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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Curious if Cedar Point has onsite housing for employees. I worked Valleyfair this summer and lived in their onsite housing and am looking to travel.


Cedar Point does offer employee housing. It's not the best, it's basically like some college dorms, but you never really spend much time in your room anyway, so how nice does it really need to be?

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Curious if Cedar Point has onsite housing for employees. I worked Valleyfair this summer and lived in their onsite housing and am looking to travel.


Cedar Point does offer employee housing. It's not the best, it's basically like some college dorms, but you never really spend much time in your room anyway, so how nice does it really need to be?


Hey, that's all VF's housing was.

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Raptor is going to need quite a good power wash to remove the poop!


And the blood and body parts, what with people jumping the fence and all.


Too soon?


Not soon enough.




Anywhore, I can't wait to see Valravn start to go vertical. I'm WAY more excited about this coaster than I should be.

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^ Agreed. I know a lot of the attention is going to Lightning Rod--and rightly so--but I am very excited about having a dive coaster within a day's drive of me. Looks to be a very fun layout too. I'm working on a way to get to Cedar Point next summer, and Valravn is a big part of it.

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We decided to opt out of a visit this weekend with it being the holiday weekend so I'll be curious to find out how crowded it was/is. We'll watch the weather forecast for next weekend and see how it looks for a Friday night visit.

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I'm flying up next weekend. I know it'll be nuts on Saturday, but I'm wondering what is the history of how the crowds are when Ohio State plays? They're at home next weekend at 7 pm.

Heading there on that weekend too (16th to 18th), I hope the lines aren't too bad, if they are gonna be REALLY bad we will get fast passes.

Heading on the early morning on saturday and sunday and that usually got us on maverick walk on every morning

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Having fun at the point right now, but I gotta say that they need to work on the food service. The lines for food or drink are horrendous and not moving. 35 min to get a drink.

How are the lines today? Im going next saturday so whatever you are getting should be less lines on Saturday because of the holiday this weekend.

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