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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I just sit down, buckle in, and let the ride do its thing while enjoying it as much as possible. All these instructions like, you need to tilt your head 15° to the right, make sure the humidity is between 48%-60%, clap 6 times to tune yourself to the lift chain frequency, and sit in the seat EXACTLY 62 min. after eating Flaming Hot Cheetos, just aren't for me.

I'm not on board with taking suggestions for sitting in XX seat in XX row, monitoring the temperature prior to riding, taking your own seat cushion, etc. But, when someone suggests something very simple like tightening your seat belt to avoid thigh bruising lap bars or or leaning forward on a shaky wooden coaster to avoid being uncomfortably jostled, I take their advice. Some of Bert's suggestions might seem a little particular for me I guess (no offense, sir). That said, a lot of what he wrote and most of the tips I've ever read from others seem relatively simple, straight forward, and effective. No one is suggesting going full blown reverse cowgirl.


It's the off season, it's only February, it's around the time when those of us who only live near seasonal parks start to go a bit crazy. It was only a joke, no need to get ruffled feathers. You do you.

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A Platinum Pass is a Platinum Pass. You get all benefits associated with a Platinum Pass at every park.


At Cedar Point that includes one hour early entry basically every day, free parking, passholder ride nights and discounts on all in-park spending.

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You get a discount on fast lane for being a season past holder?

I’m trying to find there fast lane prices for the season , it’s not posted yet.


Only for Platinum. They are officially listing it as a perk this season on the perks page, whereas previous years it was unadvertised. FL+ for the same price as regular FL. We were able to get the discount for everyone in the group with only one pass last year. In-park only, not online.

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As a rule of thumb you pretty much get a discount on every single thing you buy on Point with a Platinum Pass so hand it to the cashier every time you buy something. This actually includes sit down dining too (at least at Famous Dave's). We just recently learned that. I forget exactly what the discount is (it's probably like 10%) but I remember asking there so I would tip on the actual price and not the Platinum Pass price like a douche. Sadly I don't remember the answer, because I don't remember sh*t.

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I am pretty excited, The wife and I are taking a little anniversary trip to CP. Back in November I jumped on the Fast Lane Plus and park ticket deal for $90. we were only going to do one day but I got an email from the Run and Ride series for a discount to sign up for one of the races at CP. If you do the race you get a park ticket for that day and free parking. I was also able to book through the race website for Express Hotel ( i guess Breakers Express was renamed at some point) for about $105 a night.


We will be ther June 9th and 10th also hoping to do Brews and BBQ. will any of you be at the park that weekend?


Lastly if you're thinking about signing up for a race let me know because if you sign up through my link I get another discount

Dude... The race, Breakers, and BBQ and Brews? That's an awesome combo. I've always wanted to do one of these 5k or 10k park race events. I hope you have a good time. CP always seems to rope people in for more than one day, which is exactly what they want to do.



It's the off season, it's only February, it's around the time when those of us who only live near seasonal parks start to go a bit crazy. It was only a joke, no need to get ruffled feathers. You do you.

Nah, I wasn't mad. I was mostly just looking for a way to work in the reverse cowgirl thing...


S'all good, bruh.


As a rule of thumb you pretty much get a discount on every single thing you buy on Point with a Platinum Pass so hand it to the cashier every time you buy something.

Beer Man does not give discounts.

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Saw on PB there will be new campsites going where Sandcastle was... Opening in mid June.


Ultimate Patio Lake-View Back-In Site


Concrete site - 70 ft long x 12 ft wide

Electric hook-up

Water hook-up

Sewer hook-up

Cable hook-up

Expanded Private Patio Seating Area with Dining Table and 6 Chairs

Built-in Charcoal Grill

Wood-Burning Fire Pit Surrounded by 4 Adirondack Chairs

2 Person Glider Swing Offering Lake View

Free WiFi Access

Pets are welcome

Tent Camping is Not Permitted

Lighthouse Point offers shower/restroom and laundry facilities, a supply store and a swimming pool/hot tub (available May-Labor Day)

Requests are noted but cannot be guaranteed

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I am pretty excited, The wife and I are taking a little anniversary trip to CP. Back in November I jumped on the Fast Lane Plus and park ticket deal for $90. we were only going to do one day but I got an email from the Run and Ride series for a discount to sign up for one of the races at CP. If you do the race you get a park ticket for that day and free parking. I was also able to book through the race website for Express Hotel ( i guess Breakers Express was renamed at some point) for about $105 a night.


We will be ther June 9th and 10th also hoping to do Brews and BBQ. will any of you be at the park that weekend?


Lastly if you're thinking about signing up for a race let me know because if you sign up through my link I get another discount

Dude... The race, Breakers, and BBQ and Brews? That's an awesome combo. I've always wanted to do one of these 5k or 10k park race events. I hope you have a good time. CP always seems to rope people in for more than one day, which is exactly what they want to do.




Since you’re not going to Cedar Point this year next year we should put a group together from here for either distance. I got way out of running shape as you can see by my recent trip review pictures after the half I ran. It beat me up so much that I lost interest for a bit this is the first step to getting back to my running a full marathon goal.

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Anyone else seeing this happen when people post GIF's and such (not just in the CP thread)?


I was using Google Chrome and wasn't seeing these download so I went back to using Firefox and it isn't showing them there either. Is there a setting that I need to change?


Sometimes I refresh and they will show and other times, they won't.




From Firefox


Google Chrome

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I am pretty excited, The wife and I are taking a little anniversary trip to CP. Back in November I jumped on the Fast Lane Plus and park ticket deal for $90. we were only going to do one day but I got an email from the Run and Ride series for a discount to sign up for one of the races at CP. If you do the race you get a park ticket for that day and free parking. I was also able to book through the race website for Express Hotel ( i guess Breakers Express was renamed at some point) for about $105 a night.


We will be ther June 9th and 10th also hoping to do Brews and BBQ. will any of you be at the park that weekend?


Lastly if you're thinking about signing up for a race let me know because if you sign up through my link I get another discount

Dude... The race, Breakers, and BBQ and Brews? That's an awesome combo. I've always wanted to do one of these 5k or 10k park race events. I hope you have a good time. CP always seems to rope people in for more than one day, which is exactly what they want to do.




Since you’re not going to Cedar Point this year next year we should put a group together from here for either distance. I got way out of running shape as you can see by my recent trip review pictures after the half I ran. It beat me up so much that I lost interest for a bit this is the first step to getting back to my running a full marathon goal.

That would be a good time, provided Emily and I can actually get off around that time.


Anyone else seeing this happen when people post GIF's and such (not just in the CP thread)?


I was using Google Chrome and wasn't seeing these download so I went back to using Firefox and it isn't showing them there either. Is there a setting that I need to change?


Sometimes I refresh and they will show and other times, they won't.



I'm seeing the GIFs, Phil. Seems like it might be something on your end. Hopefully you get it figured out.

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Anyone else seeing this happen when people post GIF's and such (not just in the CP thread)?


I was using Google Chrome and wasn't seeing these download so I went back to using Firefox and it isn't showing them there either. Is there a setting that I need to change?


Sometimes I refresh and they will show and other times, they won't.




Are you on the website at work? The web security settings at my office sometimes prevent certain images or videos from popping up, but it works just fine from home or on my phone. The security settings may be the issue.

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^ Nope - I already can't use TPR at work unless I open it on my phone. Apparently my company doesn't want me browsing roller coaster forums while working because it's deemed as "entertainment".


I just got done doing a major Windows update - hoping that it would fix whatever is preventing images from opening. Didn't work, unfortunately.


I had uninstalled Firefox on here thinking that it was the problem, but Google Chrome does the same thing. I reinstalled Firefox again, but it's still doing it. It's really weird because most of the photos load, while something is preventing certain ones (GIF's in particular) from opening. And if I hit refresh/reload three or four times, it will eventually open the picture or GIF.


I guess I am off to do some Google searches to see if I can find a setting somewhere, but so far, no luck. I don't want to derail the CP thread, but I appreciate the feedback from you and Zach!


Edit - it looks like Firefox and Chrome are blocking because it's saying that TPR is not a secure connection.




Double edit - I think that I got it!!


I needed to go into settings/add-ons and uncheck the box shown below.


I had to uncheck the "Block dangerous and intrusive flash content" box

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Saw on PB there will be new campsites going where Sandcastle was... Opening in mid June.


Ultimate Patio Lake-View Back-In Site


Concrete site - 70 ft long x 12 ft wide

Electric hook-up

Water hook-up

Sewer hook-up

Cable hook-up

Expanded Private Patio Seating Area with Dining Table and 6 Chairs

Built-in Charcoal Grill

Wood-Burning Fire Pit Surrounded by 4 Adirondack Chairs

2 Person Glider Swing Offering Lake View

Free WiFi Access

Pets are welcome

Tent Camping is Not Permitted

Lighthouse Point offers shower/restroom and laundry facilities, a supply store and a swimming pool/hot tub (available May-Labor Day)

Requests are noted but cannot be guaranteed

Am I the only one a bit sad that tent camping is not allowed?

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V.I.P. details have been announced! *drool*. 3 different ones but no price announced yet. Even the sunrise tour includes immediate boarding to Maverick and Steel Vengeance. None of that waiting in line with other FL+ low-lifes!




I think in the past it was discounted for Pass holders since you didn't need admission/etc. Can anyone verify if my memory is correct? I would definitely consider the Sunrise tour this year knowing you get IMMEDIATE boarding on those two rides, plus two other FL+ one time use passes sweeten the deal...


(Un) Fortunately we already have dining, funpix, etc so the value goes down a bit.... still curious what they will charge, though....


EDIT-- Also: the Brew and BBQ page is hidden away but the dates stated are June 8 - July 1st. Not sure if this was mentioned before, sorry if I missed it (Compared to May 19-June 11 in 2017). Interesting change if that is the finalized dates (again, not officially accessible from the main site yet, so not official official)...



Edited by anonymouscactus
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^^^ Thanks Zach! I am the type of person where it will drive me nuts until I figure out root cause of a problem. Likely explains why I pretty much do that at work every day.


^^ As far as tent camping, Cedar Point has never allowed it as long as we have been going there. They used to say that it had something to do with the water table level and pitching tent stakes, but when you have monster coasters and rides next door that are buried several feet into the ground, that kind of throws that theory out the window in a big way.


My thought was that they didn't want the wrong type of crowd coming in there with just tents. Don't get me wrong, we used to tent camp all the time, so I'm not saying that tenter's are dirtbags. I just always felt that they may have used the water table level as an excuse more than anything else.

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I would definitely consider the Sunrise tour this year knowing you get priority boarding on those two rides, plus two other FL+ one time use passes sweeten the deal...


That, and being able to take pictures / timelapse of the sunrise from the top of Valravyn is pretty frickin tempting. I imagine it'll cost a pretty penny though.

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^ May 19-20... wow and you get a ton of ERT and meals, too!



$200 (donation) per site (up to 4 people)... not per person? 2 days admission. Early entry. ERT on Steel Vengeance. That can't be right? That is a STEAL.


(fiancee yells in background: "it is NOT a good deal if I can't shower")

Edited by anonymouscactus
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