unexpected snap from the swinging motion which shock-loaded it and kaboom. Must have been terrifying for the riders and anyone within a 100 yard radius. Cables that thick sound like a shotgun going off when they snap.


On a side note, having a cable larger than that snap in the middle of a show while rotating a stage is something I never want to experience again.

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Sandusky Register Breaking News. No new info given: http://www.sanduskyregister.com/article/5926601


Moving onto the bit lighter topic of the "King James" renaming. As of last week, according to a news article (which I will have to find), the park is currently working with the Cavaliers front office and LeBron. So it appears it is still happening.

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So the latest I've read is that there are 2 confirmed injuries, one of them including a broken leg. This is a horrible accident to happen and I'd hate to see Skyhawk go, but it wouldn't be surprising given this latest accident in addition to its previous problems.

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An accident on a ride at Cedar Point late Saturday sent one visitor to a local hospital for evaluation. A second injured guest was treated at the scene, according to the park.


At about 10 p.m. Saturday, a cable on the ride Skyhawk disconnected from one of the ride's two carriages and came in contact with two park guests, according to park spokesman Bryan Edwards.


It's not known whether the injured guests were on the ride – which features two giant arms that swing up to 125 feet in the air – or on the ground. The condition of the hospitalized rider was not immediately available.


Edwards said the ride was immediately shut down after the accident.



Interestingly enough, one of the live webcams is pointed at Skyhawk right now. Lights appear to be on in other areas of the park still but the area around Skyhawk is all dark, as one of the articles mentioned. I'm not sure how much they'd be doing at 2:15am anyway, other than barricading the area for tomorrow.

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Hey guys...im gonna be taking my first trip to the park on wed! Got a few questions...will I be able to do everything w/o a fastlane? Im talking about the coasters and some highlight rides. Also, if im there at opening what do you suggest my "game plan" consist of? Any help would be much appreciated!


No, there is no way you can hit all coasters and flat rides w/o fast lane. Buy one. Best money you'll ever spend.


Are you staying at on-site resort?

not staying on-site...staying off-site the night before so I can be to the park as early as needed.


^Uh, yes it is possible to ride everything in one day without FastLane. Just get to Maverick first and ride the B&M's in late afternoon when the line nearly disappears.

Thanks...kindly noted!


Hey guys...im gonna be taking my first trip to the park on wed! Got a few questions...will I be able to do everything w/o a fastlane? Im talking about the coasters and some highlight rides. Also, if im there at opening what do you suggest my "game plan" consist of? Any help would be much appreciated!


^^While FastLane is definitely the way to go, it doesn't sound like he has that option. In case he doesn't get one, here is a decent plan of attack...


Wednesday might possibly be the best day to visit the park in the summer, but I would imagine that it still be pretty crowded unless the weather is iffy. Even if it is a sunny day however, I would imagine that you should have enough time to get the major attractions in one day, but you might have to sacrifice some of the flats, shows and other attractions.


Without a FastLane, I would recommend driving to the back of the park (especially if you have early entry or a Platinum Pass) in the morning and parking in the Soak City parking lot. From there, you can hit up either Maverick or MF first and then maybe zoom around and jump in line for TTD before the line gets really long.


Of course, your game plan depends on the time of day you get there. If you show up at noon or later, then you most likely won't get any advantage parking in the back lot and might just as well just park in the main lot and start at the front and work your way around. Lines will most likely be long for all of the major coasters by then.


If you show up before the park opens and decide to park in the main lot, skip all the rides/crowds at the front of the park and head for the back. MF, Maverick and TTD (inevitable) will most likely already have fairly long lines due to early entry, but you should be able to get short waits on Skyhawk, Corkscrew, Iron Dragon, Mantis, Power Tower & Mean Streak after 10:00.


Have fun!

Thanks...I dont have a plat. pass so early entry isn't an option. Is the entrance by soak city for regular guest as well? I was looking at the parks website, am I correct and seeing that the number of fast lanes does not make the price go down like at other parks?


Thank you guys for all the help!

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Hey guys...im gonna be taking my first trip to the park on wed! Got a few questions...will I be able to do everything w/o a fastlane? Im talking about the coasters and some highlight rides. Also, if im there at opening what do you suggest my "game plan" consist of? Any help would be much appreciated!


In addition to the info provided - take $20 out of your budget and play the Gatekeeper plinko game (there are also ones near MF and Maverick as well - but I've had the best luck with this one - all work the same way) - You'll get 5 chances per $10 to win front of line passes for the big 4 (for 2 riders each) - this will make your day way more enjoyable if you can win 4 of these. If you win, you enter via the exit ramp of the rides - and the only one that doesn't take you right to the load platform is MF - it takes you to about 20 feet outside the station - so about a 15 min wait for a regular seat. You can also wait for front row on MF - whereas with the other's you will not be able to as they will tell you to pick any seat but the front.


You can also follow @TonyClarkCP on Twitter - he will do "tweeteups" (more so on weekends) to win front of line passes, slingshot vouchers, french fry or drink wristbands among other things. He doesn't always tweet - but he usually gives a warning an hour or so before he does - but with such a big park it can be hard to get to him in time - but it's still fun to try.


Also - if you are there until close - note that the lines will stay open until 8 minutes past closing time - so 10:08 PM on your day. I'd get in line for MF (or whatever your favorite ride is) at 10:07 PM - they will finish out the line - and it is amazing how fast the crews hustle when they know they get to finish up once the line clears! This also allows traffic to clear off the peninsula. It's also really cool to walk through the near empty park at the end of the day.


Have a great trip!

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Does anyone know why this ride has so many more problems than the other Screaming Swings?


In any case this ride really needs to go. At the rate they're going it's going to kill someone. It's terrible that someone broke their leg and it could have been a lot worse, especially because it had enough force to smash through the fence where people stand to watch the ride.

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So has Cedar Point said anything about renaming one of their coasters? Do we know which one yet? It's been a while.


Good article here about the logistics of the rename happening...

I remember this thing that a guy had to say on the TV show, 'Dish Nation':


What Cedar Point should do, is build this coaster from scratch, have it run for a few years, then move the entire thing down to South Beach.


Those aren't the exact words, but I thought it was pretty funny when he said it.

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Does anyone know why this ride has so many more problems than the other Screaming Swings?


In any case this ride really needs to go. At the rate they're going it's going to kill someone. It's terrible that someone broke their leg and it could have been a lot worse, especially because it had enough force to smash through the fence where people stand to watch the ride.


I really think the park will evaluate the situation and do the right thing. If this was just a freak accident - then there is no reason the ride should close permanently. Maybe they will be able to modify the ride to keep this - the cable flying wildly upon snapping - if that's what happened - from happening again.


I agree this was a horrible accident and it is a good thing it was not worse but closing permanently seems pretty extreme at this point. At least until they find the root cause of the issue.


Look how they handled the Shoot the Rapids incident - again another accident that could have been a lot worse. I think they will follow a similar route in evaluating Skyhawk - with rider safety the number one priority. Wouldn't be surprised if it is down the rest of the year though.

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I agree this was a horrible accident and it is a good thing it was not worse but closing permanently seems pretty extreme at this point. At least until they find the root cause of the issue.


I'd normally agree with you but this isn't the first time this ride has broken down in spectacular fashion that put riders and bystanders in serious danger. It's also incredibly unreliable as it was closed most of last year due to a cable snap. I'm not pretending to be an expert on the mechanics of the ride but this just keeps happening.

Edited by coasterbill
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I say we wait for the investigation to be complete before jumping to conclusions. The photo definitely looked like the it was one of the cables on the arm and not the drive cable again. But an eyewitness says the ride wasn't emergency stopped but stopped by gravity. So that adds some confusion into the "We don't know what really happened". That's why I think we should just wait. The types of injuries haven't even been confirmed by the park, hospital or news media yet so we don't know if the broken leg actually happened yet or not either etc...


At any rate, the wooden area of the fence that was broken down has been replaced with new wood as of this morning.

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I agree this was a horrible accident and it is a good thing it was not worse but closing permanently seems pretty extreme at this point. At least until they find the root cause of the issue.


I'd normally agree with you but this isn't the first time this ride has broken down in spectacular fashion that put riders and bystanders in serious danger.


I thought the last cable snap was from a drive cable that is mainly enclosed in the structure - and that there were no injuries or any danger to the riders or by-standers. I could be mistaken but that is my recollection. Though it was a cable failure - it seemed to be in a totally different part of the ride structure.


I guess we will find out what happens - what we think does not matter - I'm sure that Cedar Fair's lawyers will be the ones playing a big role in the future of the ride. As a fan of the ride and Cedar Point I hope that they are able to keep the ride going - but if this is a case of another accident waiting to happen then I understand they need to do what is best for everyone's safety.

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Believe me I'm not trying to hide the fact that I'm speculating, nor was I there for the accidents this ride has had but there are a lot of reports of parts falling from the ride (isn't there a video of this somewhere) including during the incident last year. I just can't see Cedar Point continuing to throw money at this ride.

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