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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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My niece, who is smart, passed on riding Joker at SFDK because she thought it was just "new track" on the former Roar. (I wasn't with her, that time.) I told her, after her visit, that it was a totally new ride, much improved ... something to anticipate for the next visit.


Iron Streak is at the very back of CP, perhaps easily missed by a casual visitor (at least this year).


That said, I find most people in our culture lack what pilots call "situational awareness," a much bigger problem than noticing whether a rollercoaster is being revamped or removed.

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Or instead of calling them dumb, they just don't care like we do and/or don't look at it and notice every single change going on. They see a coaster that was announced that it was being torn down, so they see the cranes and they think nothing of it other than its being dismantled.


No, they are dumb. They can obviously see bright new steel track on what was a wood coaster. What thinking person would think new track means it's being torn down? There is also the fact that you don't need to be precise and exacting if it's being completely torn down. They can tear down a wood coaster really quick if you have no need to save parts or relocate it. They could just wrecking ball it over the off season.


So can you casually walk past a auto body shop and know if new parts, after market parts or second hand parts are being installed. If not car enthusiasts think you are dumb.

That is perfectly said. Paying attention to what is going on with MS is probably most of the GP's least of worries.

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Or instead of calling them dumb, they just don't care like we do and/or don't look at it and notice every single change going on. They see a coaster that was announced that it was being torn down, so they see the cranes and they think nothing of it other than its being dismantled.


No, they are dumb. They can obviously see bright new steel track on what was a wood coaster. What thinking person would think new track means it's being torn down? There is also the fact that you don't need to be precise and exacting if it's being completely torn down. They can tear down a wood coaster really quick if you have no need to save parts or relocate it. They could just wrecking ball it over the off season.


So can you casually walk past a auto body shop and know if new parts, after market parts or second hand parts are being installed. If not car enthusiasts think you are dumb.


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^^ Or if they're a Chinese knock-off?


Seriously though, I was just talking to the lady that works at our credit union last week because she said that her family (they go annually) went during Beer, Brews and BBQ - she also thought that they were tearing it down. She also said the same thing with regards to seeing cranes, but said that she didn't even notice the steel track. When I explained to her about the RMC conversion, she got super excited because she said that she never rides it anymore because it's too rough.


So I am thinking that a lot of guests that go there every year probably just completely ignore Mean Streak (like it's not even there) because of the pure shit-show that it had become. I could see the GP basically saying: "They're tearing it down? Good, that ride sucked anyway".


Maybe they were more enamored of seeing Skyhawk, Maverick or possibly....Lusty Lil's, Beer & BBQ that they didn't even notice what was being dangled overhead.


Probably several folks that were like, "Ohhhh....a beer fest...look at...all....of....this.......beeeeeer!


Area food and beer distraction to the non-enthusiast and a long drawn out speculation for the enthusiasts....those folks from CF know just what they're doing!

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My wife is not nearly as passionate about coasters as I am. My Wife never noticed the steel track on Mean Streak until I pointed it out to her. Even then I had to reference Storm Chaser and Goliath as references to her to try to explain to her what they were doing. Its not a common thing to the gp.


Sorry to break it to you, but I think your wife might have a classic case of "dumb"...




My wife is an occupational therapist. I am sure you will have to look it up. When you get done with that read the rest of my post. The general public do not follow every little step of construction on a roller coaster. It never crossed her mind to look at Mean Streak and study it. The general public don't research every ride at every park. They know nothing of a company that takes old wooden coasters and reengineer them with steel track. I am the coaster fanatic. She just goes for the ride.

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Good morning from Cedar Point! We will be on a hard hat tour of the ride formerly known as Mean Streak! We will try to live stream on our Facebook page if we can! Keep an eye on our socials and please share!


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This photo that Robb retweeted from Jason McClure is literally everything to me right now.




Following along the TPR Twitter like a junkie right now for my next fix. Keep up the good work!


Going to amazing. I love the layout so far. The lift hill ascent angle is almost like that of a giga.

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^ I think that pic confirms a full and complete third lap! Ledgers placed right along side the double-up and double-down ready for track! I think this may be the first RMC rebuild that actually produces a LONGER track than the original ride!

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^ I think that pic confirms a full and complete third lap! Ledgers placed right along side the double-up and double-down ready for track! I think this may be the first RMC rebuild that actually produces a LONGER track than the original ride!


Wow...were talking over 6000ft as it was 5400ft before. That would make it top 7 or 8th longest steel coaster.

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