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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I kind of understand the frustration. That "last ride of the night" on your favourite coaster is a really great way to end a day at Cedar Point. Not having that cheapens the experience.


That said, people gotta understand that every place is understaffed right now, and that will continue to be true for a while as we struggle to restore all the infrastructure like childcare so that people can return to work, as well as vaccinating the remaining population. At Cedar Point specifically a lot of their workers are European, so of course the travel sector will need to be restored before the park is able to run fully staffed again. Would be nice if people thought about this stuff before they yelled at some kid about how their day at a theme park was only 99% awesome.

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^The crews may be there, but in this current situation they will always be there. All day, everyday, save for maybe one day off a week so CP isn't completely abusing anyone. A shift at CP also doesn't start just a moment before the park opens to a few minutes after closing time either. I'm sure the employees they do have working for them are being worked to the absolute maximum just to keep as many attractions open as possible. Open-close shifts are probably the norm for the summer when in the past they were only a thing in the bookends of the season when dealing with college schedules and international worker arrival/departure.

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I’m fully aware - I worked at the park for 5 summers and I guarantee you management doesn’t give two effs that everyone is working open to close - especially right now when the park is only open Friday-Sunday. They’re closing lines early because last year was a financial disaster and this is the year they’re playing catch-up. 

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Can someone elaborate on how employee scheduling worked  before the pandemic?

As intense as it sounds, I thought most employees generally worked open to close five or six days a week, even rides employees assigned to popular coasters that would cycle super late (e.g. July 4th 2010, when the park closed at 1 or 2am) and open early the next morning (e.g. 9am for early entry or even earlier for a special event).

Or were there multiple shifts?

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13 minutes ago, TopThrill182 said:

Can someone elaborate on how employee scheduling worked  before the pandemic?

As intense as it sounds, I thought most employees generally worked open to close five or six days a week, even rides employees assigned to popular coasters that would cycle super late (e.g. July 4th 2010, when the park closed at 1 or 2am) and open early the next morning (e.g. 9am for early entry or even earlier for a special event).

Or were there multiple shifts?

Some people might've been open to close, others might work just a morning or evening, others still might have a split shift. Some people on the crew will need to be in earlier than others to clean/test cycle/etc, but not necessarily the entire opening shift. Same at close.

Either way, to me sounds a lot more like cost saving measures than for the sake of the employee's sleep schedule. But, decisions like this aren't made lightly and generally happen for a variety of reasons. So it might've been brought up as a way to save on labor but also serves to help keep employees longer, maybe retain some who would otherwise not come back, help clear out the park sooner, etc. 

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Cedar Point has a workforce problem. Thay basically have not been able to hire all the people they need. Part of this issue comes from the fact they usually hire around 1.5K people from other countries comint to work on a ''Work and Travel'' program now on hold because the US goverment has still to resume J1 visas. 1.5k employeer from around 7k it a lot of people, they must be struggling to fing employees. 

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On 5/14/2021 at 9:35 AM, rachelmadcow said:

You guys aren't talking about the Gerstlauer that was announced that youtubers are thinking is going to Cedar Point and will likely go for the inversion record a-la Smiler and will be placed by the Marina I think they said? 

Nah there was a whole thread about it, no point in talking about it for this one bc well we dont know where its gunna go and yeah I've seen the YT coaster community going nuts about the (we dont know how yet) record breaking ride thats coming to CP....we of course dont know that and I uh..................lets just say dont put much stock in the YT coaster channel community lol  OR your post was top tier satire that I missed! 


Oh yeah I have no idea why anyone would do Cedar Point without FastLane unless you're local. When I was younger I 1: had less $ 2: had some weird ass moral objection against it. After caving the first time I can never go back. I'm with yall I can't fathom how people can deal with CP without it. It just makes the experience so much better. I do think back to how Id get 1 ride per coaster, how much of the day is just spent in line, and of course needing 2 days (sometimes + night) all the hotels etc  now, damn can get the whole park done in a day if I want, multiple rides on everything, cuts down on overall cost too. 



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2 hours ago, JJLehto said:



Oh yeah I have no idea why anyone would do Cedar Point without FastLane unless you're local. When I was younger I 1: had less $ 2: had some weird ass moral objection against it. After caving the first time I can never go back. I'm with yall I can't fathom how people can deal with CP without it. It just makes the experience so much better. I do think back to how Id get 1 ride per coaster, how much of the day is just spent in line, and of course needing 2 days (sometimes + night) all the hotels etc  now, damn can get the whole park done in a day if I want, multiple rides on everything, cuts down on overall cost too. 



I remember the good old days of non-existent FLP! LOL  That was when the biggest coaster there was probably Corkscrew and then came Magnum in 89 and Mean Streak in 91. Demon Drop was quite a favorite, as well.   We waited nearly two hours for Mean Streak that summer.  It was actually pretty fun because people were blowing up beach balls and they were bouncing around the queue lines amongst us!  Good times!  

I haven't been to CP in a few years.   We went ONCE in 2019 in September and it was a nightmare of people (more than I ever had seen at one time).  In the past, it was "go in May and bag the rest of the summer" because of the crowds, but even in the summer, there just wasn't hoards of people everywhere.   We didn't ride any big rides in 2019 so I am out of the loop on all of this.   So....FLP are a MUST no matter WHEN you go?   Would you skip the weekends in May and go during the week in  June? Or is it all a walking hell of people?   Do the FLP lines get as long as regular lines?? What happens if that is the case?  You are just out the $100?  

It is kind of scary food is such a long wait.   I read that water in vending machines was non-existent...what happens if you have a medical episode such as with hypoglycemia and you can't wait an hour for food?   I don't have an issue carrying some bottles of water in a backpack at all., but is that even allowed? You would think they would allow it if they cannot fully accommodate the amount of people they let in?  


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I haven't been since before Covid, but back then they would allow you to bring in water and, if there is a medical need, small snacks like granola bars (not meals or like a whole backpack of bars, obviously, but a couple were no problem). 

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2 hours ago, Sarakosta said:

Cedar Point has a workforce problem. Thay basically have not been able to hire all the people they need. Part of this issue comes from the fact they usually hire around 1.5K people from other countries comint to work on a ''Work and Travel'' program now on hold because the US goverment has still to resume J1 visas. 1.5k employeer from around 7k it a lot of people, they must be struggling to fing employees. 

That's insane!  Way back when, college kids swarmed for jobs there... if you didn't show interest in a job early on, you may not have gotten one.   It was a huge social and party event amongst them.  I was in a dorm with at least 15 others.   It was hell trying to find room for groceries with so many others jamming their stuff in. LOL  I lived on fast food most of the time, but I rode those damn roller coaster for FREE any time I was off!!!! :)


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1 minute ago, ytterbiumanalyst said:

I haven't been since before Covid, but back then they would allow you to bring in water and, if there is a medical need, small snacks like granola bars (not meals or like a whole backpack of bars, obviously, but a couple were no problem). 

Good to know!  Thank you!! 

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Robb's "theme park idiot" speech is needed here. I have no idea why anyone would think going on opening day after the pandemic, or even opening day in general, would guarantee anything close to a positive experience.

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8 hours ago, ajfelice said:

^The crews may be there, but in this current situation they will always be there. All day, everyday, save for maybe one day off a week so CP isn't completely abusing anyone. A shift at CP also doesn't start just a moment before the park opens to a few minutes after closing time either. I'm sure the employees they do have working for them are being worked to the absolute maximum just to keep as many attractions open as possible. Open-close shifts are probably the norm for the summer when in the past they were only a thing in the bookends of the season when dealing with college schedules and international worker arrival/departure.

I worked with a manager at Dorney that used to be at Geauga Lake and help at CP during weekends. He worked maverick on their busiest operating day in their history. Park closed at 12. Had a 3 hr line. Then took another hour to transfer all the trains off the track. Didnt get out into after 4am. 


CP and many other CF parks rely heavily on international employees. 

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1 hour ago, prozach626 said:

Robb's "theme park idiot" speech is needed here. I have no idea why anyone would think going on opening day after the pandemic, or even opening day in general, would guarantee anything close to a positive experience.

I don't know that anyone was "expecting" anything.  I can only speak for myself as in the past, May was THE month to go.  That was when they were open 7 days a week from opening day.  What we are experiencing now is something we have NEVER seen in our lifetime.  I don't know if ANYONE really knows what to expect until it happens.  We have a shortage of employees, as well......in EVERY sector.  But, my own feelings are that I would like to know AHEAD of time what I could be facing.   There are external factors that impact this decision including medical issues.  I am not hosting a bitch fest, but a "need to know" to be as prepared as I can be.  I also think that these parks shouldn't be allowing a higher attendance if they cannot safely and adequately provide.  You know there are disgruntled people from the weekend calling and complaining.   LOL That is what people do.  Nobody wants to take those calls and nobody wants to make them.  I would rather pay for a full-price ticket and get the experience than pay half the ticket rate and get less than what I want. But, that's just me.  From my experience in 2019, it does appear parks are way busier than what they were numerous years ago.  I hadn't been to CP since 2002 prior to 2019.  I just like to know ahead of time what I am getting into so I can be prepared.  That is all. I can make a decision that fits our needs (family) when I know ahead of time. 

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They haven't been open "7 days a week from opening day" for like 15+ years.  Your ability to know that opening day is going to be a shitshow is based on your own research...if you were relying on your experiences from almost two decades ago, that's your own fault.  Had you done any research into what the park is like in the past 5 years, you would see that opening weekend is always horrible, and before Memorial Day is a crap shoot as to what will be closed.  Every.  Single.  Year.  Except 2020, cuz y'know.

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I won't lie, I never do parks opening day. Past experiences are largely negative. It's nothing to feel bad about, or defend, or anything...it just is what it is. I only am doing an opening on this current trip (Carowinds) bc I have to, given the schedule and mine its just when it had to happen but I'm pretty darn nervous. Now...CP? and after last year? Yeah....it seems like asking for a bad time. I wont make any judgements or use idiot, I dont get why sometimes people are so harsh in the coaster community but I do gotta agree with the general sentiment, I've always heard horror stories about CP opening day as I have with many parks and have dealt with it myself. There's covid, the shortages yall discussed, prob should be a little understanding of the situation and have expected it may be a rough time. Sorry it was not a great time but like...its CP, opening, after a year of pent up demand, well established shortages, etc. Gotta be mindful of the situation and that things are not yet "normal" or ideal.  

May IS a great time to go to CP, but usually I go later in the month. Crowds were still pretty tolerable, weather great, the park in its groove. Tip for the future perhaps :)

Carrie, oh same. I recall when skip the lines first became a thing and both my fam and friends (after all we were young and had no money!) were resentful and thought it was snooty and elitist and they were jerks, we often took pride in not doing it. But yeah no way around it, life is sooooooo much better with it. Esp when coming from far....it IS damn nice to not deal with those lines and it just makes the whole day better. I will say, I only ever go to CP early or late season...and honestly the crowds are usually not tooooo bad. Hell once the park was pretty quiet and basically ALL the crowd was at SV and Maverick. I will NOT go to CP during the summer. Period. But yeah the park is just so epic these days...I think FL is always a good call. Unless you are spending multiple days, and willing to do some one and dones. Me? Im here to maximize, FL is deff necessary for me.

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27 minutes ago, Mike240SX said:

They haven't been open "7 days a week from opening day" for like 15+ years.  Your ability to know that opening day is going to be a shitshow is based on your own research...if you were relying on your experiences from almost two decades ago, that's your own fault.  Had you done any research into what the park is like in the past 5 years, you would see that opening weekend is always horrible, and before Memorial Day is a crap shoot as to what will be closed.  Every.  Single.  Year.  Except 2020, cuz y'know.

Um.  That is why I am here to get a feel of what to expect so we can be prepared?  Oh wait.  I already clarified that above.  LOL 

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26 minutes ago, JJLehto said:

I won't lie, I never do parks opening day. Past experiences are largely negative. It's nothing to feel bad about, or defend, or anything...it just is what it is. I only am doing an opening on this current trip (Carowinds) bc I have to, given the schedule and mine its just when it had to happen but I'm pretty darn nervous. Now...CP? and after last year? Yeah....it seems like asking for a bad time. I wont make any judgements or use idiot, I dont get why sometimes people are so harsh in the coaster community but I do gotta agree with the general sentiment, I've always heard horror stories about CP opening day as I have with many parks and have dealt with it myself. There's covid, the shortages yall discussed, prob should be a little understanding of the situation and have expected it may be a rough time. Sorry it was not a great time but like...its CP, opening, after a year of pent up demand, well established shortages, etc. Gotta be mindful of the situation and that things are not yet "normal" or ideal.  

May IS a great time to go to CP, but usually I go later in the month. Crowds were still pretty tolerable, weather great, the park in its groove. Tip for the future perhaps :)

Carrie, oh same. I recall when skip the lines first became a thing and both my fam and friends (after all we were young and had no money!) were resentful and thought it was snooty and elitist and they were jerks, we often took pride in not doing it. But yeah no way around it, life is sooooooo much better with it. Esp when coming from far....it IS damn nice to not deal with those lines and it just makes the whole day better. I will say, I only ever go to CP early or late season...and honestly the crowds are usually not tooooo bad. Hell once the park was pretty quiet and basically ALL the crowd was at SV and Maverick. I will NOT go to CP during the summer. Period. But yeah the park is just so epic these days...I think FL is always a good call. Unless you are spending multiple days, and willing to do some one and dones. Me? Im here to maximize, FL is deff necessary for me.

I LOVED Busch Gardens!  We went last month and  it was, pretty much, dead. Cobra's Curse was just FUN.  We laughed all the way! Hard to beat Cheetah Hunt, though.  Sheikra came close!   

So, in your opinion, FLP would make a world of difference right now?  I read somewhere the FLP line was just as long as the regular line, but I don't know if that happens?  Or...bag it until fall? 

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1 hour ago, Carrie said:

Um.  That is why I am here to get a feel of what to expect so we can be prepared?  Oh wait.  I already clarified that above.  LOL 

Apologies.  I had misread your posts, I hadn't realized that you haven't been to the park yet this year.

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2 minutes ago, Mike240SX said:

Apologies.  I had misread your posts, I hadn't realized that you haven't been to the park yet this year.

Nor in the last 20 years.  Marriage and children hinder life! 🤣

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On 5/17/2021 at 7:23 AM, coasterbill said:

So how early have they been cutting ride lines? It seems like they’ve been posting a wait time until park close for everything in the app even after they close the rides to get people to walk over there and give them one final kick in the balls on the way out. 🤣

I love that actual news stations are dragging them for their horrible opening weekend. I don’t really feel bad for anyone who went in with unreasonable expectations as this happens every single year, but I enjoy watching them get called out for it.

So to answer your question, they closed SV about 2 hours before closing on Saturday. They closed Maverick around 1 hour and I believe the same went for MF.

Now, for those wondering, did these lines finish out before the park closed? Yes, they did and yes they did open them back up since they extremely over estimated the wait times to push guests to the front of the park. When they opened back up for Maverick they did not reopen FL (many people with it just jumped over to it anyways and they let them on). SV is easier to open FL so it did open back with the line. This resulted in essentially no waits for both so if you were patient and risked it, you did get to ride. They would close the lines back off about 15 minutes before so they would have a strict 8pm closing on both rides. 

It was a rocky start and as usual rides weren't open, some were broken and they had typical opening day issues. The biggest frustrations I saw from employees and park goers were these new ride line closures and guests becoming extremely upset especially with FL. The persistent ones got to ride though and if you were reasonable the employees gave a "non answer" of sorts if it would open and appreciated reasonable guests just looking to get a few last rides in. Hopefully the park changes this policy since this was definitely the straw that broke the camels back for many people. Customer Service lines were insane with FL Saturday, haha.

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2 hours ago, BRTeller said:

So to answer your question, they closed SV about 2 hours before closing on Saturday. They closed Maverick around 1 hour and I believe the same went for MF.

Now, for those wondering, did these lines finish out before the park closed? Yes, they did and yes they did open them back up since they extremely over estimated the wait times to push guests to the front of the park. When they opened back up for Maverick they did not reopen FL (many people with it just jumped over to it anyways and they let them on). SV is easier to open FL so it did open back with the line. This resulted in essentially no waits for both so if you were patient and risked it, you did get to ride. They would close the lines back off about 15 minutes before so they would have a strict 8pm closing on both rides. 

It was a rocky start and as usual rides weren't open, some were broken and they had typical opening day issues. The biggest frustrations I saw from employees and park goers were these new ride line closures and guests becoming extremely upset especially with FL. The persistent ones got to ride though and if you were reasonable the employees gave a "non answer" of sorts if it would open and appreciated reasonable guests just looking to get a few last rides in. Hopefully the park changes this policy since this was definitely the straw that broke the camels back for many people. Customer Service lines were insane with FL Saturday, haha.

So, would you go again under the same circumstances?   I am new to FL and not familiar entirely with how it works.   Do the lines for FL get to be as long as the regular lines?  And, if they do, is this typical?  I just really want to be armed with info before we go. 




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I had a great time. A shitshow for sure, but I avoided the shit the best I could. To everyone that says opening day is always like this, yes, there have always been constant breakdowns, not every ride open, etc. But the two outliers were the food/drink/festival lines, and the FL+ line lengths. Other than that, yeah, to be expected. Now we know for next year to put budget money in the gift shop drink bucket and not preorder festival tickets, but I am happy that we can use them later in the season where previously you HAD to use them all the same day.

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