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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^ Depends on the ride. Most rides had a 1 or 2 train wait. Gatekeeper, Millenium and Raptor were about 15 minutes (the GP lines were over an hour).

With Fastlane Plus, we rode every single (non kiddie) coaster in the park - Some of them 3 times. We also rode several flats. This was in early May.


I can't recommend it enough.

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Just for the fact that you are only going once this year, i would get Fast Lane Plus! You will be able to get a lot of rides on all those! Wicked Twister isnt included in Fast Lane.


If you already purchase fastlane and decide later on you want the plus will they let you upgrade?

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Can anyone tell me how efficient fastlane is? Unfortunately, I'm only going to get one day to head to the Point this year and I want to ride as much as possible. Can anyone tell me the average wait times for fastlane users and the amount of rides they were able to get on in a full day. My only must rides are: Gatekeeper, Wicked Twister, Windseeker, Raptor, MF, Dragster, Maverick, Magnum, Power Tower, & Maxair. Will I be able to accomplish them all?


Buy fastlane + it's totally worth it especially when you have only one day to try to ride all of those, like mentioned previously Wicked Twister is pretty much the only ride not included just keep an eye on the line when you walk by and you'll be able to ride it a couple times (**Don't know if GK is affecting WT's line). FL will greatly reduce your wait on a busy day from over an hr to usually 5-10 mins. The longest I waited was about a half hour for Maverick last summer with a 2 hr plus full queue.

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Can anyone tell me how efficient fastlane is? Unfortunately, I'm only going to get one day to head to the Point this year and I want to ride as much as possible. Can anyone tell me the average wait times for fastlane users and the amount of rides they were able to get on in a full day. My only must rides are: Gatekeeper, Wicked Twister, Windseeker, Raptor, MF, Dragster, Maverick, Magnum, Power Tower, & Maxair. Will I be able to accomplish them all?


I just used the Fast Lane Plus last Monday and I can say that it saved us a lot of waiting time. The park was pretty crowded (90 min waits for both Gatekeeper and Maverick) and it cut down our wait for them to about 10 minutes. FYI, Wicked Twister and Iron Dragon are not Fast Pass so you may want to hit them as early as possible. Dragster and MF was about a 15 minute wait for either, but that really depends on how many trains are running. CP really makes it a point to have fast operations, so they should not be more than that. I was with a first timer and he was able to get all of his credits (with multiple rides) as well as many other attractions in that day. I should also say that the weather was perfect that day, so nothing shut down due to that.

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Can anyone tell me how efficient fastlane is? Unfortunately, I'm only going to get one day to head to the Point this year and I want to ride as much as possible. Can anyone tell me the average wait times for fastlane users and the amount of rides they were able to get on in a full day. My only must rides are: Gatekeeper, Wicked Twister, Windseeker, Raptor, MF, Dragster, Maverick, Magnum, Power Tower, & Maxair. Will I be able to accomplish them all?


I just used the Fast Lane Plus last Monday and I can say that it saved us a lot of waiting time. The park was pretty crowded (90 min waits for both Gatekeeper and Maverick) and it cut down our wait for them to about 10 minutes. FYI, Wicked Twister and Iron Dragon are not Fast Pass so you may want to hit them as early as possible. Dragster and MF was about a 15 minute wait for either, but that really depends on how many trains are running. CP really makes it a point to have fast operations, so they should not be more than that. I was with a first timer and he was able to get all of his credits (with multiple rides) as well as many other attractions in that day. I should also say that the weather was perfect that day, so nothing shut down due to that.


I was thinking maybe if we caught gatekeeper around 10 or 1030 sometime close to opening that the line might not be that long and we could simply just wait it out along with TTD. Or are the lines still pretty unbearable regardless of the time?

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You know...there's recently been a trend with parks removing Arrow/Vekoma roller coasters...I wonder if that means the Corkscrew will sometime be next...I do doubt it, however; Corkscrew is a good coaster for those wanting to experience their first inversion.


This has been bugging me for a while, but I was recently looking up videos of Maverick testing (2007; before the heartline roll was removed). What exactly is the difference between a heartline roll and an inversion? How does one create more stress on the trains than the other?

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You know...there's recently been a trend with parks removing Arrow/Vekoma roller coasters...I wonder if that means the Corkscrew will sometime be next...I do doubt it, however; Corkscrew is a good coaster for those wanting to experience their first inversion.


This has been bugging me for a while, but I was recently looking up videos of Maverick testing (2007; before the heartline roll was removed). What exactly is the difference between a heartline roll and an inversion? How does one create more stress on the trains than the other?


I doubt CS will be going anywhere for quite awhile. Theres a difference between CS and the other Arrow loopers. CS is fairly slow and very basic layout which probably isn't very stressful on track/train, compared to something like Viper at MM or Vortex at Kings Island. Same goes for Iron Dragon and Flight Deck/Big Bad Wolf, look at the speed difference between them. Iron Dragon is older but will probably outlast just about all the suspended coasters and FD will probably be used to refurb Iron Dragon when the time comes.

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I'm going to ark on the 18th and 19th of this month. I haven't been in some time, could someone tell me which (if any) rides have a single rider line? I'll be going with my girlfriend but we don't mind splitting up for a few minutes instead of waiting an hour or so...


Also, could anyone recommend a good (clean!) hotel that is reasonable and closeby? Due to recent car repairs I'm going on a budget and fastlane may not be an option for me. I can imagine for two people it is very expensive for fastlane plus.

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I'm going to ark on the 18th and 19th of this month. I haven't been in some time, could someone tell me which (if any) rides have a single rider line? I'll be going with my girlfriend but we don't mind splitting up for a few minutes instead of waiting an hour or so...


Also, could anyone recommend a good (clean!) hotel that is reasonable and closeby? Due to recent car repairs I'm going on a budget and fastlane may not be an option for me. I can imagine for two people it is very expensive for fastlane plus.

1) Very few. Maverick is the only one I can think of, but it's more than half way through the queue (In fact, its almost right at the station). Ride ops will yell over the microphone if there is an empty seat available at the moment, but you must be in the station to take it and it's first come, first serve.

2) There are a few cheap hotels within a 5 minute drive. I would recommend a CP hotel, but they are pretty expensive.

Edited by Koasterking48
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What exactly is the difference between a heartline roll and an inversion? How does one create more stress on the trains than the other?

A heartline roll revolves around a persons heart(hence the name) and stays on the same axis as it entered. So your heart stays in the same general place during the inversion.


It was removed from Maverick because it was going too fast and put an excessive amount of stress on the train, supports and would have on people. The hearline roll is still used and in my opinions is a lot of fun cause it feels awkward!


Here is a picture with the heartline roll on the right opposed to another inversion


Here is a picture from Wikipedia with discription in German! From Stengel himself?

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For a good cheap motel, there's a place on Rye Beach Rd called the Maples Motel, rooms start at I think $40 for a single. Its a old school place but its clean, friendly, cheap and just down the road from the point.



Thank you, I checked it out, it looks like about what we are looking for! I decided to go for Fastlane Plus on the 17th, guarantees an awesome day at the point.

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Dragster: 8.5/10, 45-60 minutes; pure adrenaline rush. Quick, but still smooth (P.S. got front of the line passes thanks to Tony's tweet-ups. Highly recommend following him on twitter!). It was VERY temperamental both days and broke down every half hour.


I was there yesterday, 6/5, and Dragster ran without a hitch consistently all day. It's normally hit or miss with that ride. I've been there on days like you described, and days like yesterday.

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Hello all. Went to Cedar Point for the first time in 9 years this past week, and I brought 3 friends with me. I don't really remember enough for a full trip report, but I'll cover some highlights from the two days I was there:

*Both days it threatened to rain, but neither day it did. Sunday was pretty windy though, so Dragster and the Skyway were closed until about 2. Everything else ran though both days

*Windseeker was closed Sunday but open Monday, so I got that credit in. It's lots of fun. It was cold that morning which kind of added to the element of speed while swinging around.

*MaXair was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be! Especially fun were the apexes of each swing, where the rotation kinda made it feel like you were about to fall out of your seat.

*Skyhawk wasn't open either day

*Shoot The Rapids is theoretically fun, but not on a day when it's windy and nobody wants to get wet. I guess the attendant *was* technically correct when he said it was drier than Snake River Falls. On a related note, $5 for 3 minutes in a drying booth for 4 people is totally worth it.

*The Magic Seat on Magnum (1-3), much like The Room, Troll 2, or Birdemic, is just so bad it's good. It was much more enjoyable to sit in 1-2 and listen to my friends' reactions. I greatly preferred the last row of the train; it's a lot of air, but not too much to hurt.

*GateKeeper is a lot of fun, and I think it's a great addition to the park. On Sunday it was just "fun", but it was giving some great rides the very next day. I guess the wind was slowing it down a lot? Anyway, I liked it. It was fast but graceful, and each element was interesting. When riding in the back, it was even forceful, especially on the last helix. I would say the front right quadrant was our favorite place to sit on the train. Also, oh my goodness, even if this was the worst ride at the park, it is GORGEOUS to look at

*On a semi-related note, while waiting for Maverick, the employee controlling the line into the station was chatting with guests, and openly complaining about GateKeeper. He was saying that the park built it up way too much (I guess true?), that it was such a disappointment (I disagree), and that all the other staff make fun of it too (if he says it it must be true, but why tell guests that? It's not fair to color people's opinions like that, and I found it to be unprofessional). While talking about how disappointing GK was to some guests, this particular employee pointed to Mean Streak and said "I mean, it only goes one mile per hour faster than that." WHAT.

?!?! That is a completely irrelevant and invalid comparison to make. I was so incensed by his line of reasoning a almost called him out on it.

*I also went on Maverick for the first time. Once I learned how to ride it (totally GP and gripping the OTSR at the shoulders), it was lots of fun. After our first ride it broke down for about 20 minutes while we were on the brake run. The employee who came out to check on us said there should be a #stuckonmaverick hashtag for all the times this happens.

*To complete the trifecta of snarky employees, the announcer at TTD said "We paid $25 million for this ride, bu only got the rights to 20 seconds of this song [TTD's theme song]"

*Eff all the haters, I love Millennium Force to death. Every single ride on in was great, plus every single time I got at least some air on all three hills (even moreso in the front). I just love how FAST it is the whole time, and flows through all the elements; not every roller coaster has to have grey-out inducing forces to be considered good, in my opinion. The front seat was easily the highlight of the trip. Until I get another ride on I305 (and one that isn't the day after I get rear-ended on I-95 unlike last time), I'm going to say that Millie is firmly the superior giga of the two I've been on.

*FastLane+ is absolutely worth it, especially when I don't get to go to the park that often. In the two days, we went on MF 8 times, GK 6 times, Maverick 4 times, TTD and Magnum 3 times, Raptor and Blue Streak 2 times, once on every other coaster plus a bunch of flats, plus plenty of break times for food and water and such. Not objectively impressive, but I still think we did pretty well for ourselves. We decided there should be a ++ option where you get to pee on everyone waiting in line


If anyone cares enough to have any other questions about the trip I'd be happy to answer them!

Edited by UrbanLegend
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Double post I know, but I just thought of something else. Can anyone tell me what these two things are called? The air was so full of the puffballs the two days it looked like it was snowing. One of them lazily drifted into my mouth as I was talking. Also, the bugs were on pretty much every vertical surface during the morning, then they swarmed around at night and hit everyone in the face on night rides.


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^^Dude, where on Maverick were you sitting? I was there too, in the second to front row of the train that was going into the station (I was one of the 4 people in the shade !)


We were all in the last car of Bart (silver train), so second to last train before it broke down. Well, not including the train sitting on the launch track below us, which was the cause of the breakdown. That must've been a fun 20 minutes.

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I just love how FAST it is the whole time, and flows through all the elements; not every roller coaster has to have grey-out inducing forces to be considered good, in my opinion.

THIS!! Thank you for saying this, UrbanLegend! I completely agree!

Thanks for sharing your report. Sounds like you had a great time!

Haha I definitely remember the cottonwood seeds on my last visit. They were hitting me in the face while riding Gemini. It was really strange.

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