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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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This is kind of off the wall and completely random but I'm curious if I'm remembering this correctly. I remember just after TTD opened that somebody had put together a vid of clips to Metallica's "Fuel", along with the debates of a good "theme song" for the ride. I cannot find this video anywhere. It could be that the vid was removed from the interwebs due to the bands strict position on rights to their songs or user removal. Either way I thought the song played perfectly with the way the clips were edited. Does anybody else know what I'm talking about or am I losing my mind?


I had it on my computer a long time ago and lost it, looks like ACN put it on Youtube though...WIN

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I recently came back from a trip to Cedar Point, and Top Thrill Dragster was having alot of problems. It was rolling back 3/4 times, practically, and there was at least 30 minutes of downtime between each roll back.


I waiting in a 1.7 hour line, and about two trains before my ride, it rolled back for the first time that day. We stood there for at least another hour waiting for......whatever.........and I decided to bail. I watched the ride from all over the park for the rest of the day and noticed that the trains pretty much never made it over the top hat.


The ride redeemed itself late at night, though. They seemed to have fixed the ride, and they kept TTD open for at least three hours after the park closed. And since Maverick was down for the last few hours of the operating day, I rode the thing until the park started telling us to leave, which was way after closing time!


My point it, TTD wasn't operating very well for the majority of the day and am wondering if anyone else has had a day like this.


About two trains before the ride started misbehaving. The launches started getting really smoky. Notice the cloud of steam (?) surrounding the launch and break run.

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I recently came back from a trip to Cedar Point, and Top Thrill Dragster was having alot of problems. It was rolling back 3/4 times, practically, and there was at least 30 minutes of downtime between each roll back.


I waiting in a 1.7 hour line, and about two trains before my ride, it rolled back for the first time that day. We stood there for at least another hour waiting for......whatever.........and I decided to bail. I watched the ride from all over the park for the rest of the day and noticed that the trains pretty much never made it over the top hat.


The ride redeemed itself late at night, though. They seemed to have fixed the ride, and they kept TTD open for at least three hours after the park closed. And since Maverick was down for the last few hours of the operating day, I rode the thing until the park started telling us to leave, which was way after closing time!


My point it, TTD wasn't operating very well for the majority of the day and am wondering if anyone else has had a day like this.


That "smoke" you saw at launch is water / fluid in a trough to keep the cable cool.

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I have heard a great Rumor to Cedar Point 2012


The Park will add two new coasters to next year.


Before you start reading what you are about to read. Please remember this is a rumor and NOTHING has been confirmed. However, the source who provided this information has worked with Cedar Point for 9 years and seemed very confident while discussing this future addition...


Of course after hearing this rumor we asked ride operators and attendants and majority of them seemed to dance around the same story.


So here it goes, Cedar Point is rumored to install 2 new coasters for the 2012 season.


Take a minute get yourself back in order and before you shoot it down, here are some things we thought of...


Why haven't there been any signs of construction?

If you know about the coaster wars, Cedar Point and Six Flags Magic Mountain are in an all out brawl for the Coaster Capital Title. With SFMM rumored to remove Deja Vu it would tie Cedar Point and SFMM at 17 each. Therefore, if the rumor of SFMM is true, Cedar Point doesn't want SFMM to find out to make any last minute plans like Green Lantern.


Where would they put them?

Well for years now we have been hearing Disaster Transport would be coming out to make way for something new. This could very well be true. Infact it could definitely happen, if SFMM were to take out Deja Vu it would bring their coaster count to 17. Cedar Point would then take out Disaster Transport bringing their total to 16. With the rumored two coasters it would bring the total to 18 beating SFMM.


That would be where the first would go. The second is rumored to be placed near the Paddleboat Excursion attraction which is also rumored to come out.


What type of coasters?

As we all know Cedar Point is running out of room for new BIG roller coasters. However, there are many types of coasters which can be very compact in its size. These include, Intamin Halfpipe, Intamin ZacSpin, GCI Wooden, Euro-Fighter or Dive Machine.


When would construction start?

Construction would start during their Halloween event and if Disaster Transport does come out the haunted maze taking place inside would be moved somewhere else or scrapped for the 2011 HalloWeekends Event.


So after putting this all into consideration, we could definitely see this happening.


But wait there is more....


The next rumor our source mentioned is a little on the outrageous side, ok actually REALLY outrageous.


Over the next 10 years a new roller coaster will be built each year giving the park a total of 28 or 29 coasters depending on what and if anything is removed.


I immediately shot this rumor down and I still do. I asked our source where they hell would they put all of these roller coasters. Well apparently the plan is to expand the peninsula out farther into Lake Erie on all sides to allow future expansion.


I want to believe this as it would be AMAZING if this were to happen over the next 10 years. I mean Dubai has built man made islands in the shape of palm trees so why can't Cedar Point expand out into the lake. Which would ultimately have to be done in order to build up.


So I leave it to you to speculate...

Edited by Wes
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If you know about the coaster wars, Cedar Point and Six Flags Magic Mountain are in an all out brawl for the Coaster Capital Title.

Yes, and have you seen the YouTube videos of the back alley brass knuckle fights between Kinzle and Six Flags executives at IAAPA? This is serious stuff.

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If you know about the coaster wars, Cedar Point and Six Flags Magic Mountain are in an all out brawl for the Coaster Capital Title.

Yes, and have you seen the YouTube videos of the back alley brass knuckle fights between Kinzle and Six Flags executives at IAAPA? This is serious stuff.


It doesn't get serious until they start slamming each other through flaming tables that are covered in broken glass--which is also on fire.

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^^ Now this would be a pay per view worth buying!!!!!! Rumors are nice, but expanding a peninsula in order to dig footers is totally not gonna happen. Maybe some slim chance of building on pylons like seaside/boardwalk type rides, but 28 or 29?? For the love of God get a grip on reality!!

Edited by eddie200330
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I just wanted to post that we are posting it as a rumor. None of us from CoasterFusion believe this 100%. However, we find it possible as the coaster wars are a reality and Cedar Point prides themselves on being the best with the best.


And for those of you who think our site is full of crack pot ideas and bogus rumors. You are titled to your own opinion and we value those opinions, however, we have posted a total of three rumors including:


- Scream Machine & Chang Rumor (which turned out to be true)

- Dollywood & Wingrider (which we will find out soon)

- Cedar Point & 2 Coasters


Out of those three rumors one has already proven to be true.


As far as the extension of the peninsula, we find this to be the most bogus thing we have ever heard which is why we stated in the thread we do not believe it for one minute. However, a rumor is a rumor until proven otherwise.

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