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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's always been my dream to be one of those Halloween bungee people. I've been a scareactor at a local haunt, but that bungee stuff is next level awesomeness. Then again I'm sure it takes a lot of strength... and... yeah.


Being a ride op on the B&Ms is great! Other rides checking lapbars are not always that fun cause you gotta slouch over, and, you know... work.


Or you can just stamp everyone all day, like you said. lol.


Bungee jumping is such a thrill. I did it at Dorney Park's HAUNT occasionally as a Team Leader, and sessions were limited to 20-30 minutes per jumper because of how much energy it required. Totally worth the exhaustion.

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I actually did work fall weekends for two years, 100 percent for the heck of it. Obviously getting paid was nice, but that wasn't even the reason I worked there. I live about 1.5 hours away and they house you for free (I'm not sure what the housing situation is now though). It was an absolute honor to be a part of one of the finest rides teams in the world and I knew they needed the help, but after the second year I just couldn't take it. Those long hours all weekend then working my regular job during the week just beat the crap out of me.

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Yeah, normally I'd rather go to a covid unit and lick doorknobs than watch any Cedar Fair show but I loved those Skeleton Crew shows.


Bigot murderous statement. But yes, I agree with your thoughts, but mine pertain to shows in general. Most of them are cheesy AF.

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How screwed are we visiting the park on 10/10 and 10/11? My girlfriend is insisting we visit that weekend for her birthday. We're staying at Breakers (they have a dedicated gate, right? Different from the back gate?) and I've been to the park a few times so we don't need to hit all of the credits. Thinking we'll use the back gate to get Vengeance and then hopefully Maverick passes each day and then TTD and MF at the 4:30 time. How long are the lines once you return with your access pass? Should we expect most of the non-pass ride waits to be an hour plus? Thanks for your help guys!

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^I was at the park this past weekend and I wouldn't necessarily say you're screwed, but temper your expectations and have a plan. We had fast lanes on Saturday and it was definitely busy. We stayed at lighthouse point, and entered through the Magnum entrance, which is the only one open besides the main entrance, and is only available to resort guests. When we went into the park on Sunday we weren't as timely as I would have liked, entered at 11:45 and the park was supposed to open at 11:15 with rides starting at 12.


We went at a leisurely pace and went to MF and decided for access passes as I wasn't sure we would be in the first hour rides if we tried for that. It looked like I was right after they opened the lines, so we got that access pass for MF for 1-2, then went to SV and they were still handing out passes for 3-4, then tried TTD and they had 2-3 passes left. So that worked out perfectly. Maverick didn't run all weekend, so that didn't factor into our planning, but I would think if it had been running it would have further thinned the crowd for collecting the passes. This was all done at a really leisurely pace. I would think going from the resort gate to TTD > SV > Mav > MF may be the best order to get passes, or bump ttd to the end depending on what you're trying to get. I did not try and ride in the first hour open line on Sunday so I can't speak to that but it may be able to ride one of those from the resort gate on one of the first few trains, then get passes.


Most everything seemed to hold a line to varying extents. Valravn, Raptor, Rougarou, Blue Streak, were all long, gatekeeper should have a short wait. Gemini had both sides going so it may be a good choice as well when other lines start getting long. As for wait times with access passes, we went to MF about 1:45 and took about half an hour, went to TTD around 2:40 and it stopped running twice and took about 1 hour 20 minutes. Got to SV at 4:10, 10 minutes after our passes ended but it was not a problem at all. SV took about half an hour. We did some shopping and eating in the afternoon and didn't try for any afternoon passes, but I'd imagine those may go quickly.


I'd say make sure to get to the gate before the opening time to get prime position for whatever you choose to do first and have a plan, and understand you will be able to get on a limited number of rides. And most importantly, have a good time!

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Not to be a Debbie Downer, but Columbus Day Weekend is typically one of, if not THE most crowded weekends of the year. So just try to mentally prepare yourself for that. Lol


Maybe things will be different this year since they’re not having a true “Halloweekends,” but we’re still in the era of the Gold Pass palooza, so...I doubt it.

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How screwed are we visiting the park on 10/10 and 10/11? My girlfriend is insisting we visit that weekend for her birthday. We're staying at Breakers (they have a dedicated gate, right? Different from the back gate?) and I've been to the park a few times so we don't need to hit all of the credits. Thinking we'll use the back gate to get Vengeance and then hopefully Maverick passes each day and then TTD and MF at the 4:30 time. How long are the lines once you return with your access pass? Should we expect most of the non-pass ride waits to be an hour plus? Thanks for your help guys!


If crowds are like what they were during the summer, I was able to grab Access Passes for all four rides during each morning session I went. Strategies vary, but mine was:


1. Get to SV as early as possible and wait in the AP line; with resort gate access, entering as soon as they let you, you should be among the first 25 people in that line.

2. Once you get your SV AP, briskly stroll to MF and get your AP there.

3. Loop around under Corkscrew and grab your TTD AP.

4. Make your way back to Maverick and grab that AP.

5. You will now be back in the area of SV, likely 10-15 minutes before your AP time.


Don't forget to show your previously-acquired APs to the person giving out the APs at the next line, so you won't get duplicate times.


Also, if you're a passholder (CP Gold or CF Platinum), don't forget that all-season Fast Lane is now available for both this year and next. Pricey, but worth it IMHO. I just bought mine for my CP trip this weekend, and it'll also get use at KI for the weekend of 10/31-11/1, not to mention whatever trips I get in next year.

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I'm going to be the asshole that says all of the access pass bullshit sounds miserable and completely takes away what I strive for from an experience at CP. Hopefully this will all be over in a few years.


I had a good time but it was a shitshow and I’m definitely only going once next year for one day If they’re still doing this and then driving down to Kings Island where everything is less of a sh*tshow.


I’d love to be able to tell you that I wouldn’t go at all, but Millennium Force exists.

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I'm going to be the asshole that says all of the access pass bullshit sounds miserable and completely takes away what I strive for from an experience at CP. Hopefully this will all be over in a few years.


You're not completely wrong in your declaration, but I visited a total of 5 days so far this year and did not have any issues with the Access Passes, including waiting in excessive lines or not being able to get a pass (I did every time). Yes, it involves planning out your day, and you may not get as many rides on the big four as you would have otherwise, but it's not a complete disaster unless you let it become one. And from here on out, with FL being available for purchase again if you're a passholder, if you absolutely must get more than 1 or 2 rides on each in one day, you have the ability to make that happen.

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Not to be a Debbie Downer, but Columbus Day Weekend is typically one of, if not THE most crowded weekends of the year. So just try to mentally prepare yourself for that. Lol


Maybe things will be different this year since they’re not having a true “Halloweekends,” but we’re still in the era of the Gold Pass palooza, so...I doubt it.


Not sure if will help at all or is even limiting the number of guests but you do have to have a reservation again.

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I'm going to be the asshole that says all of the access pass bullshit sounds miserable and completely takes away what I strive for from an experience at CP. Hopefully this will all be over in a few years.


It isn't ideal, but it definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Of course, I already had fast lane the previous day so it wasn't as important as it may have been without. It really wasn't too big of an inconvenience, and I'd definitely prefer that to considerably longer wait times. I have beat up knees from years of playing soccer and multiple ACL replacements on one of them, and at this point I haven't been great about taking care of myself for a few years, so the walking around to collect passes, then walking around again to use the passes is a little annoying. Otherwise the passes made it possible to know we'd get on some of the good rides and not have to wait for 3 hours. Without the passes I would have been a lot less excited to stay and go to the park much on Sunday.


As a fast lane always kind of person at this point in my life, I think the passes are a better idea than waiting in a 3 hour line for sure. And believe me, I get where you're coming from too...Just my two cents.

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Just want to correct a few strategy suggestions made here.


1. No matter where you start, get a Maverick pass right after SV or vice versa. Theyre too close to each other to waste time going somewhere else first.


2. If you ride any access pass coaster in the first hour, get the access pass before you get on so you get 2 rides.

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Just want to correct a few strategy suggestions made here.


1. No matter where you start, get a Maverick pass right after SV or vice versa. Theyre too close to each other to waste time going somewhere else first.


You say "correct," I say that if you were towards the very front of the SV AP line when they started giving them out, Maverick will still have a substantial AP line once you get your SV one, thus wasting time standing in that line when you could be picking up other passes (the Millennium line will be dissipating while you're walking there) and by the time you make it back to Maverick there will be no wait for an AP and you're also right next to where your first AP will be redeemed.


This strategy worked every single day I tried it (4 days out of the 5 I was there over the summer), and I only had minimal downtime upon arriving back at the tip of Frontiertown before my SV AP time.


But to each their own.

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It should also be noted that if it's a busy day the Maverick passes will be gone when you get back if you do that so it could work but it's risky if it's really busy. We saw that happen on Memorial Day weekend.


Also... Maverick is FUBARed and might not be open anyway.

Edited by coasterbill
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One of the largest sources of entertainment for me this summer has been reading everyone's different approaches to their CP trips in 2020. There really is no perfect solution, it just depends on one's preferences when visiting the park.


I am fortunate enough to live only 2 hours away, so I made 4 visits this year. It was fun applying a different strategy every time (getting all the passes on one day, ignoring the passes and lapping Steel Vengeance before noon on another day, etc). However, I would say that if 1) you don't want to buy Fast Lane, and 2) you aren't able to make multiple visits in any given year (assuming some restrictions carry forward into 2021, which is very possible), then it's probably not worth the trip for the time being unless you go with significantly tempered expectations. That said, the park's efforts this year are still much appreciated, given the staffing issues they probably had to deal with.

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But to each their own.


Ultimately, this. But my experience was that I got my SV passes and went straight to Maverick, whose AP line was moving steadily (as it should) and got 2nd hour passes for both. Then off the MF, got 2nd hour for that as well plus a standby ride. TTD wasnt open yet.

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It should also be noted that if it's a busy day the Maverick passes will be gone when you get back if you do that so it could work but it's risky if it's really busy. We saw that happen on Memorial Day weekend.


Also... Maverick is FUBARed and might not be open anyway.


Omg no...what happened to Maverick??


Also, I read someone say a little ways back that they are now selling Fast Lane, but only to passholders. I checked the CP website and the Fast Lane page is back up but the two daily options say "not available", whilst the season-long Gold and Platinum Fast Lane Plus are available for the rest of this year and all of next. Definitely not going back this year but can anybody clarify?

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Yeah, they're selling the all-season Fast Lane+ add on to Gold and Platinum passes, not daily Fast Lanes. Apologies if it came off confusing.

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