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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Info on Coastermania 2010 is up. New this year is "behind the scenes" tours of Maverick and MF on Sat. morning, and 2 hours of ERT on MF, which will be nice. Hopefully will be a warm morning as ERT on Shoot the Rapids is also scheduled for Sat. morning, and for some odd reason, ERT on Mantis on Friday night.


Hopefully Big Mike can make it in 2010!





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Along with their last video they also posted some pics of the boats and have said that there will be no seatbelts. Right now it looks like they're just puring a lot of concrete.



Also, the final piece of steel from Demon Drop was removed from Cedar Point and is on its way to Dorney.



Last thing. They've been posting some great HD POV footage of their coasters over on their YouTube channel.

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It's so weird seeing that space with Demon Drop gone.


The boats look all right, not sure if I like the wood texture though. It just seems to resemble a viking theme or a Thanksgiving theme rather then a frontier one. Maybe it will look more in place once it's blended in with the aesthetics of the ride.

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Wow...it just seems so strange to see that pic with the DD tower gone.


Although I didn't ride Demon Drop every year I was at CP, it will be etched in my mind forever as one of the very first thrill rides that I was absolutely terrified to ride during the opening year!


Even though a lot of people bash it and the fact that we all have had a good laugh over it's relocation, it truly is sad to see it leaving the CP skyline.



Some fun memories there...

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:wtf: It's so weird seeing that space with Demon Drop gone.


The boats look all right, not sure if I like the wood texture though. It just seems to resemble a viking theme or a Thanksgiving theme rather then a frontier one. Maybe it will look more in place once it's blended in with the aesthetics of the ride.


There'll be aesthetics? Is that the same as theming? I thought CF didn't do theming...I know the joke is old, I'm just bored.


I like the look of the boats, and am pleased to hear there'll be no seatbelts...that's a first for CP...

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I think CP is planning something for Demon Drop's area. Why would you take out a ride and send it to another park? Does it not work well with the CP air? I know it was for sale but why not scrap it if you don't want it.


Remember the GCI that was supposed to go to Great America up in Santa Clara? Let's hope Cedar Fair lost the gift receipt, lol!

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^Yea, but when I hear "bigger, badder, faster" I don't think of a new flume ride. Cedar Point has to round off their collection of rides and a new family friendly wood coaster that's actually smooth seems like it would fit. Not saying it's the best idea for an expansion, but it's definitely not the worst.

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^^Because they aren't just going to keep building coasters until that's all they have. They know that the GP likes a good log flume, and they had been without one for a couple years. Since Maverick, they've been concentrating on a wider range of people, with Planet Snoopy and now Shoot the Rapids.


If they go wood, any of the current manufacturers would be a great choice. They all make smooth, reliable, exciting coasters. Wooden coaster manufacturing is at an all-time high right now, with everyone at the top of their game. Regardless of who they choose, the next woodie at CP will be quality. In my opinion I just don't think it'll be GCI, because I don't think a GCI would "fit" at CP. CP is a park that loves to push how fast their coasters are and how much they push the limits, and despite the fact that GCI's are fantastic coasters, they don't push any limits.

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^Yep, or El Toro. As much as I would love a GG there, they seem to make more terrain coasters (Boardwalk Bullet excepted), and CP obviously lacks terrain. Also given CP's extensive history with Intamin and their willingness to splurge on a coaster, I have a feeling we'll be seeing a prefab there at some point in the future. It would certainly help them in the airtime department, since so many enthusiasts complain about the overall "lack" of airtime in their coasters.

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^ Well, Magnum still has a considerable amount of airtime. The only problem that it causes MAJOR knee and waist pain!


I'm in the minority on Magnum. I flippin' love it. I'm not big into rough coasters, but I can't get enough of it. I could ride ejector seat for hours at a time and never get off. Actually, I would probably have a headache eventually, but that's just because it takes all of nothing to give me a headache.

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^I'm surprised by this fact as well, but I agree that CP is the most probable candidate for the next PnP in the US. In addition, if they wanted to offset the sting from Shoot the Rapids, they'd wait until AT LEAST 2012 to add another ride. Yea, they had back-to-back rides before, but steel prices were lower then and the economy was alot stronger.

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