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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Dragster H20 takes ridiculous names to the next level. That is an absolutely terrible name.


I completely agree. I was never good at thinking of names for things but Dragster H2O is just...


Well coming up with crappy names for rides is what Cedar Fair does best!

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The three choices on CP's Facebook are...


Dragster H2O

Aqua Racer

Runaway Racer


...with Dragster H2O leading by a huge margin.


The only one of these three that I somewhat like is Aqua Racer, and Dragster H2O is the worst of them. I'm not that great with names either (I'd probably call this Speed Spiral or something similar), but there has to be someone in management that has a better idea than these three.

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So I'm not the only one who can't stand that name. If you're going to have two related names in one park, at least give them to somewhat related rides (but not ones similar enough to confuse people). I think naming a kiddie coaster after a thrill coaster is cute (Jr. Gemini, Ravine Flyer 3, etc.), but that's about it.


"Runaway Racer" is easily my favorite of those three subpar choices. At least it's lively and alliterative.

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I think the reason that, erm, Dragster H2O (I can feel the brain cells dying as I type it) is so popular is because the average person's thought process is probably "DRAGSTER H2O WHOA IT HAS THE SAME WORD DRAGSTER LIKE THE BIG FAST ONE THAT GOES REAL FAST I LIKE WHEN IT GOES FAST OKAY MAKE IT THAT NAME"

GP think with caps lock on, by the way.

Edited by UrbanLegend
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^ Why? They can't do much better. Look at the names Cedar Fair has come up with in the past. "Drop Tower", "Boo Blasters on Boo Hill", "Backlot Stunt Coaster"... should I continue?


You forgot "Flight Deck", "Time Warp", and "WindSeeker"!

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While I admire CP's efforts to include the GP in the naming process--Dragster H20? No offense to its creator, but that has to be one of the worst--and most Roller Coaster Tycoon-ish--names I've heard in a while... I'm sincerely hoping that, like most other Soak City slides, the slide's name won't be prominently featured anywhere. I blame the P&D department for even letting this name get on the ballot!

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Planning & Design has nothing to do with the naming, that falls under the Marketing Department at Cedar Point. Especially in this case. Trust me, those in P&D would not have picked that name if it were up to them.

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"Dragster H2O" is a pretty sad name. I remember about 2 weeks ago they posted a status saying "What should we name our new slide?". Some of the responses were terrible: "extreme aqua? but with a really big X" "Coolangata" "Mat Racer".

The better responses: "Fallopian Tubes" "The Glory Holes" "Hydroseeker" "Matersaurs Alive"

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