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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  • 5 weeks later...

For those who havn't heard, Demon Drop will be moved to Knott's Berry Farm next year. Its on page two.


Knott’s Berry Farm will be replacing the existing “Screamin’ Swing” ride with “Demon Drop”,

in the area previously occupied by “Vertigo.” Demon Drop will be 131 ft. tall and consist of

a 4-person enclosure that rises on tracks to the top of a tower before descending into a

horizontal slide above the midway before returning to the starting point. Demon Drop

installation is scheduled to begin on January 4, 2010.

So get your final rides in! Unfortunately I didn't go on Demon Drop when I went to Cedar Point last year and i'm regretting it now. But maybe this will give us an idea of where they will expand in the future.

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Awwwww, not Demon Drop! I've had many fun rides on that thing over the years... especially in the past few since basically no one rides it anymore so multiple rides in a row are not only a possibility but expected. Ah well, hope something worthwhile will go in in its place.

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I'm glad I got to ride it this year. It was actually one of the best non-coaster rides at CP, and it never had a line, which was one of the best things about it. It will definitely be missed. This just leaves me wondering, what are they going to be able to put in its place? Demon Drop doesn't really have too large of a foot print.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even though I'm not a fan of having Millennium Force running over the ride, I am still a fan of the rides location. Most of the log flumes I've come across are out in the park, and most look pretty ugly. Shoot the Rapids reminds me of the log flume at SFSTL where it is hidden in the forest, and it should add to the ride, especially with the ride's theme. Also, the new log flume track looks really good, certainly a lot better than that of the old Arrow log flumes.

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This was a comment from the Cedar Point Blog.

Lucas writes: (9/3/09 - 11:56 am)

With the ride going on to Millennium Island, will that impact Terror Island either this season or next? Or will this Fright Zone be discontinued?

From Tony:


The ride will have little to no impact on Terror Island. It will likely not have an impact on Fright Zone either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't seen anything mentioned about this yet, and if it has, I'm sorry.


Anyway, I found this kind of interesting.


Tony & Tyler posted a new Blog on the CP website that said Demon Drop will now be going to Dorney Park and not Knott's Berry Farm as was originally planned.


Here's a link to the blog which also has a bit more info on other projects as well.


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I find it interesting that they were originally planning on moving Demon Drop to Knotts but then changed their minds. I wonder what prompted them to make this change?

We also have an update on where it's going. We can confirm that it's not going to Knott's Berry Farm in California as originally stated.


After consideration of the aesthetics, geography and use of the land near the proposed ride area, it was decided that it will be better suited for our sister park, Dorney Park in Allentown, PA.

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