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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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When we had our trip in June, 2016 I remember the mayflies covering the pathways in the front half of the park. You didn't have a choice but to step on them. I'm the type of guy who will trap a spider in a cup and throw it outside, so I felt pretty bad about trampling them.


Again, during our Coaster Campout trip during late may there were minimal bugs. It was great.

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Random Breakers question, do the beds have fitted sheets? I HATE when hotels use a folded flat sheet over the mattress. It's what Breakers Express did 3 years ago, and every morning I woke up partially on a bare mattress...gross. I'm staying at Breakers in a week and Im not above packing a fitted sheet.

Why don't you call Breakers and ask?

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At the park now. Milennium Force has been closed all day. When I drove around the park to go to Running of the Bulls, SV was testing with three trains, however they removed one at opening. The MCBR trim is hitting really lightly - much better than it was yesterday. The crew for Steel Vengeance is awesome; when they start operating three trains the line will fly. The locker policy isn't that inconvenient, although the 1hr 27m I spent waiting for it yesterday would have been better with my phone.. Many rides have been closed throughout today, and it's crazy crowded. Hopefully I can get some more rides on SV in, but the FL line is all the way to the entrance..

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Don't give up on Millennium. It opened for the day with like 2 hours left in the day on multiple occasions this week. It's having a rough week but the park doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer.


I have no clue what’s wrong with it but this seems to be a standard occurance this week. You may get lucky.


Edit: It’s open. Lol

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Over the past two days in the park I have seen issues from it being stuck mid way up the lift, top and bottom of the lift as well as a restraint issue in the loading station... not sure what the “exact problem is” becuase it seems to be a plethora of problems.

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So I haven't posted in a long time, but I figured I'd post about my first trip back to Cedar Point in like, 5 years?


1st off, Gatekeeper, Steel Vengeance, and Valravn were the three coasters that were new to me (I don't necessarily count Rougarou). All three were absolutely phenomenal.


2nd - wow the mechanical issues and downed rides was ridiculous... Millennium, Dragster, Gatekeeper, Rougarou, and Valravn were all down at the same time once this early afternoon. Millenium didn't open till about 6:15, and that truly stressed me out all day since it is my favorite coaster here. Thankfully I got on it and got to experience what I call pure rollercoaster bliss. Also, at about 7:30, we walked past Valravn, and me and my friend heard a loud snapping sound as Valravn approached the MCBR, and something flew off of the car. We thought it was going to be someone's glasses, but the closer we got, we couldn't figure it out. I picked it up and it was hot, and we realized it was probably one of the outer covers of one of the wheels!!! I took it to the attendant at the front of the line, and she ran to radio someone.... it's running again now but pretty crazy.




But - still an amazing time at one of my favorite parks ever. Definitely will not be bringing a bag next time though.

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Between massive crowd reports, the apparent bug invasion, and the SV fluffy policy, I'm glad I got in a satisfying number of visits by mid-June this year, and don't feel any need to go back. Hopefully they've come up with a more sane policy regarding the cell phones/bins/fluffies by next season, or I'll have to cross the bridge of whether I return then. They've already lost my Platinum Pass renewal due to this, and I WAS going to get my kids passes next year as well. Now, I'm not so sure any of us will... I just think the way they've handled this is beyond poor, and as much as I love the park (it's pretty much always been my favorite place on earth), the overreactive mismanagement has put a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not even an obsessive cell phone user, but for me it's the principle of the matter, and for now at least, I will simply stay away, since I've been plenty already, and would rather just avoid dealing with it all. Again, I love Cedar Point, but I just disagree with the way they (Cedar Fair as a chain, really) do business sometimes, and while I respect the fact they have the right to do whatever with their parks, I also can choose to do whatever with my money, and time. As Robb has mentioned multiple times, there are many other parks around the country that have handled this type of thing much better, and if this simply diverts me to those type of places, that's not the worst thing ever!

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Was in the Sandusky area for work so made my first visit of the year to CP since media day (compared to nearly weekly in years past! Been so busy...) and it was a bust, sadly. I really just wanted a ride on Raptor and MF, but neither happened. Parking lot was fairly busy, but nothing too crazy. Once in the park, everything seemed more busy than usual. Raptor was over an hour, Valravn of course, Gatekeeper posted at an hour, etc... Then I found out MF was closed, so it started to make sense. Maverick was likely 1.5-2hrs in length given the queue and the FP line extended out in the midway parallel to the antique cars. Crazy. SV was posted at 2hrs.


Continuing my loop around the park, food lines were just crazy. Chick-Fil-A had to have had a 45min wait... Line stretched into the midway down by the Yo-Yo. Even the generic food stands were swamped. Everything appeared to be open though, just the lunch time rush I suppose.


Then I found the next source of all longer-than-expected wait times... Dragster was down. When walking by, a tow motor crossed the midway with a part on the forks, likely from the hydraulic room. So without MF or Dragster to suck up people, it wasn't too friendly for a quick visit.


Decided to head out after a single lap around the park... Unfortunate I couldn't grab a ride on anything, but coming from work I was in jeans and such and it was too damn hot to stick around longer.

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Between massive crowd reports, the apparent bug invasion, and the SV fluffy policy, I'm glad I got in a satisfying number of visits by mid-June this year, and don't feel any need to go back. Hopefully they've come up with a more sane policy regarding the cell phones/bins/fluffies by next season, or I'll have to cross the bridge of whether I return then. They've already lost my Platinum Pass renewal due to this, and I WAS going to get my kids passes next year as well. Now, I'm not so sure any of us will... I just think the way they've handled this is beyond poor, and as much as I love the park (it's pretty much always been my favorite place on earth), the overreactive mismanagement has put a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not even an obsessive cell phone user, but for me it's the principle of the matter, and for now at least, I will simply stay away, since I've been plenty already, and would rather just avoid dealing with it all. Again, I love Cedar Point, but I just disagree with the way they (Cedar Fair as a chain, really) do business sometimes, and while I respect the fact they have the right to do whatever with their parks, I also can choose to do whatever with my money, and time. As Robb has mentioned multiple times, there are many other parks around the country that have handled this type of thing much better, and if this simply diverts me to those type of places, that's not the worst thing ever!


I have been 7 times this year and the only massive crowds were the July long weekend. I was just there this past week for 3 days. Other then Steel Vengeance and Maverick most coasters had 30 minute wait. Fastlane queues were a handful of people. I have no idea where you heard about massive crowds


As far as the fluffy fluffy bunnies go, I am sure by next season they will have a better system in place. Bins are not the answer, people still bring their phones on the ride with them. Cancelling your pass over that is not worth it. Its your decision, less people in line that I have to wait behind.

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I have been 7 times this year and the only massive crowds were the July long weekend. I was just there this past week for 3 days. Other then Steel Vengeance and Maverick most coasters had 30 minute wait. Fastlane queues were a handful of people. I have no idea where you heard about massive crowds


As far as the fluffy fluffy bunnies go, I am sure by next season they will have a better system in place. Bins are not the answer, people still bring their phones on the ride with them. Cancelling your pass over that is not worth it. Its your decision, less people in line that I have to wait behind.


Uhhh... I've literally heard about large crowds of people on virtually every page in this thread lately, including the post above yours!


Maybe cancelling your pass is not worth it to you, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it to me. I feel very good about the decision, and honestly, it'll save me a lot of money next year I won't really have. That doesn't mean I won't go to CP once next year, but that will likely be it.

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It’s great to hear about those huge crowds after their rough Q2 and slow start to July. In the long run this is a good thing for us and for the park since the park had mentioned potential ride removals for cost cutting on their Q2 calls AND if they built two giant RMCs in the chain and they don’t draw any gate the chances of the chain adding more is essentially zero. People should be hoping for crowds at Cedar Fair parks.


I don’t get people.

Edited by coasterbill
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Wanted to give an update on SV operation. As I stated before, prior to opening they were testing with all three trains. Before Early Entry they took one off. They were consistently dispatching when the other train hit the third inversion. This seemed to be the dispatch interval, as even if the train was secure and checked, they would wait for the train to hit the third inversion to dispatch. The lift hill would start slow and speed up when the other train cleared the FBR, which confirms that the Mid Course is not a block. The Mid Course trim hit at different levels all day.


I don't see why the coaster can't run three trains right now. They could run it like Magnum, consistently dispatching at the dispatch interval, stacking 1 train for a short period of time. There was so much downtime between dispatches, which would be solved with the third train. The crew is quick, but not quick enough to require the Mid Course to be a block, from what I observed. My guess for why they aren't running three trains currently is that they haven't gotten certification to run all three trains yet, since it's been open daily for the last 2-3 months. The regular line moves quick as it is, the third train will be a game changer. Once there's no downtime between dispatches, the grouper will be constantly assigning rows, and fhe line will fly. Can't wait for that

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It’s great to hear about those huge crowds after their rough Q2 and slow start to July. In the long run this is a good thing for us and for the park since the park had mentioned potential ride removals for cost cutting on their Q2 calls AND if they built two giant RMCs in the chain and they don’t draw any gate the chances of the chain adding more is essentially zero. People should be hoping for crowds at Cedar Fair parks.



Yep, all of this. Crowds after investing a lot of money is a good thing for everybody. I know it sucks to have to deal with large crowds but there are ways to avoid a lot it.

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Anyone at CP today see anything happen with Steel Vengeance? Rumor floating around the internet is that a "wheel" came off a train and it came to an abrupt stop?? I have zero evidence on the validity of this, just curious if anyone saw / heard anything who is there today!

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