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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Alright, here's my idea. Cedar Point builds 2 huge parking garages at the back of the parking lot with sky rides that take visitors to the park's front entrance. Cedar Point can then expand out into the parking lot so we can't talk about them being out of room and we get 2 new sky rides! (I figure on slower days the park might be able to just run one.)

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For those who were wondering about it, earlier....


Rooms are now available, at The Breakers Hotel at CP. And probably CP's other properties, too.



(And I got me a room, WOO HOO! And it is true, it's very high co$t-wi$e.)


And THIS will be available for all those visits to CP.

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  Nrthwnd said:
For those who were wondering about it, earlier....


Rooms are now available, at The Breakers Hotel at CP. And probably CP's other properties, too.



(And I got me a room, WOO HOO! And it is true, it's very high co$t-wi$e.)


I may be reading too far into this but don't they usually put whatever is new for whatever year on the cup online. One would think they would have already put CP shores on the cup if that's all they're getting.

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^ This looks like a general advertisement for the cup, without more details on it.

I'm sure CP will be on the cup somewhere, by the time the new season starts up.

Of course it might also be generic, with just the Cedar Fair logo on it, too.

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^ The All-Season cup is $27 +tax. Which would be fine for me, if I was visiting CP several times in a season.

But this past year, Cedar Fair had an all-day cup available for about $12, free drinks for the day you got it,

then $1 a refill the rest of the season. That's what I got myself at Knott's back in Sept. So I am hoping that

they'll offer the same, as they did this year. A cheaper cup.


What I picked up in Knott's back in Sept. There was a different colored one for all-season.

Magic Mountain had a similar pair of cups available as well, with their name on them.

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  thepoint4life23 said:

Remember, these are the people responsible for your life, the lives of your children, and the lives of millions of other people. Not a lot of people know that a similar job in the industry pays nearly $10/hour more than these guys make. They make less than the landscapers at the same park!

Having been an employee in CP ride maintenance, I can certainly tell you that this is also definitely not the only grievance the guys have against the park. The managerial side of park maintenance is extremely corrupt. They will do anything possible to screw their hard workers so they can cash in on their bonuses at the end of the year.


Use this link to voice your concerns!


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  BeansproutMidget said:
Oh man, the schedule is out already. And, looking at it, my marching band's trip is planned on Memorial Day weekend....Oh boy..


Either way, yay to 2017! Already looking forward to possibly heading back to Sandusky next year!

You and your buddies better shovel a lot of snow this winter in order to save for FL+!

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  coasterlover420 said:
  thepoint4life23 said:

Remember, these are the people responsible for your life, the lives of your children, and the lives of millions of other people. Not a lot of people know that a similar job in the industry pays nearly $10/hour more than these guys make. They make less than the landscapers at the same park!

Having been an employee in CP ride maintenance, I can certainly tell you that this is also definitely not the only grievance the guys have against the park. The managerial side of park maintenance is extremely corrupt. They will do anything possible to screw their hard workers so they can cash in on their bonuses at the end of the year.


Use this link to voice your concerns!



While there's no reason not to believe everything you're saying, without any knowledge of these types of behind the scenes contracts and how this one compares with standard industry practices I can't really offer an opinion either way. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope they can come up with a deal that works for everyone but the vast majority of people on this forum probably aren't qualified to contact the park with a strong opinion either way without any real experience with the situation.

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  annatheshortest said:
  thepoint4life23 said:



Am I the only one who hopes this strike doesn't impact Mean Streak's work?


I would imagine that most of the work on Mean Streak is being completed by independent contractors, mainly RMC. They'll likely pour all available resources into making sure the project is not delayed for it's opening year of 20??.

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  thepoint4life23 said:
I see Family with four cups. I do not understand why each person needs one if its free why not split them and just keep filling them up.


People just aren't that efficient. Me and three of my friends went for just one day earlier this season, and we all chipped in 5 bucks for the souvenir cup. You'll spend almost 5 dollars on a single drink, and this ensured that we would not be thirsty all day long. Even for one visit, it literally pays for itself.


A 7 dollar increase would make me think about it twice for just one day, but some people are visiting 5+ times a year, so they shouldn't be crying about value by any means.

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  storms555 said:
Maybe a lot of groups dont want to share the drink cups is because people dont want to swap spit and germs....i know if i was with a group of friends and they all wanted to share i'd rather just buy my own separately but thats just me.


The comment originally was about families, If they are all your kids they can share and save $27 over each having one. Personally I don't think CP season drink bottles are advisable. CP doesn't have holders at all rides, like SF. CP they bottles are not free with the season dining pass. SF bottles much better deal IMO.

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  eugjackson said:
  storms555 said:
Maybe a lot of groups dont want to share the drink cups is because people dont want to swap spit and germs....i know if i was with a group of friends and they all wanted to share i'd rather just buy my own separately but thats just me.


The comment originally was about families, If they are all your kids they can share and save $27 over each having one. Personally I don't think CP season drink bottles are advisable. CP doesn't have holders at all rides, like SF. CP they bottles are not free with the season dining pass. SF bottles much better deal IMO.


But CP doesn't run out of regular ass coke (or regular ass pepsi) and ice on a continual basis... and have 20 minute lines for a fill up.

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