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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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*On a semi-related note, while waiting for Maverick, the employee controlling the line into the station was chatting with guests, and openly complaining about GateKeeper. He was saying that the park built it up way too much (I guess true?), that it was such a disappointment (I disagree), and that all the other staff make fun of it too (if he says it it must be true, but why tell guests that? It's not fair to color people's opinions like that, and I found it to be unprofessional). While talking about how disappointing GK was to some guests, this particular employee pointed to Mean Streak and said "I mean, it only goes one mile per hour faster than that."


He, like a lot of the GP, was probably expecting GK to be a white-knuckle, balls to the wall intense ride that will melt your face off. And because GK isn't that, they complain. I, like many others, think GK is fun and a winner for CP. Not the best ride ever, but it doesn't have to be.


Anyway.... thanks for your trip summary and I've glad you had fun.

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Coastermania = Unreal! Yesterday Friday 6/7 was Coastermania at the Point. The weather sucked (nothing C.P. could do about), the Muffleheads were out in masse. I do enjoy GateKeeper, but after 10 rides in the last 2 days, my clavicle is very sore. I don't know how some of you were able to ride it many times. I think I just need to wear football pads to enjoy more reps.


Morning ERT was great, and I'm sure the evening was good too. I didn't attend because I was exhausted. Free lunch was amazing as usual: Brats, Mac & cheese, pasta barbeque and ice cream for desert. The most unbelievable thing of this event was the gifts we all received. Each of us received a special edition CoasterMania / GateKeeper 2013 pin - very nice touch! The amazing gift was a GateKeeper fleece jacket. This jacket is being sold in the gift shop for $39.95. All I can say is -- very generous! I'm amazed every year that this major event comes to us at no charge, especially with these mementos.

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Hey everyone!

I'll be attending the GKTW event tomorrow throughout the day. I'll be going as a single rider, so if any other single riders are interested in grouping up for the day let me know!


Also, if anyone that is staying all day needs a ride in the Elyria to Cleveland area, please let me know and I'll see what I can do

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CoasterMania was good, but they wouldn't let us re-ride on Magnum like last year (I think.) They did let us reride on Maverick, and it was amazing, running fast and hauling "donkey" through the Twisted Horseshoe Roll. It kinda sucks that there was nothing special at the event - no announcements, no video competition, etc. - and it was shorter than it used to be. But my toe has a blister from my friend forcing me to walk fast anyways, so maybe the shortening was a good thing...


Now, GateKeeper disappointed me on my ride right before CoasterMania. It is still running normal, my nitpicky complaint is the lights. The lights on the wings of some cars are turned off. Only one train (the one we were riding in) had all its white lights on, at least on the left side. The glowing eyes (my favorite part of the lighting package) were not running on most trains. One train (not the one with all of its white lights) had its left eye on. The right eye was off, but flickered a bit as the train pulled into the station as I watched from the exit area. The ride has been open to the public less than one month. To compare, here is Swarm during Fright Nights, so it has been run much longer than GateKeeper at filming time.



So a park with 7 coasters can keep a coaster with what looks like more lights in working order along with a plethora of special effects, while the world's best park for 15 years (fanboy mode, activated) that probably has more money to work with can't fix the lights on its trains after a month without any other effects to deal with. On a related note, several of Scrambler's lighting tubes were closed on opening day. Yesterday, TTD's giant "Christmas Tree" lights on the tower had the both uppermost lights turned off, if memory serves.


By the way, I have a question. My friend points out that Maverick used to slow down and crawl a bit in the tunnel before the LSMs got the train moving. It still happens when the ride runs empty. Why does it not do it during normal operation?

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By the way, I have a question. My friend points out that Maverick used to slow down and crawl a bit in the tunnel before the LSMs got the train moving. It still happens when the ride runs empty. Why does it not do it during normal operation?

Physics. If the train is empty, it has no momentum and will slow to a crawl before it reaches the LSMs. If it is full and it's a hot day, it will power past the brakes and straight onto the LSMs.


Any ride will stop much later loaded than empty. Simple physics of inertia.


So a park with 7 coasters can keep a coaster with what looks like more lights in working order along with a plethora of special effects, while the world's best park for 15 years (fanboy mode, activated) that probably has more money to work with can't fix the lights on its trains after a month without any other effects to deal with. On a related note, several of Scrambler's lighting tubes were closed on opening day. Yesterday, TTD's giant "Christmas Tree" lights on the tower had the both uppermost lights turned off, if memory serves.

I feel like you answered your own question there...the park only has 7 coasters. Maybe they have the time to deal with lights and effects. The maintenance at CP works hard enough to keep the rides RUNNING. Be thankful for that.

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Whatever happens in Maverick's tunnel is directly related to where the train ahead of it is in the block. In my experiences, I have come to a complete stop then advanced to the launch after a short pause, crawled veeeerrrry slowly then launched, and slowed just a little then took off like a bat out of hell! I preferred being slowed just a little so there was no break in the action!

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Hey guys! I plan on going out to CP during the week of the second week of July. I'm hoping since the week before is 4th of July, and it's usually packed then that it'll be alot less busy. Anybody happen to know what it may be like?

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By the way, I have a question. My friend points out that Maverick used to slow down and crawl a bit in the tunnel before the LSMs got the train moving. It still happens when the ride runs empty. Why does it not do it during normal operation?

Physics. If the train is empty, it has no momentum and will slow to a crawl before it reaches the LSMs. If it is full and it's a hot day, it will power past the brakes and straight onto the LSMs.


Any ride will stop much later loaded than empty. Simple physics of inertia.


So a park with 7 coasters can keep a coaster with what looks like more lights in working order along with a plethora of special effects, while the world's best park for 15 years (fanboy mode, activated) that probably has more money to work with can't fix the lights on its trains after a month without any other effects to deal with. On a related note, several of Scrambler's lighting tubes were closed on opening day. Yesterday, TTD's giant "Christmas Tree" lights on the tower had the both uppermost lights turned off, if memory serves.

I feel like you answered your own question there...the park only has 7 coasters. Maybe they have the time to deal with lights and effects. The maintenance at CP works hard enough to keep the rides RUNNING. Be thankful for that.


I understand the physics thing, but my friend claims it used to slow down more during normal operation.

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Was out at the Point yesterday (Sunday). Ideal day to be there as lines were literally small by CP standards (Gatekeeper was only 45 minutes at 2 PM). Did not ride a whole lot.


Rode Gatekeeper four times and loved it. While I didn't have a problem the first three times the fourth and last time had the restraint so tight I had a hard time breathing by the mid-course brake (sat in row 2 on the left side at about 8 PM - the wait was down to 15-20 minutes).


Magnum went down mid to late afternoon and never reopened. That is odd since it has been one of CP's most consistently run coasters. Wicked Twister also had issues later in the day and after my fourth ride on GK they were testing it. Windseeker and Sky Ride went down mid to late afternoon due to the winds picking up. Both did not reopen once the winds diminished a little later on.


Took me three times to get on Maverick as the first two times it had broken down and I didn't stay in line. Still my favorite in the park.

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It seems the general consensus for the Gatekeeper restraints are that if you are smaller than 5' 10" and 180 lbs they are painful. If you are over that line and a bigger person they are comfortable. I am 5' 10" and 165 and found them painful after forty rides, my color bones were even bruised but i loved every second of it.

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It seems the general consensus for the Gatekeeper restraints are that if you are smaller than 5' 10" and 180 lbs they are painful. If you are over that line and a bigger person they are comfortable. I am 5' 10" and 165 and found them painful after forty rides, my color bones were even bruised but i loved every second of it.


I think that's a accurate analysis of the GateKeeper restraints. I was at the Point for the past several days including Coastermania. That was the reason for my visit. Over the past several days I rode GateKeeper 10 times ( nothing compared to you media day maniacs), and it hurt every time except the first ride. It was always my first ride(s) of the day, so not a good start. I was on both sides although the inside seat (not as much fun) seemed to clamp down less. I'm 6' and 160 pounds. My collar bone is still sore this morning. I do like the ride a lot, but I guess I need to wear football pads for my visit in August. I a big B&M fan, but this is the first one that has hurt me.

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I was at Cedar Point for the first time on Friday June 7th and had a great time. I rode 22 rides including the 14 adult coasters as well as maxair, windseeker, and Cedar Downs Racing Derby and shoot the rapids. Got 3 rides on millenium force and 2 on Mean streak, Magnum XL 200, and Gemini. Every other coaster I rode once. Never waited more than maybe 25-30 minutes minus when millenium force went down and Maverick added new trains. We got there at 9:00am and basically worked our way from the back of the park to the front. Overall it was a fantastic day as I was worried about crowds going in but ended up getting on everything I wanted and then some. Overall a nice park with a good collection of rides that could use a really good wooden coaster. Park was clean, run very well and the staff were very enthusiastic. I still believe Hersheypark, Busch Gardens, Dollywood, Knoebels, and Kennywood are better overall parks though.


Ill rate the coasters as follows.


Millenium Force: 9/10 First ride in the back was disappointing and offered almost no airtime on the 2 large hills and a small pop on the bunny hill. First drop was good but not quite as good as I305. It also didn't feel as fast as I305 for some reason. My second and third rides were in the front and much better. Amazing sustained floater throughout the hills and a nice shot of ejector on the buny hill at the end. The ride seemed much faster as well. Not sure if it sped up throughout the day or the front just gives a better ride but the second and third ride put it in my top 5 steel. I'd need to ride I305 again to compare but I like the intensity of I305 and the layout and restraints on MF.


Gatekeeper: 8/10 Superior and more intense than Wild Eagle but just like that ride the restraints are too tight on my chest at the end. At least I didn't have trouble breathing like I did on Wild Eagle. That wasn't fun


Top Thrill Dragster: 9/10 Short but sweet. The smoother ride and lapbars made this more enjoyable than Kingda Ka. The airtime on my ride was incredible but I'm sure this varies depending on how fast it travels over the tophat.


Maverick: 7/10. With I305 restraints this would easily be a 9/10 but the need to ride defensively took some enjoyment out of it unfortunately. I wasn't able to just enjoy the ride like I wanted too.


Magnum XL 200: 9/10 Better than Steel Force and some great airtime. Throws you around a bit and some jerky transitions but thats part of the fun. The airtime did not hurt my thighs like some people claim.


Mean Streak: 6/10 After reading reviews I was expecting this to be almost unbearable but I've ridden much worse. Not bad but not great either.

Raptor: 8/10 One of my favorite inverted coasters. That helix toward the end was INTENSE.

Blue Streak 7/10 Nice airtime and a classic feel.

Gemini: 8/10 Fun racing coaster.

Corkscrew: 3/10 Ugh too tall for this ride. Painful restraints and too short. Least favorite ride of the day

Mantis: 4/10 Not a fan of standups

Wicked Twisted: 8/10 First ride of its kind that Ive ridden. Surprisingly fun.

Iron Dragon: 7/10 Not as fun as Top Gum or Big Bad Wolf.

Cedar Creek Mine ride: 6/10

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It seems the general consensus for the Gatekeeper restraints are that if you are smaller than 5' 10" and 180 lbs they are painful. If you are over that line and a bigger person they are comfortable. I am 5' 10" and 165 and found them painful after forty rides, my color bones were even bruised but i loved every second of it.


I think that's a accurate analysis of the GateKeeper restraints. I was at the Point for the past several days including Coastermania. That was the reason for my visit. Over the past several days I rode GateKeeper 10 times ( nothing compared to you media day maniacs), and it hurt every time except the first ride. It was always my first ride(s) of the day, so not a good start. I was on both sides although the inside seat (not as much fun) seemed to clamp down less. I'm 6' and 160 pounds. My collar bone is still sore this morning. I do like the ride a lot, but I guess I need to wear football pads for my visit in August. I a big B&M fan, but this is the first one that has hurt me.


I'm MUCH shorter than that (5' 2 and 2/3) and a bit heavier than 180. The restraints are uncomfortable at the end but not bruising.

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So a small hitch in my plans for this weekend has occured. Originally we were getting FL+ on Saturday but because of family now joining us on Sunday we're delaying the passes. How screwed am I gonna be on Saturday? We get early entry thanks to the breakers and I'll give GK a few laps but I have a feeling it's gonna be croweded all day. My new plan is to ride a few coasters, a large portion of flats and play with my new camera Saturday then Sunday kick A$$ and take names with the FL. Does this sound like a decent plan to the CP regulars?

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^The only problem with waiting is weather. You never know what the weather will be like (or random breakdowns) and I'd hate for you to pass up riding stuff on Saturday and then get screwed over by weather or maintenance on Sunday.


We always tell people on TPR Trips that you never know what could happen, if credits are important to you, GET THOSE FIRST!

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So, a couple things. First, Harper. You're going to LOVE FastLane+ that was the smartest thing we did, and I won't hit CP again without it. Secondly, expect lines even during the early entry for GK. EVERYONE rushes there immediately. I would almost recommend just waiting until Sunday when you have the FL+ and you'll literally only wait like 15 minutes max.


Now, just wanted to express a few things. I just moved from California to Ohio, and since we had not time constraints for the drive, we hit SFFT and SFOT and got to ride Iron Rattler, New Texas Giant, and GateKeeper on our way to our final destination. Of all three new coasters, GK was the least exciting. I couldn't quite compare GateKeeper to anything, so I didn't, but as soon as we hit the brakes, my partner and I looked at each other and said,"we'll that was underwhelming..."

The ride looks so epic, and it looks like such a fun ride, but the overall experience is just nothing special. It wasn't force less, as some are saying, but after riding in the front and the back, we couldn't quite figure out why we weren't enjoying it. It was comfortable and everything. All was there for a great ride, but I feel as though it was a miss. The keyhole wasn't even an exciting element. It sucks because I want to love the ride so badly. Even the GP throughout the day in other lines didn't think the ride was very exciting.

All in all, good ride, just not very exciting. After the first drop and the inversion immediately after, the rides excitement does off.


So, there are my feelings lol

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I agree with above... Gatekeeper is a fun ride, but it was underwhelming for me as well. I really love the first half up through the keyhole, but then the ride fizzles out quite a bit. I don't really like the ending of the ride and I just wish the layout was a bit different after the first keyhole. I really dig the first few elements though.

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I don't think I could ever be underwhelmed by a Beemer because I never really have high expectations for them, with a few exceptions (like Kumba, Nemesis, and Katun). I think most people could've told you not to have high expectations for Gatekeeper, to just go in to it expecting a fun ride - even thinking you'd come out of it as thrilled as you were coming out of one of the RMC woodies was your first mistake!

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