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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Raptor has always had the same color scheme. Any difference you've noticed is a result of sun bleaching and/or the way different cameras capture colors differently. The only change that has occurred is the rails were originally unpainted, but when the ride was repainted in the 2000-2001 offseason, the rails became the same shade of green as the ties. Thank god TTD and Raptor aren't switching color schemes though

Edited by southpuddle
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Wishing CF/CP would of contacted Seaworld/ BGT's coaster color chooser because they have chosen some beautiful colors for their 2016's, CP must have Stevie Wonder as their color guy... ducking from the flying objects, obscenities and death glares from that bad Stevie joke lol


You must have Cedar Point confused with Merlin Entertainments.

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I'm not going to lie, I am super excited for Raptor, and TTD to get repainted. They both really need it. With them both being such iconic coasters it is nice to see the park putting the money into keeping them looking sharp!!

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I saw someone tagged in a link to a news story covering the Valravn announcement, claiming it as the worlds's tallest and fastest coaster. My facebook "friend" that was tagged began a discussion with his family members under the comments after they kept calling him "Mr. Coaster junkie" lol (Personally I'd be embarrassed for my facebook friends to see my family call me that on the internet where everyone can see).


What's worse is that "Mr. Coaster Junkie" replied. "Weird, this doesn't look taller than the Kingda Ka."


Edit: spelling.

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Contemplating on going out on Friday as the chance of rain looks like it will be in the AM and then clear up.


Anyone been to the park on Columbus Day weekend on a Friday night? Obviously the park will be ridiculously crowded on Saturday and Sunday if the weather is nice, but I wondered if Friday would be more crowded than usual being a holiday weekend?

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