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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I really dont want to rain on any one's day but i dont see any thing big going in next year. i was at the point today, and beside that picture posted there is no sign of any thing being done to the island at the park. just one or two stacks with red flags on them. I looked and looked all day for any clues and could not find any thing. so my guss would have to be a dark ride themed around like fbi- moonshine makers defending its self. inless the joke is that it will be really opening in 2011

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^ That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Kennywood's building a new coaster opening in May of 2010 and clearing (just clearing, removing the Turnpike, clearing trees, etc, no footers or anything coaster-related to my knowledge has been done yet) has only just begun a week ago. Now granted the coaster isn't HUGE, but it isn't a small project by any means.

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They updated the blog again, showing an empty bottle of the so called Whyte Lightning beverage.


Hmm, indeed....

Hey, as long as this ride has something to do with alcohol it has my stamp of approval! Prohibition: The Ride anyone?

1. The strikes twice thing. A shuttle doesn't make sense (unless it is something brand new) because the only big concepts out there are a Boomerang

Cedar Point getting a boomerang? I can see the fanboys crying now...


Anyone else think that "Snoopin" might have to do with Snoopy? Maybe something family friendly? I honestly have no idea so I can't wait until the announcement.

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Zac Spins have a low capacity which could be a problem for a park like Cedar Point.


Maybe, maybe not. For example Wildcat at CP pushes 900people/hr through its course and Tele2 Insane at Grona Lund pushes 800people/hr. (at least in theory). I think a park as big and with as much to do at CP that it could withstand that argument. Granted the first few years would experience longer lines. Wishful thinking, but what about dueling ZacSpins (with Water, Fire and Tunnels!)?

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Why is everyone assuming that Cedar Point will be making a coaster?


Its just nice to hope and speculate on what it could be if it was a coaster, though I would be happy with what ever Cedar Point decides to build. They could definitely use a new water ride though, seeing as they only have 2.


I'm hoping what ever the ride is that its dueling, because "Lightning Strikes Twyce".


Also I think West Virginia at the bottom of the Whyte Lightning page is a clue, i'm just not sure to what yet. Any ideas? (sorry if this has already been discussed)

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