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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Fear not, when the ride opens this thread will be littered with bull*** about which trains are vibrating, the end of the ride running slow on a 50 degree rainy morning in May (shocking I know) and if it ever breaks down for more than a few hours at a time we'll all hear about how they should have bought a B&M.


RMC Mean Streak has been an enthusiast wet dream for years and now that it's happening the expectations will be so unreasonably high that I'm expecting record levels of bitching.


This sounds too much like the SFNE thread.


Mean Streak is enjoyable in the front seat, but that's the only enjoyable seat. I'm excited for what's coming. Fingers are crossed it's a RMC since Mean Streak looks similar to Texas Giant and the New Texas Giant is critcally acclaimed.


What are you talking about? I'm happy about the upgrade, you don't need to sell me on it but I also have realistic expectations. I'm not bashing the park. I'm bashing coaster enthusiasts (which is a favorite hobby of mine).


The ride will absolutely be a home run if you don't go in with sky high expectations.

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i hope theyll just rmc it like they did to texas giant instead of demolishing it, & no any wooden coasters in ohio but i know about kings island its just why just take out a great wooden coaster!


You make it sound like RMCing it is easy than tearing it down . And there already is another wooden coaster at the park in Blue Streak.


I like how RMC has become a verb on this thread.

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It's a weekend in the middle of the god damn summer with perfect weather predicted and you're disappointed at this breaking development that we think Cedar Point will be busy? What did you expect?


Next thing we know people will think the other seats are smoother on Mean Streak.

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Get Fast Lane Plus and you should be fine.

Screw that, those are for peasants. Gold VIP Tour is the only way to fly in style. They are only $450 per person per day.


Shhhhhh, don't say "VIP Tour" . . . You'll awaken them.


I really don't understand :/


Apparently I am the only person on here that does VIP Tours at theme parks. When I posted about my first tour, and suggested others take VIP Tours a bunch of people got butt hurt because apparently "not everyone can afford a VIP Tour." So now I just refrain from talking about them.


Sent from my cellular wireless device.

Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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Get Fast Lane Plus and you should be fine.

Screw that, those are for peasants. Gold VIP Tour is the only way to fly in style. They are only $450 per person per day.

The irony in this is real strong for those that have followed this thread for awhile


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Ohh, well I understand now. Do you ever use Fast Lane/Flash Pass?


Me? Yes. At every park we visit we always buy their line skip option. However, Cedar Point is the one of the parks where we go a little further and buy the previously mentioned VIP Tour.

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On my first Cedar Point visit (what an amazing place!!!) and I thought it'd be worth sharing this ironic photo I took of a mantis I found in the queue for Rougarou


This is literally the best (and most worthwhile) post since the announcement of Mean Streak's closure came out!

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Wait on crowds to see how lines are the first hour you're there because three days is absolutely enough unless it's the busiest day of the year, which it won't be. You could have a day like I had here where Fast Lane is useless with less than perfect weather.


Edit: Can't get it linked from my phone but check out my Cedar Point report from the Thursday where Miellennium Force was almost a walk on. My point is to wait and see, three days is plenty.

Edited by Password121
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